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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-13 18:55 已读 4072 次 1 赞  


起猛了!一觉醒来,北京地铁四号线成霍格沃茨专列了…… 6park.com



“北京也有9¾站台了!还有谁没去打卡?”4月9日,在不少社交平台,这处“哈利·波特”主题景观装饰墙火了。 6park.com

据《北京日报》报道,站台中间被装饰成了《哈利·波特》经典场景9¾站台的样子。在站台中间过道处,每一根立柱都被红砖样式的海报包裹。最中间的两根立柱前,分别放置了一辆和电影中一样“隐没”在墙里的行李车,车上有3个红色的小皮箱和一筐黄色的纸卷轴,给整个地铁站营造出一种复古的魔法风,吸引了不少乘客围观拍照。 6park.com

Platform 9¾, a beloved scene from the iconic Harry Potter series, magically materialized at a station in the Beijing subway on Tuesday, enchanting fans who flocked to capture the moment with their phones. 6park.com

According to the Beijing Daily, the unique platform display has been set up at the East Gate of Peking University Station on Line 4. The platform is adorned with red brick-style posters wrapping each pillar in the middle aisle. Positioned in front of the two central pillars is a luggage cart seemingly "vanishing" into the wall, reminiscent of a scene from the movie.

Additionally, the cart is loaded with three red suitcases and a basket filled with yellow scrolls, evoking a sense of nostalgia and magic throughout the subway station. This enchanting display has captivated the attention of many passengers, who are drawn to gather around and capture the moment with photographs. 6park.com

“在普通人眼中,这个站台仅仅是一堵墙,而真正的魔法师冲上去就会穿越,到达9¾站台,坐上前往霍格沃茨特快列车。”人群中,《哈利·波特》粉丝小陈正在和同伴滔滔不绝地讲着有关9¾站台的故事。她说,9日中午她在社交平台看到地铁站里出现这处装饰景点后,心情十分激动,一下班就迫不及待地拉着朋友过来打卡拍照。 6park.com

"In the eyes of ordinary people, this platform may seem like just a wall, but to a true wizard, it is a portal to Platform 9¾ where the Hogwarts Express awaits," a movie enthusiast surnamed Chen explained, as she excitedly shared the story with her friends. Chen, who had discovered the magical spot via social media, couldn't contain her excitement and immediately made plans to visit with her friends. 6park.com

此外,北京地铁四号线内部部分车厢已经装饰成哈利波特主题,贴满了相关主题的海报和装饰,给了哈利波特爱好者们一个沉浸式体验。 6park.com

Beijing subway Line 4 has introduced a Harry Potter themed train, adorned with enchanting posters and decorations inspired by the beloved series. From Quidditch to owls, the train immerses passengers in the magical world of Hogwarts.

除了来打卡的普通市民,还有不少有备而来的摄影师以及穿着魔法袍戴着假发的年轻人,蜂拥而来的人群一时间让站厅内热闹非凡。尽管北京大学东门地铁站不是换乘站,但晚高峰时间,还是有不少乘客在此上下车。 6park.com

In addition to people arriving to capture moments with their cameras, the station hall was also bustling with photographers and young individuals donning wizard robes and wigs. 6park.com

拍照的人一定程度上影响了正常乘车的乘客,有乘客因为上车的通道被阻,不得不绕开拍照人群,“劳驾,借过”的声音不绝于耳。一名年轻女孩光顾着给同伴拍照,不自觉地往后退了一步,和路过的另一名乘客撞了个“满怀”,忙不迭道歉。 6park.com

站台人流量过大,工作人员在哈利波特站台周围围起了警戒线,提醒大家注意安全。 6park.com

In response to the high volume of people on site, cautionary lines and signs have been placed around the decorative wall to ensure the safety of passengers. 6park.com


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