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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-03 2:41 已读 4673 次 1 赞  


The menace of the overblown job title

Terrible epithets confuse and infuriate, but they are also on the rise. 6park.com


Wall Street banks are always getting into hot water, but it’s generally over something more exciting than a job title. 6park.com

华尔街银行总是麻烦缠身,但通常不是为了像职位名称这样平常无奇的事情。 6park.com


Not so last week, when it emerged that a senior banker claimed he was given a fancy fake title when he joined Morgan Stanley in Frankfurt three years ago, purely to fool European regulators into thinking the bank was obeying Brexit rules. 6park.com

上周的事情却是例外,有消息称,一名高级银行家声称,3年前他加入摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)法兰克福分公司时,公司给了他一个花里胡哨的假头衔,纯粹是为了糊弄欧洲监管机构,让他们以为该银行遵守英国脱欧相关规则。 6park.com


Since the UK left the EU, regulators have urged big global banks to run their EU operations with local staff rather than bosses in London. This banker was made “head of loan trading”. But during an appeal against his dismissal from Morgan Stanley, he told a court his boss had made it clear the title “only existed on paper” and had just been created to satisfy financial watchdogs. 6park.com

自从英国退出欧盟以来,监管机构就敦促大型跨国银行,它们在欧盟境内的业务应由本地管理者负责,而不是常驻伦敦的管理者。这位银行家当上了“贷款交易主管”。但在就被解雇而提起的上诉中,他告诉法庭,他的顶头上司曾明确表示,这个头衔“只在纸面上存在”,设立这个头衔就是为了让金融监管机构满意。 6park.com


Morgan Stanley disputed the banker’s claims in the hearing and denied he had a token title. But the case was a bracing reminder of how fraught the apparently trifling matter of a job title can be.  6park.com

摩根士丹利当庭反驳了该银行家的说法,否认曾给他一个象征性头衔。但此案让人清醒地认识到,像职位名称这种看似鸡毛蒜皮的事情可能惹来多大的麻烦。 6park.com


There is of course much about titles that is deeply trifling. We live in a world where bosses have called themselves Captain of Moonshots (Google’s Astro Teller), Chief Underpants Officer (Joe Boxer founder, Nick Graham) and more recently, Technoking of Tesla (Elon Musk). 6park.com

关于头衔自然有许多无聊至极的事情。我们活在一个老板会给自己封各种奇奇怪怪的称谓的世界,谷歌(Google)的阿斯特罗•特勒(Astro Teller)自称“登月计划舰长”(Captain of Moonshots),Joe Boxer的尼克•格雷厄姆(Nick Graham)是“首席内衣官”(Chief Underpants Officer),还有最近埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)说他是“特斯拉技术王”(Technoking of Tesla)。 6park.com


It is also true that perfectly sensible companies continue to come up with titles that are utterly baffling. PwC advertised last year for a Global Verbal Brand Identity Senior Manager, a job it said involved “advancing verbal identity practices” and “working effectively with cross-disciplinary teams and across languages to unify as a single brand”. 6park.com

绝对理性的公司不断想出让人完全摸不着头脑的头衔也是事实。普华永道(PwC)去年登了一条招聘“全球语言品牌标识高级经理”(Global Verbal Brand Identity Senior Manager)的消息,声称这个职位涉及“推进语言标识实践”,“与各个跨职能团队高效合作,涵盖各种语言,统一打造一个单一品牌”。 6park.com


I asked the firm at the start of last week if it could explain precisely what the role entailed. I was still waiting for an answer on Friday. 6park.com

上周初我就询问过该公司,能否确切解释一下这个岗位的具体职责,到本周五我仍在等待一个答案。 6park.com


There is also no need to revisit the unbreakable corporate addiction to making half a workforce “vice-president”, nor the explosion of titles with the word “chief” in them. But I will just say that when I asked LinkedIn about the prevalence of such titles they came back with the arresting news that in the UK, the biggest growth in jobs with the title “chief” in recent years has been “chief growth officer”.  6park.com

