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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-26 3:35 已读 4359 次  


Macron Warns Europe ‘Can Die’ Without Stronger Military, Economy



法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)警告说,从经济基础到国防和移民方面的策略,欧洲大陆的架构本身存在一些关键性缺口,如果不能加以弥补,那么欧洲持续数十年之久的和平合作计划可能消亡。 6park.com

French President Emmanuel Macron warned that Europe’s decadeslong project of peaceful cooperation might perish if the continent doesn’t shore up critical gaps in its architecture, from its economic underpinnings to its approach to defense and immigration. 6park.com

上述讲话被视作马克龙第一个任期之初在巴黎索邦大学(Sorbonne University)发表的具有里程碑意义的演讲的续篇。七年后,在经历了新冠疫情以及乌克兰和加沙战争之后,马克龙周四再次回到索邦大学,发表了上述展望性的演讲,称在美国、中国和俄罗斯之间大国竞争的冲击下,欧洲大陆正处于转折点。 6park.com

Macron delivered the comments in what was billed as a sequel to the landmark address he gave at the Sorbonne University in Paris at the start of his first term. Seven years later—following a pandemic and the outbreak of wars in Ukraine and Gaza—Macron returned to the Sorbonne on Thursday with a foreboding message that cast Europe as a continent at a tipping point, buffeted by great-power rivalries between the U.S., China and Russia. 6park.com

“我们必须清醒地认识到,今时今日,我们的欧洲犹如凡俗之躯,它也会死,一切只取决于我们的选择,”马克龙说。“但现在必须作出这些选择,因为欧洲大陆正面临和平与战争的问题。” 6park.com

“We have to be lucid about the fact that our Europe today is mortal—it can die—and it depends only on the choices we make,” Macron said. “But these choices must be made now because it is today that the question of peace and war is being played out on our continent.” 6park.com

二战结束以来跨大西洋关系已经成为全球安全和贸易的基石,但如今这一关系出现裂痕,令欧洲陷入严重的焦虑情绪之中。本周,美国国会通过了一项价值953亿美元的对外援助计划,向陷入困境的乌克兰军队提供急需的武器,并加强以色列的导弹防御系统。但在那之前,美国国会围绕乌克兰问题的艰难辩论引发共和党的严重分裂,许多共和党成员逐渐倾向于特朗普(Donald Trump)带有孤立主义色彩的“美国优先”主张。 6park.com

Anxieties are running high in Europe over the fraying of trans-Atlantic ties that have underpinned global security and trade since the end of World War II. This week Congress passed a $95.3 billion foreign-aid package, sending much-needed weapons to Ukraine’s beleaguered forces and fortifying Israel’s missile-defense systems. But that came after a wrenching debate over Ukraine that sharply split the Republican Party, with many members drifting toward Donald Trump’s “America First” isolationism. 6park.com

马克龙认为俄罗斯入侵乌克兰是对欧洲大陆生存的威胁,他警告说,如果基辅陷落,其他国家的首都可能就是下一个目标。 6park.com

Macron views Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an existential threat to the continent, warning that if Kyiv falls, other capitals could be next. 6park.com

周四,他呼吁欧盟发行共同债务为军事投入提供资金,正如欧洲大陆利用债务市场为应对新冠疫情提供资金一样。这一观点此前已经遭到德国和其他几个北欧国家的反对。 6park.com

On Thursday, he called on the EU to issue common debt to fund military investment—a concept opposed by Germany and several other Northern European countries—just as the continent tapped debt markets to fund its response to the Covid pandemic. 6park.com

马克龙说:“我们没有武装起来应对我们面临的风险。” 6park.com

“We are not armed to cope with the risks we face,” Macron said. 6park.com

马克龙对欧洲自治的宣扬曾让他与盟友陷入对立。2月份时他与德国总理朔尔茨(Olaf Scholz)发生了冲突,因法国人拒绝排除从北约国家向乌克兰派遣军队的可能性,马克龙认为这是“战略模糊”立场的一部分,这种立场将所有军事选项都亮出来,让莫斯科琢磨不透。 6park.com

The French leader’s push for European autonomy has landed him in hot water with allies before. In February he clashed with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz over the Frenchman’s refusal to rule out sending troops from NATO countries to Ukraine—part of what Macron regards as a stance of “strategic ambiguity” that leaves all military options on the table and keeps Moscow guessing. 6park.com

马克龙周四表示,欧洲应加强在北约发挥的作用。北约的许多成员国仍未达到军费占GDP 2%的门槛。他说,欧洲还需要在制定集体防御战略方面采取更多主动行动。 6park.com

On Thursday, Macron said Europe should strengthen its role in NATO. Many countries in the alliance still don’t meet its threshold of spending 2% of GDP on their militaries. Europe, he said, also needed to take more initiative in defining a strategy for its collective defense. 6park.com

“我们必须建立这样一个欧洲,它既有能力表明自己永远不会是美国的附庸,也知道如何与全球所有地区对话。” 6park.com

“We must build a Europe capable of showing that it is never the vassal of the United States of America, and that it also knows how to speak to all regions of the world.” 6park.com

朔尔茨在X上发文回应了马克龙的讲话,他说:“法国和德国都希望欧洲保持强大。你的演说包含了实现这一目标的好思路。” 6park.com

Scholz responded to Macron’s address with a post on X, saying: “France and Germany both want for Europe to remain strong. Your speech contains good ideas to achieve this.”

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