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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-04 0:15 已读 4462 次  


Elon Musk vs. Everyone: The New Fight in AI


人工智能(AI)大战已经打响,人类打出了第一拳。 6park.com

The AI wars have begun, and the humans are throwing the first punches. 6park.com


在过去一周左右的时间里,马斯克(Elon Musk)四面出击,使自己新生的xAI与巨头们抗衡。 6park.com

Elon Musk in the past week or so has been working to make it all about his nascent xAI against the Big Dogs. 6park.com

这位亿万富翁通过推文和诉讼,说他的竞争对手从根本上是有缺陷的、不值得信赖:谷歌奉行觉醒文化,微软(Microsoft)手伸得过远,阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)则是两面派。 6park.com

The billionaire through tweets and litigation is framing his rivals as fundamentally flawed and unworthy: Google is woke, Microsoft is overreaching and Sam Altman is two-faced. 6park.com

马斯克曾在南非险恶的街头学会了如何挥拳,在谈到他所描述的AI一旦落入坏人之手所带来的“文明风险”时,或者说,谁能破解代码,为机器注入类似人类的推理能力,谁就能创造潜在的财富时,他并没有在胡乱打拳。 6park.com

Musk, who learned how to throw a punch on the tough streets of South Africa, isn’t messing around when it comes to what he has described as the “civilizational risk” that AI carries if it falls into the wrong hands—or the potential fortunes it could create for whoever cracks the coding to breathe humanlike reasoning into machines. 6park.com


周四晚间,马斯克向旧金山一家法院提交了一份长达35页的诉状,马斯克在诉状中称阿尔特曼虚伪。根据该诉讼,多年前,当阿尔特曼和马斯克创办OpenAI时,他们曾同意将其打造成一个非营利实体,以对抗谷歌的贪婪,但在阿尔特曼的控制下,OpenAI后来却转向与微软合作赚钱。 6park.com

A 35-page complaint filed in a San Francisco court late Thursday is built on what Musk describes as the hypocrisy of Altman. According to the lawsuit, when Altman and Musk started OpenAI years ago they agreed it would be a not-for-profit entity to counter the greed of Google—only to have OpenAI, under Altman’s control, later pivot toward moneymaking ventures with Microsoft. 6park.com

在发生争执后,马斯克在2018年与OpenAI分道扬镳,他所指控的背叛和阴谋主题甚至可以成为HBO剧集《西部世界》(Westworld)中的情节转折点。这部电视剧讲述了杀手机器人奋起反抗道德沦丧的企业主人的故事。 6park.com

The themes of betrayal and scheming alleged by Musk, who parted with OpenAI in 2018 after a dispute, could easily be plot points in HBO’s “Westworld,” a TV series about killer robots rising up against their morally broke corporate masters.


诉讼称,OpenAI和阿尔特曼通过与微软进行交易,为其AI技术选择的用途“不是为了造福人类,而是作为专有技术为切切实实的世界大公司实现利润最大化”。 6park.com

The lawsuit claims that OpenAI and Altman—by doing deals with Microsoft—have chosen to use their AI technology “not for the benefit of humanity, but as proprietary technology to maximize profits for literally the largest company in the world.” 6park.com

诉讼中没有提到的是,在OpenAI之外,马斯克有着自己的AI野心,比如他去年成立了xAI加入该领域的竞争,以及推出了自己的聊天机器人Grok,与阿尔特曼的ChatGPT竞争。还有马斯克在他任职首席执行官的特斯拉(Tesla)开发仿人机器人的工作。 6park.com

No mention was made in the lawsuit of Musk’s own AI ambitions separate from OpenAI, such as his founding of xAI last year as a rival or its launch of its own chatbot called Grok to compete against Altman’s ChatGPT. Or Musk’s work at Tesla, where he is chief executive, to develop humanoid robots. 6park.com


马斯克多年来一直对AI技术的危险性提出警告,在去年7月宣布xAI时表示,他更倾向于暂停开发寻求实现他所谓的数字超级智能的高级版本AI。他说,这种希望“似乎不太现实”。 6park.com

When announcing xAI in July, Musk said his preference, after years of warning about the dangers of the technology, would have been a pause in developing advanced versions of AI that seek to achieve—what he calls—digital superintelligence. He said such hope “doesn’t seem realistic.” 6park.com

