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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-09 17:55 已读 3472 次  


“妈,我继海……”近日,辽宁抚顺的孙先生在网上发布的一则视频感动了很多人。视频中,他用AI换脸技术“复活”了已经病逝的父亲,以父亲的口吻向91岁的奶奶报平安。 6park.com

In a recent heartwarming story from Fushun, Liaoning province, Mr Sun has touched the hearts of many by using AI face-swapping technology to create a video message from his deceased father to his 91-year-old grandmother. 6park.com

“换脸”过程中,孙先生也因思念父亲一次次湿了眼眶,短短的视频录了近半个月。 6park.com

The touching video captures Sun's emotions as he replicates his father's appearance and voice to convey a message of well-being to his grandmother. The entire process of face-swapping and video creation took nearly half a month, during which Sun couldn't help but shed tears as he reminisced about his late father.


2022年,孙先生的父亲确诊罕见疾病阑尾黏液腺癌。孙先生介绍,父亲当时已是晚期,尽管他带着父亲四处求医,但还是没能阻止病魔的侵袭。2023年,父亲永远离开了他。 6park.com

In 2022, Sun's father was diagnosed with a rare condition known as appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma. Despite Sun's efforts to seek medical treatment for his father, the disease progressed rapidly, and his father passed away in 2023. 6park.com

孙先生的奶奶心脏不好,家人担心她的身体,怕她接受不了儿子去世的消息,于是隐瞒了下来,谎称孙先生的父亲仍在北京的医院接受治疗。长时间的分离,让老人格外思念儿子,她不断追问何时才能与儿子通话:“你给他打个电话,我太想他了。” 6park.com

Concerned about his grandmother's fragile health, the family decided to keep the news of Sun's father's passing a secret. They fabricated a story, telling the elderly woman that her son was still receiving treatment in a Beijing hospital. The prolonged separation took a toll on the grandmother, who continuously expressed her longing to speak with her son.  6park.com

孙先生一边用父亲在医院不能带手机为由来搪塞,另一边,他受科幻电影启发,决定用AI换脸技术录制一段父亲问候奶奶的视频,以此安慰老人。 6park.com

In a creative attempt to comfort his grandmother, Sun, inspired by science fiction films, decided to use AI face-swapping technology to create a video message from his father. Prior to recording the video, he even shaved off his beard to better resemble his late father. 

因自己留着胡子的形象和父亲有较大差异,孙先生还特意将胡子刮掉再录制视频,然后通过AI软件,“换”成父亲的脸。视频中,他模仿父亲的口吻向奶奶问好:“妈,我继海,我在北京挺好的……” 6park.com

Through the use of AI software, he successfully transformed his appearance into that of his father, delivering a heartfelt message to his grandmother: "Mom, it's Jihai. I'm doing well in Beijing." 6park.com

虽然换脸后的视频像素不高,但好在奶奶相信了这个善意的谎言。 6park.com

Despite the relatively low pixel quality of the swapped face in the video, the grandmother believed the well-intentioned fabrication.

AI换脸前视频 图源:央视新闻


在孙先生的心里,父亲始终像一棵大树一样保护着家人,他始终难以接受父亲离去的事实。每一次听别人提起父亲的名字、每一次看见父亲的照片,他都会陷入巨大的悲痛中。 6park.com

In Sun's heart, his father remains a protective figure, and the grief over his loss is a constant struggle. Every mention of his father's name or a glimpse of his photograph brings overwhelming sorrow. 6park.com

替父亲照顾好奶奶的责任感,又让他不得不坚强起来。看到年迈的奶奶如此思念父亲,孙先生决定勇敢地“扮演”父亲。 6park.com

The responsibility of caring for his grandmother in place of his father has compelled Sun to be strong. Witnessing his elderly grandmother's yearning for his father, he bravely decided to "play the role" of his father. 

孙先生父亲与奶奶的合照 图源:央视新闻

然而,录制的过程于他而言并不轻松。孙先生坦言,录制视频时,他的情绪一直处于崩溃边缘,因而耗时近半个月才完成换脸视频的制作。“我需要克服巨大的心理压力,咬着牙才能把这件事完成。我总是不断想起父亲,想起我们一起生活的点滴。” 6park.com

However, the emotional toll during the video recording process was significant for Sun, who admitted that his emotions were on the verge of breaking down throughout the half-month endeavor.

孙先生说他不清楚能瞒奶奶多久,也不确定之后还会不会再次“换脸”父亲拍视频。“我把这段经历记录下来,就像是和过去告别。尽管现在我依然无法接受父亲的离世,但我相信生活总会有新的开始,我也会坚强起来,像父亲一样成为家人的支柱。” 6park.com

Sun expressed uncertainty about how long he can keep up the charade and whether he will resort to face-swapping again in the future. He sees this experience as a way of bidding farewell to the past, acknowledging the difficulty in accepting his father's death. Despite the ongoing struggle, Sun believes in new beginnings and aims to emulate his father's strength as a pillar of support for his family. 6park.com


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