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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-09-18 3:50 已读 2040 次  


今天,“第 30 个第一届搞笑诺贝尔奖”如期揭晓,今年的主题为 bug(虫子)。由于疫情影响,颁奖典礼通过网络会议形式进行,并最大程度地保留了扔纸飞机等传统环节。

活动主持人,《不可思议年报》(Annals of Improbable Research)编辑 Marc Abrah

参与本次活动的颁奖嘉宾是 5 位货真价实的诺贝尔奖得主:Andre Geim(2010,物理学奖)、Eric Maskin(2007,经济学奖)、Frances Arnold(2018,化学奖)、Rich Roberts(1993,生理学或医学奖),Martin Chalfie(2008,化学奖)。 6park.com

除了用纸粘成的“奖杯”,今年的奖品也是我们的老朋友——10 万亿津巴布韦元。不过,今年改成了一张 10 万亿津巴布韦元的仿制币。 6park.com



获奖者:Stephan A. Reber,Takeshi Nishimura,Judith Janisch,Mark Robertson,W. Tecumseh Fitch

成年鳄鱼无论雌雄,都会全年发出响亮的吼叫声(bellows),在交配季节最为活跃。为了验证这些声音信号能否反映个体的体型,进而影响鳄鱼的求偶和领地行为,研究者通过回放来诱导雌性扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)在充有氦氧混合气的密闭腔室中吼叫。分析发现,鳄鱼的吼叫声中存在共振峰,这也是哺乳动物和鸟类中用声音体现体型大小诚实信号的常见机制。研究团队总结,由于鸟类和鳄鱼与所有恐龙都有共同的祖先,因此对它们的发声系统的研究有助于理解已灭绝的古生物的通讯机制。 6park.com

【标题】A Chinese alligator in heliox: formant frequencies in a crocodilian 6park.com

【期刊】Journal of Experimental Biology (IF=3.014) 6park.com

【作者】Stephan A. Reber, Takeshi Nishimura, Judith Janisch, Mark Robertson, W. Tecumseh Fitch 6park.com

【时间】2015 年 8 月 5 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1242/jeb.119552 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com

https://jeb.biologists.org/content/218/15/2442  6park.com

【摘要】Crocodilians are among the most vocal non-avian reptiles. Adults of both sexes produce loud vocalizations known as ‘bellows’ year round, with the highest rate during the mating season. Although the specific function of these vocalizations remains unclear, they may advertise the caller's body size, because relative size differences strongly affect courtship and territorial behaviour in crocodilians. In mammals and birds, a common mechanism for producing honest acoustic signals of body size is via formant frequencies (vocal tract resonances). To our knowledge, formants have to date never been documented in any non-avian reptile, and formants do not seem to play a role in the vocalizations of anurans. We tested for formants in crocodilian vocalizations by using playbacks to induce a female Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) to bellow in an airtight chamber. During vocalizations, the animal inhaled either normal air or a helium/oxygen mixture (heliox) in which the velocity of sound is increased. Although heliox allows normal respiration, it alters the formant distribution of the sound spectrum. An acoustic analysis of the calls showed that the source signal components remained constant under both conditions, but an upward shift of high-energy frequency bands was observed in heliox. We conclude that these frequency bands represent formants. We suggest that crocodilian vocalizations could thus provide an acoustic indication of body size via formants. Because birds and crocodilians share a common ancestor with all dinosaurs, a better understanding of their vocal production systems may also provide insight into the communication of extinct Archosaurians.


获奖者:Miranda Giacomin,Nicholas O. Rule


研究团队创立了一套方法,通过眉毛的浓度和整齐程度判断一个人的自恋程度,他们发现,和眉毛细长的人相比,眉毛更加浓密、整齐的人可能更自恋。 6park.com

【标题】Eyebrows Cue Grandiose Narcissism 6park.com

【期刊】Journal of Personality (IF=3.667) 6park.com

【作者】Miranda Giacomin and Nicholas O. Rule 6park.com

【时间】2018 年 5 月 5 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1111/jopy.12396 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jopy.12396  6park.com

【摘要】Objective 6park.com

Though initially charming and inviting, narcissists often engage in negative interpersonal behaviors. Identifying and avoiding narcissists therefore carries adaptive value. Whereas past research has found that people can judge others' grandiose narcissism from their appearance (including their faces), the cues supporting these judgments require further elucidation. Here, we investigated which facial features underlie perceptions of grandiose narcissism and how they convey that information.