马斯克转而将xAI作为竞争对手的替代品,他指责竞争对手有自由主义偏见。他说自己的努力是为了追求美好,也是出于“最大限度的好奇”。 6park.com

Instead, Musk is offering up xAI as an alternative to rivals, which he has accused of having liberal biases. He describes his effort as seeking good and being “maximally curious.” 6park.com

“AI领域有多个参与者是有一定价值的,”马斯克上个月在他的社交媒体平台X上的一次公开活动中说,“你不会希望这个领域出现只有一家独大或双头垄断的局面。” 6park.com

“There’s some value to there being multiple players in the AI space,” Musk said last month during a public event on his social-media platform, X. “You don’t want it to be just a monopoly or duopoly.” 6park.com

这就好比可口可乐(Coke)与百事(Pepsi)两强对峙,但攸关的是机器人的大脑。 6park.com

Think Coke vs. Pepsi but with robot minds at stake. 6park.com

另外,在对OpenAI发起诉讼前几天,马斯克还在X上竭力强调谷歌和微软的弱点。 6park.com

And, in the days before the OpenAI lawsuit, Musk was on X doing his best to highlight weaknesses in both Google and Microsoft.

OpenAI 首席执行官阿尔特曼和微软首席执行官纳德拉去年在旧金山。

他放大了对谷歌名为Gemini的AI聊天机器人的一些批评,这些批评称,Gemini围绕种族和民族问题给出的回复在一些用户看来过于政治正确,在某些情况下,在涉及历史时还会出现荒唐的错误,例如显示纳粹时期的德国士兵具有种族多样性。 6park.com

He amplified criticisms that Google’s AI chatbot, dubbed Gemini, was giving responses around race and ethnicity that seemed to some users as overly politically correct and, in some cases, laughably wrong when it came to history, such as showing Nazi-era German soldiers as being racially diverse. 6park.com

马斯克在过去的这一周发表推文称:“"鉴于Gemini AI将成为谷歌所有产品和YouTube的核心,这非常令人担忧!” 6park.com

“Given that the Gemini AI will be at the heart of every Google product and YouTube, this is extremely alarming!” Musk tweeted this past week. 6park.com

据马斯克称,他发布的几条批评意见的推文最终促使谷歌的一位高层管理人员给他打来电话,向他保证将采取措施解决问题,这条推文是其中之一。 6park.com

That tweet was one of several criticisms he posted that eventually, according to Musk, brought a call from a high-ranking Google executive to assure him steps were being taken to fix things. 6park.com

“我给他的回复是,我怀疑谷歌奉行觉醒文化的官僚机构是否会*允许*他解决这个问题,”马斯克说。“除非那些造成这种情况的人被赶出谷歌,否则除了让这种倾向变得不那么明显和更加恶劣之外,不会有任何改变。” 6park.com

“My response to him was that I doubted that Google’s woke bureaucratic blob would *allow* him to fix it,” Musk said. “Unless those who caused this are exited from Google, nothing will change, except to make the bias less obvious and more pernicious.” 6park.com

谷歌首席执行官桑达·皮采(Sundar Pichai)告诉他的员工,Gemini的这些回复是不可接受的,并承诺“大规模修复”。 6park.com

Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai told his staff the chatbot’s responses were unacceptable and pledged to “fix it at scale.” 6park.com

对谷歌来说,所有的这些关注要比负面头条新闻更糟糕。 6park.com

All of the attention was worse than just bad headlines for Google. 6park.com

“Gemini不仅是一场公关灾难,更糟糕的是,它还是一场招聘灾难,”长期从事技术高管工作、动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)的前首席通讯官Lulu Cheng Meservey在Twitter上写道。“想象一下,作为一名研究人员,在Gemini Pro 1.5上花了很长时间,努力工作,其技术成就却被这种荒诞的错误抹黑。新的顶尖人才为什么要接受这样一个地方的工作邀请呢?” 6park.com

“Gemini is not just a PR disaster—worse, it’s a recruiting disaster,” tweeted Lulu Cheng Meservey, a longtime tech executive and former chief communications officer at Activision Blizzard. “Imagine being a researcher who worked long and hard on Gemini Pro 1.5 to have the technical accomplishment be overshadowed by this nonsense. Why would new top talent accept a job offer from a place like that?” 6park.com

