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送交者: 佛祖心中L[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-03-02 13:21 已读 6487 次 5 赞  



Here’s a song I translated from “天边”into English. This is a 2005 song with an ethnic Inner Mongolian folk style. The translated song was sung by an artificial voice. 6park.com

Here’s the complete translation

Far in the sky, twin stars align, like haunting eyes in dreams of mine

In the mountains, the morning mist hides your tender love from last night’s sign

I long to climb the summit high, to chase your shadow in the fog’s line

I long to ride a steed so fine, in quest of distant stars, a dream divine, dream divine

High above, a giant tree stands tall, its shade a refuge where my soul lands

Beyond its reach, a mountain rises, symbolizing your heart so grand

I yearn to gather at the tree’s root, to weave dreams of beauty by hand

I yearn to roam the mountain's base, in search of your steps that expand, steps expand

With you, I’ll ride, on steeds together, galloping through meadows, vast and free

With you, I’ll soar, wings unfurled, gliding through sky's boundless spree, boundless spree

贴主:佛祖心中L于2024_03_02 13:25:53编辑

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