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多伦多机场价值2250 万加元的黄金大盗案中有多人被捕,两人是加航员工
送交者: 不知笔名[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-04-17 21:25 已读 4000 次 2 赞  


据CBC报道,多伦多警方称,调查去年皮尔逊机场一起价值两千万加元黄金盗窃案的专案组已经逮捕了多人,提出了 19 项相关指控,并截获了与此案有关的 “大量枪支”,这些枪支准备进口到加拿大。


其中一名被捕男子现年 54 岁,来自布兰普顿,是加拿大航空公司的一名员工。警方还对另一名男子发出了逮捕令,此人在盗窃案发生时也是加航的一名员工。


警方没有透露逮捕了多少人,也没有说明是否追回了赃物,但美国烟酒枪支弹药管理局的介入表明这起案件与国际间存在联系。联合调查的代号为 “24K 项目”。

2023 年 4 月 17 日晚,窃贼从机场附近的一个货物仓库盗走了装有价值 2100 万加元的 24 根金条和 270 万加元现金的集装箱。这批货物刚刚搭乘加拿大航空公司的航班从苏黎世抵达。这批货物是由布林克公司安排的。



布林克公司在 10 月份起诉了加航,要求其赔偿被盗货物的价值,称加航的仓库不安全,而且小偷使用了伪造的文件来索要现金和黄金。加航在法庭文件中否认了布林克的指控。

根据诉讼中提交的法庭文件,黄金是以多伦多道明银行(Toronto-Dominion Bank)的名义运送的,现金则是为温哥华金银货币交易所(Vancouver Bullion and Currency Exchange)运送的。布林克公司表示已向客户赔偿了损失。

在对加航的诉讼中,布林克公司称加航 “粗心大意 “地操作安全货运业务,没有使用适当的保险库和监控设备,公司为运输这批货物支付了保险费,运单上标明 “请特别监督。贵重货物”。

加拿大航空公司在辩护中称,布林克公司没有在货运单据上列出黄金和现金的价值,并称索赔金额超出了航空公司根据国际航空货运规则应承担的责任。 6park.com

Multiple arrests, 19 charges laid in $22.5M Pearson gold heist

Daring theft the single-largest gold heist in Canadian history, police investigator says

Lucas Powers · CBC News · Posted: Apr 17, 2024 7:01 AM EDT 

2 Air Canada employees played key roles in Pearson gold heist, police allege

4 hours ago



Two men who worked for Air Canada allegedly played key roles in the theft of some $22.5 million in gold and cash from Toronto Pearson International Airport last spring, police say. CBC’s Ali Chiasson dives into the investigation that has led to multiple arrests and 19 charges.

Two men who worked for Air Canada allegedly played key roles in the theft of some $22.5 million in gold and cash from Toronto Pearson International Airport last spring, police say.

At a news conference Wednesday, Peel Regional Police said their joint investigation with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has led to multiple arrests and 19 charges, as well as the interception of a "large quantity of firearms" destined for Canada.

"This story is a sensational one, and one which probably, we jokingly say, belongs in a Netflix series," Peel police Chief Nishan Duraiappah said.

"This one is a carefully planned and well-organized group of criminals from both inside and outside of airport facilities that orchestrated this theft," he added.

Lead investigator Det.-Sgt. Mike Mavity called the daring theft from an Air Canada cargo facility the single-largest gold heist in Canadian history. He said two men who worked for the airline were instrumental in pulling it off.

One of those employees, Parmpal Sidhu, a 54-year-old man from Brampton, Ont., who worked in the warehouse, has been arrested and charged with theft over $5,000 and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. Meanwhile, a Canada-wide arrest warrant has been issued for Simran Preet Panesar, 31, also from Brampton. Mavity said Panesar worked as a manager and led police on "a tour" of the cargo facility after the theft, then resigned from Air Canada last summer.

"They needed people inside Air Canada to facilitate this theft," Mavity said.

Police have arrested multiple people and laid 19 charges in relation to a multimillion-dollar gold heist at Pearson airport last year. Peel police Det.-Sgt. Mike Mavity said the suspect gained access to an Air Canada storage facility using an airway bill — a document typically issued by a carrier with details on the shipment — for a shipment of seafood picked up a day prior.

Air Canada spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick confirmed two of the individuals identified by the police did work for Air Canada in the cargo division at the time of the heist.

"One left the company prior to the arrests announced today and the second has been suspended," he said. "As this is now before the courts, we are limited in our ability to comment further."

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