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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-22 17:57 已读 4345 次 1 赞  


2月20日,刚在2024年NBA全明星名人赛上大放异彩的王鹤棣接受了中国日报的独家专访。 6park.com

全场比赛,25岁的中国演员王鹤棣代表香农队替补出战21分钟,15投9中,得到18分3篮板1助攻,创造了中国明星NBA名人赛记录。 6park.com

In a dazzling display of talent and passion, Chinese actor Dylan Wang made waves at the 2024 Ruffles All-Star Celebrity Game, scoring 18 points in 21 minutes of game time. The 25-year-old has set a new record for the most points scored by a Chinese celebrity.  6park.com

王鹤棣向中国日报分享了他的比赛心态:“来都来了,我要上场!去得分!去展现自己!” 6park.com

After excelling in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, Dylan Wang revealed to China Daily his simple game-time philosophy, "Hit the court to score!"  6park.com

Wang said, "Come all this way, and since I love basketball so much, I felt that on such an important stage, and on such a special day, I really wanted to go on the court, to score, and to showcase myself. " 6park.com

他用“幸运”和“兑现”两个词汇总结了此次NBA之旅,还表达了对于此次意想不到的机会的感激,以及实现梦想的深刻满足感。 6park.com

Describing his journey as "fortunate" and "fulfilled," Wang highlights his gratitude for unexpected opportunities and the deep satisfaction from realizing his dreams.

在比赛期间,有关王鹤棣的词条屡次冲上海内外社交媒体热搜榜。众多粉丝留言中,最让王鹤棣感动的是一位网友写的:“尽情去发挥吧,用最好的表现赢得国外球员的尊重!” 6park.com

Wang was in the US to take part in the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, held at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on Feb 16. 6park.com

Amid the outpouring of positive feedback, one comment stood out to him: "Go Play and win their respect with your excellent performance." 6park.com

在参加了名人赛,解说了全明星单项赛和正赛,并参与了场外篮球文化探索和诸多互动后,王鹤棣的“棣一次”全明星之旅完美落幕。 6park.com

正值中国农历新年,王鹤棣在感受NBA篮球文化的同时,也更好地传播了中国的传统文化。 6park.com

此次中国艺人王鹤棣与NBA传奇球星的跨界联动,让中美文化在文体界的互动中碰撞出了新的火花。 6park.com

中国传统文化与NBA精神深度联结,互鉴交流充满了别样的魅力。 6park.com


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