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送交者: nohup[★品衔R6★] 于 2022-11-15 7:50 已读 1213 次  


https://mathoverflow.net/questions/434583/philosophy-behind-zhangs-2022-preprint-on-the-landau-siegel-zero 6park.com

I would advise that public discussion of the preprint be postponed until there is reasonable consensus on the correctness of the manuscript (after the issues already located have been addressed by Yitang). I understand the excitement about this potentially significant result, but the slow, careful process of verifying (a hopefully forthcoming revision of) the manuscript still needs to be done, and too much premature public discussion of the preprint could in fact distract from and interfere with this necessary step. Check back in a month or so. 6park.com

The main thing that would make the verification process easier is the release of a carefully revised and proofread version of the manuscript by Yitang. For this, I believe it would be more efficacious if questions and concerns about the paper are communicated to Yitang by private channels, rather than public forums such as MathOverflow, which Yitang has not shown much prior interest in engaging with. 6park.com


能使核查过程更容易的主要步骤是由益唐发布一份经过仔细修改和校对的手稿。对于这一点,我相信,如果对论文的问题和关注通过私人渠道与益唐沟通,而不是像MathOverflow这样的公共论坛,会更有效,因为益唐之前并没有表现出对参与MathOverflow论坛的兴趣。 6park.com

https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2021/09/15/the-hardy-littlewood-chowla-conjecture-in-the-presence-of-a-siegel-zero/comment-page-1/#comment-660236  6park.com

At this point the essential correctness of the manuscript is unconfirmed. There are a number of misprints and technical issues in the paper (mostly centering around Sections 11 and 12) that are hindering the verification process and which I have forwarded to Yitang in order to request clarification. For instance, there are references to non-existent equations (8.25) and (8.26) on pages 64, 65, 67, (10.) on page 67, “(4) and (4)” on pages 67 and 69, and “(5) and (5)” on page 63; there also appears to be a reference missing completely just before Lemma 12.3 on page 70. As a consequence, several steps in the manuscript currently have no valid justification provided. It is possible that these (as well as some more serious issues) can be corrected, but it will likely take some time before the process resolves (in particular, I would not want to pressure Yitang to upload a hastily edited revision of the manuscript instead of a carefully proofread one), and so patience is advised.  6park.com

目前,该稿件的基本正确性还没有得到确认。论文中有一些打印错误和技术问题(主要集中在第11节和第12节),阻碍了验证过程,我已将这些问题转给了益唐,以要求澄清。例如,第64、65、67页提到了不存在的方程(8.25)和(8.26),第67页的(10.),第67和69页的"(4)和(4)",以及第63页的"(5)和(5)";在第70页Lemma 12.3之前似乎也完全没有提到。因此,手稿中的几个步骤目前没有提供有效的理由。这些问题(以及一些更严重的问题)有可能得到纠正,但可能需要一些时间才能解决(特别是,我不想给益唐施加压力,让他上传一份匆忙编辑的修订稿而不是仔细校对的稿件),因此建议耐心等待。
贴主:nohup于2022_11_15 7:52:48编辑
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