也没必要再探讨企业界那种戒不掉的瘾:一家公司里有半数人挂着“副总”头衔,带有“首席”一词的职位名称比比皆是。我只想提一件事,当我向LinkedIn问起此类头衔到处都是的现象时,他们回复了一条引人注目的信息:在英国,近年来名称有“首席”一词的职位中,数量增长最多的就是“首席增长官”。 6park.com


In any case, the truth is that for many workers there has never been anything trivial about titles and, unhappily, there are signs that things are becoming trickier. 6park.com

不管怎样,事实是对许多职场人来说,关系到头衔的事情从来都不会无足轻重,而且遗憾的是,有迹象表明情况越来越复杂。 6park.com


More than once I have seen people reduced to red-faced rage after learning that their standing in the pecking order at work has slipped because a rival or a new recruit has secured a puffier job title. 6park.com

我不只一次碰到过这样的事情,有人因为一个竞争对手或刚入职的员工有了一个更膨胀的职位名称,导致自己在工作中等级下降而气得脸红脖子粗。 6park.com


It makes no difference if the puffee was granted the title instead of a pay rise or higher starting salary. And the tragedy is only compounded if their actual job is humbler than their grand title suggests. 6park.com

如果对方膨胀的只是头衔,工资没涨或者起薪没有更高,那就没什么差别。而且,如果头衔听上去气派实际做的工作却没那么重要,只会更加可悲。 6park.com


Alas, some headhunting firms say this job title inflation has grown so much since the pandemic that it outstripped the actual inflation that has rippled across the world. 6park.com

哎,一些猎头公司说,自新冠疫情以来职位头衔的通胀如此厉害,甚至超过了席卷世界各地的真正的通胀。 6park.com


Robert Walters, the British recruitment group, says its market data shows that during the past 12 months there was a 46 per cent rise in the number of UK and Ireland job adverts that had the words “lead” or “manager” in the title — but required no more than two years’ experience. 6park.com

英国招聘集团华德士(Robert Walters)表示,其市场数据表明,在过去12个月里,英国和爱尔兰招聘“首席”或“经理”、却只要求具备两年经验的广告数量增长了46%。 6park.com


That is partly because new businesses in sectors such as crypto and fintech helped to fuel competition for staff who in turn used their market power to negotiate their chosen titles, said Daniel Harris, a Robert Walters director. 6park.com

华德士一名董事丹尼尔•哈里斯(Daniel Harris)解释道,其中的部分原因是,在加密货币和金融科技之类的行业涌现了许多新企业,导致对人才的争夺变得更激烈,而员工反过来利用他们的市场力量与公司谈判用什么头衔。 6park.com


But this strategy can easily backfire, he told me, and not just if it riles colleagues. A junior lawyer who manages to secure the title of general counsel in a start-up could struggle to move to a bigger firm if their prospective employer learns the reality of their actual role. 6park.com

但他告诉我,这种策略很容易适得其反,不只是可能惹恼同事。一个初级律师就算在一家初创公司谋得法律总顾问的头衔,如果被人知道了他的实际职务,可能就很难跳到更大的公司。 6park.com


Likewise, people who manage to be made “global” head of something, no matter how local the role, sometimes scrub the word from their CVs because potential employers assume they are too senior for a job. 6park.com

同样,一个人如果设法当上“全球”主管,实际职务却只限于本地,有时候可能不得不从个人简历中抹掉“全球”这个词,因为潜在雇主会觉得此人相对于应聘的职位来说太高级了。 6park.com


Still, I don’t see the title inflation problem disappearing soon. Not that long ago, Harris was working with a small business that was keen to hire a man who insisted on being called “global general counsel”. 6park.com

尽管如此,我认为头衔通胀问题不会很快消失。就在不久前,哈里斯提供服务的一家小公司很想聘请一个坚持被叫做“全球总法律顾问”的男士。 6park.com


Thrilled to secure the appointment without stumping up a higher salary, the firm swiftly agreed and told Harris: “He can be called emperor of the world if he wants.” 6park.com


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