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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-26 18:55 已读 4043 次 1 赞  


你是否有这样的感受:即使每天睡够了8个小时,但醒来还是昏昏沉沉? 6park.com

闭上眼睛,你感知到自己浑身僵硬,胸口发紧,头疼欲裂。你很烦躁、紧张,即使手头没有事情要做,却还是保持警觉,总是担心有新的任务出现。 6park.com


或许,你已经陷入了紧绷状态,过度的紧绷消耗了你大量的能量。 6park.com

当一个人紧张时,交感神经就会亢奋,刺激肌肉发力。人的肌肉分为随意肌(voluntary muscles)与不随意肌(involuntary muscles)。随意肌如手臂肌肉能由我们的意志控制,不随意肌如心脏肌肉则不由我们的意志控制。我们容易意识到随意肌的变化,却很少觉察到不随意肌的运动。 6park.com


职业倦怠(occupational burnout)、习惯性拖延(habitual procrastination)、高敏感人格(highly sensitive personality) 等都有可能导致你长期处于紧绷状态。 6park.com


1. 学会规划休息

许多人都不知道如何安排自己的休息时间,总是在休息时感到焦虑。 6park.com

据《卫报》,演员黛安·基顿(Diane Keaton)在接受《More》杂志采访时表示:“我不知道休息一周该怎么办。” 音乐家格温·史蒂芬妮(Gwen Stefani)告诉造型师,每当她有休息时间,她就会觉得“有点恐慌或试图计划下一件事。” 当被问及下班后通常做什么时,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)说:“通常是干更多活。” 6park.com

According  to the Guardian, the actor Diane Keaton told More magazine: “I wouldn’t know what to do with a week off,” while the musician Gwen Stefani told Stylist that whenever she has any downtime, she feels as if she is “panicking a bit or trying to plan the next thing”. Elon Musk, when asked what he usually does after work, said: “Usually work more.”

美国精神病学家埃徳蒙·雅各布森(Edmund Jacobson) 建议,人们无论在什么时候都应该学会管理自己,在完成任务时注意“节流”,避免能量的过度使用。 6park.com

Edmund Jacobson, an American psychiatrist, suggested that people should learn how to run themselves efficiently not only during the difficulties but also during the happy hours of life, and save in his daily energy costs while accomplishing what he really needs to do.  6park.com



2. 小睡10分钟

抽空打个盹好处多多。临床神经心理学家凯瑟琳·E·米尔纳(Catherine E. Milner) 和心理学家金伯利·A·科特(Kimberly A. Cote)在2009年发表的一项研究显示,10至20分钟的小睡就足以提高你的工作效率,增强警觉性,改善你的情绪。 6park.com

A 10- to 20-minute nap can enhance your work performance, increase alertness, and improve your mood, according to a study published in 2009 by clinical neuropsychologist Catherine Milner and psychologist Kimberly Cote.

此外,研究表明,小睡10分钟的好处能在你醒后立即见效,这非常适用于工作场景,便于醒后迅速开展工作。而小睡5分钟和不小睡对工作表现的影响没有差异。20至30分钟的小睡会在醒后产生睡眠惰性,造成思考和表现能力下降,让你仍感到昏昏沉沉。 6park.com

Moreover, it showed that the 10-min nap had immediate benefits, which is ideal for workplace settings where performance immediately upon awakening is normally required. However, the 5-minute nap and no nap conditions had no difference in work performance. The 20- and 30-min naps led initially to sleep inertia, resulting in a reduction in the ability to think and perform. Actually, this can leave you feeling more tired than before. 6park.com


3. 接触大自然

斯德哥尔摩大学心理学教授杰斯珀·J·阿尔瓦松(Jesper J. Alvarsson)在2010年发表的一项研究中指出,大自然声音比城市声音能更快恢复交感神经的活力。 6park.com

临床心理学家雷切尔·安德鲁(Rachel Andrew)说:“进入大自然能令人振奋且滋养情绪。” 6park.com

Physiological recovery of sympathetic activation is faster during exposure to pleasant nature sounds than to less pleasant noise of lower, similar, or higher sound pressure level, according to a study published in 2010 by Jesper J. Alvarsson, professor of psychology at the Stockholm University. 6park.com

“Being out in nature is uplifting and nourishing,” said clinical psychologist Rachel Andrew.


4. 社交放松


英国俱乐部创始人妮娜·格温菲德(Nina Grunfeld)建议,如果你在节日期间与家人或朋友共度时光,可以给每个人分配一个小时,让他们负责团队的日程安排,他们可以选择他们认为最放松的活动。 6park.com

Nina Grunfeld, the founder of Life Clubs, a UK organization that aims to help people live more fulfilling lives, suggested that if you are spending time with family or friends over the festive period, assign each person one hour in which they are in charge of the group’s schedule, when they can choose whichever activity they consider most relaxing. 6park.com

“我的孩子中,一个可能会想大家都玩电子游戏,另一个想都去散步,还有一个会让我们都烤蛋糕。这样大家都有一点‘自我时间’,也可以体验别人的——不用整天做决定,这非常放松。” 6park.com

“One of my children might decide we all have to play a video game; another will decide we are all going for a walk; another will make us all bake cakes. That way you all get a bit of ‘me-time’, and you can experience someone else’s — and it’s very relaxing not having to make decisions for the whole day,” she said.

5. 渐进性肌肉放松法

找一个安静舒适的地方坐下,然后闭上眼睛,让你的身体放松。你可以斜靠在扶手椅上。穿上宽松舒适的衣服,脱掉你的鞋子。在开始渐进性肌肉放松法(progressive muscle relaxation)之前,进行5次深呼吸。

第一步:让肌肉紧张起来 6park.com

找到一个特定的肌肉群,让它们紧绷起来。首先,将注意力集中在目标肌肉群上,例如你的左手。接下来慢慢地深呼吸,尽可能用力地挤压肌肉、持续5秒。需要能真正地感受到肌肉的紧张,甚至感到肌肉因为紧张而微微颤抖。 6park.com

The first step is applying muscle tension to a specific part of the body. First, focus on the target muscle group, for example, your left hand. Next, take a slow, deep breath and squeeze the muscles as hard as you can for about 5 seconds. It is important to really feel the tension in the muscles, which may even cause a bit of discomfort or shaking. In this instance, you would be making a tight fist with your left hand.

第二步:放松紧张的肌肉 6park.com

紧张5秒之后,松懈下来,并缓慢地呼气。你应该能感到那部分肌肉变得松弛无力,注意感受放松与紧张的区别。 6park.com

After about 5 seconds, let all the tightness flow out of the tensed muscles. Exhale as you do this step. You should feel the muscles become loose and limp, as the tension flows out. It is important to very deliberately focus on and notice the difference between the tension and relaxation.  6park.com

保持这种放松状态大约15秒,然后转到下一个肌肉群。重复“紧张-松弛”的步骤。 6park.com

Remain in this relaxed state for about 15 seconds, then move on to the next muscle group. Repeat the tension-relaxation steps. 6park.com

对所有肌肉群完成训练后,花一点时间享受深度放松的状态。 6park.com


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