大约在同一时间,马斯克也在许多推文中抱怨说,他买了一台新电脑,却发现必须创建一个微软账户,他声称,这“意味着要让他们的AI访问我的账户”。马斯克后来还说,“因为他们现在要求你使用他们的服务,否则就不让你使用自己的电脑,@微软实际上可以关闭你的电脑!” 6park.com

Around the same time, Musk was also complaining in numerous tweets about buying a new computer only to find that he was being asked to create a Microsoft account, which, he claimed, “means giving their AI access to my account.” He later added that “since they now require that you use their services just to use your computer, @Microsoft can effectively shut off your computer!” 6park.com

在马斯克吐槽谷歌和微软的同时,他的一纸诉状重新引发人们质疑阿尔特曼的雄心壮志,而OpenAI曾希望摆脱这些质疑。去年年底,阿尔特曼被OpenAI的董事会短暂解雇,董事会称对他失去了信心,但在微软的压力下,阿尔特曼又官复原职。 6park.com

As Musk casts aspersions on Google and Microsoft, his lawsuit reopens questions about Altman’s ambitions—questions OpenAI had hoped to move past. Late last year, Altman was briefly fired as CEO by the company’s board, which said it had lost confidence in him, only to be brought back amid pressure from Microsoft. 6park.com

马斯克也认可为AI公司发展提供资金而进行的烧钱大战,他最近表示,要想在成人桌子上而非儿童桌子上占有一席之地,至少需要在硬件上投入数十亿美元,而明年可能需要数百亿美元才能继续留在成人桌子上。 6park.com

Musk has also acknowledged the spending war to fund AI companies’ development, saying recently it will take “at least single digit billions in hardware to have a seat at the adult table rather than the kiddies’ table and next year it’s probably in the tens of billions of hardware to remain at the adults’ table.” 6park.com

阿尔特曼已表示,创造AI技术所需费用促使OpenAI必须从一个纯粹的非营利性机构发展为现在这样一个公司。 6park.com

The expense behind creating the technology is what necessitated OpenAI’s evolution as an organization beyond being a simple not-for-profit, Altman has said. 6park.com

OpenAI的结论是,它不具备作为非营利组织运营的条件,因为训练模仿人类思维方式的软件所需的算力成本太高了。 6park.com

OpenAI concluded it wasn’t equipped to operate as a not-for-profit because it was becoming too costly for the amounts of computer power needed to train the software that mimics the way humans think. 6park.com

“没有人愿意以任何方式为此提供资金,”阿尔特曼去年告诉《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)。“那是一段非常艰难的时期。” 6park.com

“No one wanted to fund this in any way,” Altman told The Wall Street Journal last year. “It was a really hard time.” 6park.com

解决办法是创建一个营利性部门。这种结构让阿尔特曼筹集到了他认为继续这项使命所需的巨额资金,其中包括来自微软高达130亿美元的承诺;微软的这笔投资使得该科技巨头实际上拥有OpenAI营利性部门49%的权益。 6park.com

The solution was to create a for-profit arm. This structure allowed Altman to raise the billions of dollars he believed was needed to carry on the mission, including commitments for as much as $13 billion from Microsoft, giving the tech giant effectively a 49% stake in the earnings of OpenAI’s for-profit arm. 6park.com

马斯克并不是唯一一个声称自己处于道德制高点的人。阿尔特曼也以类似的方式阐述了自己的努力,他担心如果不计后果地部署AI会发生什么事情。 6park.com

And Musk isn’t the only one claiming the moral high ground. Altman has also framed his efforts in a similar way, worrying about what could happen if AI is deployed recklessly. 6park.com

也许,这两个人的观点都不那么令人惊讶。蓬勃发展的AI领域充满了令人兴奋的想法,包括一个带有上帝般狂妄色彩的问题:AI是否要采用其制造者的形象? 6park.com

Neither man’s take, perhaps, is that surprising. The burgeoning field of AI is full of heady thoughts, including a question that carries hues of godlike hubris: Does an AI take on the image of its maker? 6park.com

马斯克乐见这样的辩论。 6park.com

It’s a debate Musk welcomes. 6park.com

“如果回答是肯定的,你希望AI以谁的形象被制造出来?”马斯克上个月问道。“人们应该考虑一下这个问题。” 6park.com

“If that is true, in whose image would you want the AI to be made?” Musk asked last month. “People should think about that.”

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