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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-10 18:54 已读 3070 次 2 赞  


这个周末,科幻电影名导丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦的《沙丘2》(Dune: Part Two)毫无悬念地问鼎全国票房冠军。


Continuing from where it leaves off in the first Dune movie released three years ago, Dune: Part Two— which is set in the far future, envisioning interstellar travel as a regular practice — continues to narrate the saga of Paul Atreides, the protagonist and sole heir of House Atreides, an aristocratic family massacred in a brutal plot orchestrated by a rival noble family secretly supported by the emperor. 6park.com

Atreides and his pregnant mother find shelter and become members of the Fremen, the indigenous tribes inhabiting the fictional desert planet Arrakis. Gaining the trust of the local people by fighting alongside them against the invading army controlled by the Harkonnen family, who are responsible for the murder of Atreides' father and the destruction of his family, Atreides rises to seek revenge and ultimately forces the emperor to be accountable for his unjust decision. 6park.com

With American-French actor Timothee Chalamet reprising his role as Atreides, the cast also features actresses Rebecca Ferguson and Zendaya Coleman, respectively portraying the protagonist's mother and a Fremen warrior who becomes the lifelong love of the protagonist.

2021年上映的《沙丘》和本周五登陆内地影院的《沙丘2》,都改编自美国科幻小说家弗兰克·赫伯特出版于1965年的同名小说《沙丘》。 6park.com

这部小说被誉为最伟大的科幻作品之一,曾影响了不少经典科幻作品,比如乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战》、乔治·米勒的《疯狂麦克斯》、詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡达》、雷德利·斯科特的《异形》等。 6park.com

Both the first Dune movie (2021) and the latest sequel are adapted from the 1965 novel of the same name by American sci-fi novelist Frank Herbert. Hailed as one of the most influential sci-fi epics, Dune has impacted a series of classic franchise, including George Lucas' Star Wars, George Miller's Mad Max, James Cameron's Avatar and Ridley Scott's Alien. 6park.com


要数清《沙丘》系列一共出了多少本书,两个手的手指循环来一遍还不太够用。赫伯特自己一共写了六本。他去世后,他的儿子布莱恩·赫伯特和美国科幻小说作家凯文·J·安德森合作,又写了17本。所以,《沙丘》系列从原著作者自己写的,到后来出的一系列衍生、编外故事,加起来一共23本。 6park.com

The Dune series has a total of 23 books, with Frank Herbert himself writing six of them. After his death, his son Brian Herbert collaborated with American sci-fi novelist Kevin J. Anderson to write an additional 17 books, expanding the series with a variety of derivative and spin-off stories. 6park.com

所以,如果你在这个周末刚刚看完《沙丘2》,想知道保罗有没有领导“圣战”,他和伊勒琅公主如果结婚,又如何面对自己的一生挚爱契妮?保罗的母亲杰西卡夫人腹中怀着的保罗妹妹,长大会是个什么样的厉害角色?所有的这些问题,恐怕你都不能很快得到答案。 6park.com


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