Method and Results 6park.com

In Study 1, we explored the face's features using a variety of manipulations, ultimately finding that accurate judgments of grandiose narcissism particularly depend on a person's eyebrows. In Studies 2A–2C, we identified eyebrow distinctiveness (e.g., thickness, density) as the primary characteristic supporting these judgments. Finally, we confirmed the eyebrows' importance in Studies 3A and 3B by measuring how much perceptions of narcissism changed when swapping narcissists' and non‐narcissists' eyebrows between faces.

Conclusions 6park.com

Together, these data show that distinctive eyebrows reveal narcissists' personality to others, providing a basic understanding of the mechanism through which people can identify narcissistic personality traits with potential application to daily life.



2018 年 3 月,全球多家媒体报道了印度和巴基斯坦的相互骚扰行为:派出特工半夜按响对方高官的门铃然后逃跑,打骚扰电话,故意切断水电等等。(媒体:你们该长大了。) 6park.com



获奖者:Ivan Maksymov, Andriy Pototsky

生物细胞和许多活生物体主要由液体构成,因此类似于液滴,它们应表现出一系列基本的非线性现象,例如表面波的爆发。研究者们选择四种常见的蚯蚓,将其放置在平坦的水平固体表明上,观察它的垂直振动是否会产生法拉第波。实验验证了他们的猜想,为理解一些重要的生理过程提供了启发,例如神经信号的传播。 6park.com

【标题】Excitation of Faraday-like body waves in vibrated living earthworms 6park.com

【平台】bioRxiv 6park.com

【作者】Ivan Maksymov and Andriy Pototsky 6park.com

【时间】2019 年 12 月 8 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1101/868521 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jopy.12396  6park.com

【摘要】Biological cells and many living organisms are mostly made of liquids and therefore, by analogy with liquid drops, they should exhibit a range of fundamental nonlinear phenomena such as the onset of standing surface waves. Here, we test four common species of earthworm to demonstrate that vertical vibration of living worms lying horizontally of a flat solid surface results in the onset of subharmonic Faraday-like body waves, which is possible because earthworms have a hydrostatic skeleton with a flexible skin and a liquid-filled body cavity. Our findings are supported by theoretical analysis based on a model of parametrically excited vibrations in liquid-filled elastic cylinders using material parameters of the worm’s body reported in the literature. The ability to excite nonlinear subharmonic body waves in a living organism could be used to probe, and potentially to control, important biophysical processes such as the propagation of nerve impulses, thereby opening up avenues for addressing biological questions of fundamental impact.


获奖者:Christopher Watkins, Juan David Leongómez, Jeanne Bovet, Agnieszka Żelaźniewicz, Max Korbmacher, Marco Antônio Corrêa Varella, Ana Maria Fernandez, Danielle Wagstaff, and Samuela Bolgan

研究团队认为,接吻可能在评估伴侣健康状况和维持长期伴侣关系中发挥功能性作用,因此,接吻的使用频率和大众认可程度可能取决于文化环境对身体健康和伴侣投资的重视程度。研究对分布在六大洲的 13 个国家进行了分析,认为收入不平等与接吻频率正相关。他们总结:“在资源竞争更加激烈的国家,个体亲吻伴侣更为激烈,在某些恶劣环境中这可能在维护稳定的长期关系中发挥重要作用。” 6park.com

【标题】National Income Inequality Predicts Cultural Variation in Mouth to Mouth Kissing 6park.com

【期刊】Scientific Reports (IF=4.011‎) 6park.com

【作者】Christopher Watkins, Juan David Leongómez, Jeanne Bovet, Agnieszka Żelaźniewicz, Max Korbmacher, Marco Antônio Corrêa Varella, Ana Maria Fernandez, Danielle Wagstaff, and Samuela Bolgan 6park.com

【时间】2019 年 4 月 30 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1038/s41598-019-43267-7 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-43267-76  6park.com

