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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-14 1:12 已读 3919 次  


Japan’s native population declines at record rate as births plunge

Latest data shows number of Japanese nationals is falling at rate of almost 100 an hour despite government efforts. 6park.com


The native population of Japan is falling at a rate of almost 100 people an hour despite intensified efforts by the government to raise the nation’s low fertility rate. 6park.com

尽管日本政府正在加大力度提高国家的低生育率,但日本的本土人口仍以每小时近100人的速度在减少。 6park.com


According to official data released on Friday, the number of Japanese nationals dropped by the biggest amount in a year since comparable records began in 1950 — a fall of 837,000 in the 12 months to October 1 2023. 6park.com

根据上周五公布的官方数据,自1950年有可比记录以来,日本国民人数在一年内创下了最大降幅——在截至2023年10月1日的12个月内减少了83.7万人。 6park.com


That decline represents a daily drop of 2,293 people, or just under 96 per hour.  6park.com

这一下降代表着每天减少了2,293人,也就是说每小时减少了不到96人。 6park.com


The same report, published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, showed Japan’s overall population was 124.3mn in October — down 595,000 from the previous year when adjusted for steadily rising levels of migrant workers, overseas students and foreign permanent residents. 6park.com

日本总务省发布的同一份报告显示,考虑到外籍劳工、海外学生和外国永久居民人数的稳步增长,日本在10月份的总人口为1.243亿,比上一年减少了59.5万人。 6park.com


In a report released last year, the country’s Immigration Services Agency said the number of foreign nationals living in Japan had reached a record high of 3.2mn at the end of June 2023. The increase was driven by expansion in a visa programme for skilled workers in specified sectors and in technical internships. 6park.com

日本移民服务机构在去年发布的一份报告中指出,截至2023年6月底,居住在日本的外国人数量已创纪录地达到320万人。这一增长主要由特定行业的熟练工人签证计划扩大和技术实习项目推动。 6park.com


The record drop in the number of Japanese nationals marked the 13th consecutive year of decline for a nation that has led the developed world in population contraction and ageing, and whose demographic patterns are increasingly being followed by other nations in Asia and beyond. 6park.com

日本国民数量的创纪录下降,标志着这个国家连续第13年人口减少,老龄化问题日益严重。日本在人口萎缩和老龄化方面一直领先于发达国家,其人口模式正日益受到亚洲和其他地区国家的效仿。 6park.com


Japan’s latest population numbers followed the release in February of a preliminary tally of the number of babies born in 2023: a record low of 758,631, down 5.1 per cent from the previous year.  6park.com

日本最新的人口数据在今年2月公布2023年出生婴儿数量的初步统计之后发布:该年度出生婴儿数量创下历史新低,为758,631人,比上一年下降了5.1%。 6park.com


In its most recent forecasts, Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS) had expected the number to fall to 755,000 by 2035, suggesting the rate of decline is now far quicker than expected. 6park.com

日本国立人口社会保障研究所(IPSS)在其最新预测中表示,到2035年,这一数字将降至755,000,这表明当前的下降速度远超预期。 6park.com


The latest data adds to an already very top-heavy population pyramid, with historic distortions at both ends. The number of under-15s in Japan is at a record low of 11.4 per cent of the overall population, while the number of over-65s is at a record high of 29.1 per cent. 6park.com


The numbers represent the latest shock in a long-term demographic crisis that Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has said has taken the country to “the brink of being unable to maintain social functions”. 6park.com

这些数据代表了日本首相岸田文雄(Fumio Kishida)所说的长期人口危机的最新冲击,这场危机已经使日本处于“无法维持社会功能”的边缘。 6park.com


Kishida’s comments accompanied the release last year of a package of measures aimed at encouraging families to produce more children by reducing medical, educational and other costs — upgraded versions of previous policies that have so far failed to reverse the long-term trend of fertility decline.  6park.com

岸田文雄的评论伴随着去年发布的一揽子措施,这些措施旨在通过降低医疗、教育和其他费用来鼓励家庭生育更多的孩子。这些措施是之前政策的升级版,但至今仍未能扭转生育率下降的长期趋势。 6park.com


Also on Friday, the IPSS produced a bleak outlook for the future of Japanese households as families become smaller and the population of unmarried elderly people balloons. 6park.com

同样在周五,随着家庭规模的缩小和未婚老年人口的激增,IPSS对日本家庭的未来做出了悲观的预测。 6park.com


The forecasts noted that Japan’s average household consisted of 2.21 people in 2020 and was on track to fall below 2.0 in the year 2033 as living alone increasingly became the norm. 6park.com

预测显示,2020年日本的平均家庭人口为2.21人,而随着独居生活逐渐成为常态,预计到2033年这个数字将降至2.0以下。 6park.com

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