【摘要】Romantic mouth-to-mouth kissing is culturally widespread, although not a human universal, and may play a functional role in assessing partner health and maintaining long-term pair bonds. Use and appreciation of kissing may therefore vary according to whether the environment places a premium on good health and partner investment. Here, we test for cultural variation (13 countries from six continents) in these behaviours/attitudes according to national health (historical pathogen prevalence) and both absolute (GDP) and relative wealth (GINI). Our data reveal that kissing is valued more in established relationships than it is valued during courtship. Also, consistent with the pair bonding hypothesis of the function of romantic kissing, relative poverty (income inequality) predicts frequency of kissing across romantic relationships. When aggregated, the predicted relationship between income inequality and kissing frequency (r = 0.67, BCa 95% CI[0.32,0.89]) was over five times the size of the null correlations between income inequality and frequency of hugging/cuddling and sex. As social complexity requires monitoring resource competition among large groups and predicts kissing prevalence in remote societies, this gesture may be important in the maintenance of long-term pair bonds in specific environments.



五名“获奖者”均为来自中国广西的杀手。其中,有人出资 200 万元要求奚广安暗杀魏某,奚广安以 100 万元的价格将任务转包给莫天祥,莫天祥以 27 万元的价格将任务转包给杨康生,杨康生以  20 万元的价格将任务转包给杨广生,杨广生以 10 万元的价格将任务转包给凌显四。凌显四觉得 10 万元太少,于是找到暗杀对象坦白,让他配合伪造现场,最终无人遇害。 6park.com



获奖者:Richard Vetter

在一般人看来,昆虫和蜘蛛属于同一类可怕的生物;而在昆虫学家群体中,“尽管他们研究的昆虫多种多样,他们仍然对蜘蛛有着不同的反应,“Vetter 在文章里写道。他发现蜘蛛恐惧症(arachnophobia)在昆虫学家里很普遍,这点令他感到惊讶。他调查了这个现象,并总结出昆虫学家们讨厌蜘蛛的原因,比如童年阴影。 6park.com

【标题】Arachnophobic Entomologists: When Two More Legs Makes a Big Difference 6park.com

【期刊】American Entomologist (IF = 0.580) 6park.com

【作者】Richard Vetter 6park.com

【时间】2013 年 7 月 1 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1093/ae/59.3.168 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com


医学奖 :研究了长期以来不为人所知的隐疾——厌声症(Misophonia),即听到别人吧唧嘴就恶心

获奖者:Nienke Vulink, Damiaan Denys, Arnoud van Loon

害怕他人吃饭吧唧嘴的症状从此有了诊断依据。这项 2013 年发表的研究背后有一个有趣的背景故事:3 位病人被医院转送到了获奖者的工作单位——位于阿姆斯特丹的强迫障碍研究中心,他们都曾报告对于他人吧唧嘴和呼吸的声音产生了强烈的痛苦感受和应激症状。这种症状被命名为厌声症(Misophonia),无法归到现有精神异常诊断标准的任何一项。 6park.com

获奖研究评估了 42 个病例,制作了一系列厌声症表现症状诊断量表。他们认为厌声症是一种新型的心理异常症状。 6park.com

【标题】Misophonia: Diagnostic Criteria for a New Psychiatric Disorder 6park.com

【期刊】PLoS ONE (IF= 1.772 ) 6park.com

【作者】Arjan Schroder, Nienke Vulink, and Damiaan Denys 6park.com

【时间】2013 年 1 月 23 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1371/journal.pone.0054706 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com

https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0054706  6park.com

【摘要】 6park.com

Background 6park.com

Some patients report a preoccupation with a specific aversive human sound that triggers impulsive aggression. This condition is relatively unknown and has hitherto never been described, although the phenomenon has anecdotally been named misophonia.

Methodology and Principal Findings 6park.com

42 patients who reported misophonia were recruited by our hospital website. All patients were interviewed by an experienced psychiatrist and were screened with an adapted version of the Y-BOCS, HAM-D, HAM-A, SCL-90 and SCID II. The misophonia patients shared a similar pattern of symptoms in which an auditory or visual stimulus provoked an immediate aversive physical reaction with anger, disgust and impulsive aggression. The intensity of these emotions caused subsequent obsessions with the cue, avoidance and social dysfunctioning with intense suffering. The symptoms cannot be classified in the current nosological DSM-IV TR or ICD-10 systems.

Conclusions 6park.com

We suggest that misophonia should be classified as a discrete psychiatric disorder. Diagnostic criteria could help to officially recognize the patients and the disorder, improve its identification by professional health carers, and encourage scientific research. 6park.com

【标题】Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is Effective in Misophonia: An Open Trial 6park.com

【期刊】Journal of affective disorders (IF= 3.786) 6park.com

【作者】Arjan E., Schröder, Nienke C. Vulink, Arnoud J. van Loon, and Damiaan A. Denys 6park.com

【时间】2017 年 4 月 18 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1016/j.jad.2017.04.017 6park.com

【链接】 6park.com

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032716321681  6park.com

【摘要】 6park.com

Background 6park.com

Misophonia is a psychiatric disorder in which ordinary human sounds like smacking or chewing provoke intense anger and disgust. Despite the high burden of this condition, to date there is no evidence-based treatment available. In this study we evaluated the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and investigated whether clinical or demographic characteristics predicted treatment response.

Methods 6park.com

Ninety patients with misophonia received eight bi-weekly group CBT sessions. Treatment response was defined as a ClinicalGlobal Impression – Improvement Scale (CGI-I) score at endpoint of 1 or 2 (very much or much improved) and a 30% or greater reduction on the Amsterdam Misophonia Scale (A-MISO-S), a measure of the severity of misophonia symptoms.

Results 6park.com

Following treatment 48% (N=42) of the patients showed a significant reduction of misophonia symptoms. Severity of misophonia and the presence of disgust were positive predictors of treatment response.

Limitations 6park.com

The A-MISO-S is not a validated scale. Furthermore, this was an open-label study with a waiting list control condition.

Conclusions 6park.com

This is the first treatment study for misophonia. Our results suggest that CBT is effective in half of the patients.


获奖者:巴西、英国、印度、墨西哥、白俄罗斯、美国、土耳其、俄罗斯和土库曼斯坦 9 个国家的领导人

主持人指出,在获奖者领导的国家中,新冠肺炎确诊案例总计超过 1 千 8 百万,死亡病例超过 50 万,而这些数字还在持续增长。他说:“这是我们尤其希望激发人们讨论的单项奖。我们希望人们能够认清国家作出的一个决定能够造成多大的后果。如果我们不做出改变,这个后果还将在我们的社会中持续发酵。“


获奖者:Metin Eren, Michelle Bebber, James Norris, Alyssa Perrone, Ashley Rutkoski, Michael Wilson, and Mary Ann Raghanti

人类学家 Wade Davis 曾讲过一则奇闻:因纽特家庭为了说服一个成员一块搬家离开冰原,没收了这个男人的刀。找不着刀的男人毫无畏惧,他把自己的粪便冰冻,吐上唾沫磨成刀,用这把刀杀死一条狗,将狗的骨头做成雪橇,让另一条狗拖着雪橇一路驶进北极深处。 6park.com

Davis 讲的故事可能是假的,但 Metin Eren 等人完成的探究实验可是货真价实。他和同事Michelle Bebber 用 8 天的时间生产了足够多的实验材料,将它们做成刀状,然后冷冻了起来。他们测试了这些刀在猪皮、肌肉组织还有猪蹄筋上的使用效果,可惜这些刀不仅没能完成使命,还在实验过程中融化了。研究团队强调,他们的实验环境温度为 10 摄氏度,因此,“未来的研究者们可以考虑在更冷的环境里进行测试”。 6park.com

【标题】Experimental Replication Shows Knives Manufactured from Frozen Human Feces Do Not Work 6park.com

【期刊】Journal of Archaeological Science (IF= 1.293 ) 6park.com

【作者】Metin Eren, Michelle Bebber, James Norris, Alyssa Perrone, Ashley Rutkoski, Michael Wilson, and Mary Ann Raghanti 6park.com

【时间】2019 年 9 月 10 日 6park.com

【DOI】10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102002 6park.com

【链接】https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352409X19305371  6park.com

【摘要】The ethnographic account of an Inuit man manufacturing a knife from his own frozen feces to butcher and disarticulate a dog has permeated both the academic literature and popular culture. To evaluate the validity of this claim, we tested the basis of that account via experimental archaeology. Our experiments assessed the functionality of knives made from human feces in controlled conditions that provided optimal conditions for success. However, they were not functional. While much research has shown foragers to be technologically resourceful, innovative, and savvy, we suggest that this ethnographic account should no longer be used to support that narrative.

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