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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-29 17:54 已读 4741 次 2 赞  



作为春节档票房冠军,《热辣滚烫》也掀起一阵“减肥瘦身潮”。在电影中,她和角色一起完成了蜕变,讲述了一个失业女青年变身业余拳击手的故事。 6park.com

YOLO, the highest-grossing movie of this year’s Spring Festival holiday that portrays the struggle of a jobless woman who became a boxer, has sparked a weight loss frenzy among the Chinese recently.

尽管贾玲多次强调,电影不是在讲减肥,而是讲述如何爱自己、重建自尊的过程,但她减去将近一半原始体重的颠覆性形象变化,加上“热血”的电影情节,还是激励了一批观众跃跃欲试,开启减肥之路。 6park.com

Though Jia said the story is intended to highlight self-care and self-esteem, her startling physical transformation — she halved her weight in about a year — coupled with the inspirational film, has stirred a discussion on slimming and encouraged viewers to hit the gym or change their diets.



浙江大学医学院附属第二医院营养科主治医生何芳接受《中国日报》采访时表示,比起一味追求减去多少重量,贾玲更值得大多数人学习的是她在减肥过程中体现出的毅力和坚持不懈的精神。 6park.com

He Fang, a nutrition specialist at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University’s School of Medicine, said,“It is more advisable to emulate Jia’s perseverance and determination in pursuing a goal.” 6park.com

何芳表示,减重计划需要经过科学计算,与每个人的性别、人体成分、肌肉含量等因素都息息相关。普通人如果没有专业人士指导,像贾玲一样快速、大幅度减重有可能引发内分泌失调和其它健康风险。 6park.com

How to enact a weight loss plan depends on each individual’s gender, body mass index, muscle density and other factors. Shedding weight at a rapid pace the way Jia did could trigger endocrine disorders and other health problems, she said.

▪ endocrine adj. 内分泌腺的;内分泌的

何芳说,一些备受追捧的减肥方式,例如生酮饮食,超大强度运动,甚至催吐、自行服用减肥药等,都会给身体带来伤害。 6park.com

例如,在实际生活中,不推荐自行尝试生酮(高脂肪、低碳水化合物和适量蛋白质)饮食。生酮饮食通常是在专业医生的指导下,推荐给患有难治性癫痫等神经性相关疾病患者的。 6park.com

网上购买减肥药更是不可取。例如司美格鲁肽、二甲双胍等处方药在开具使用前必须经过医生严格的诊断和评估,并进行肝肾功能检测等。 6park.com

She said that fad diets, such as low-carb, high-fat keto meals and weight loss pills, should be adopted under professional medical supervision. “At the hospital, diet pills cannot be prescribed until we have run tests on patients and evaluate their health condition,” she said.

何芳表示,她会建议病人通过运动,特别是抗阻运动和中等强度的有氧运动相结合的方式来提高基础代谢和身体素质,辅助达到更好的减重、塑形效果。 6park.com

“运动需要循序渐进,也建议大家找到一个自己能够持之以恒、长期坚持的运动。“何芳说。 6park.com

“Regarding workouts, the most important thing is to find a type of exercise that is safe and easy to continue in the long run, and it is important to combine cardio with resistance training,” said He.

据国家卫生健康委数据, 我国18岁及以上居民超重率、肥胖率分别为 34.3%、16.4%,我国居民肥胖率呈上升趋势。有研究预测,到 2030 年,我国成年人超重肥胖率可达 65.3%。 6park.com

In China, about 34 percent of adults are overweight and more than 16 percent are obese. “The prevalence of obesity or overweight among adults is rising and by 2030, the rate is estimated to reach 65.3 percent,” said the National Health Commission.

何芳表示,近年来,她所在的门诊接收100公斤以上超大体重的患者也明显增多,这与现代人不爱运动、经常吃外卖和高油高糖食物、经常晚睡吃夜宵等不良生活习惯有关。 6park.com

“坚持良好的生活习惯是科学减肥并保持健康的关键,减肥是一个细水长流的过程,”何芳说。 6park.com

“The key to staying fit is adopting and adhering to a healthy lifestyle and understanding that weight loss is a long, gradual journey,” she said.

贾玲曾谈到,电影杀青那天晚上一个人坐在床边,吃了30块巧克力威化。 6park.com

Jia, the actress, said in a letter addressed to moviegoers in January that on the night that production of the film wrapped up, she ate 30 chocolate wafer bars. 6park.com

中国农业大学营养与健康学院范志红教授在个人微博里谈到:看到这句话时,对贾玲还是有些担心的。 6park.com

“无论当初的减肥显得多么辛苦,后续的维持都将会更加辛苦……如果任务完成之后,就松下一口气,一晚上就能吃30块巧克力威化,能把来之不易减肥成果维持多久,就让人担心了。体重上下波动,忽胖忽瘦,甚至比一直胖着还要损害健康、促进衰老。” 6park.com

Fan Zhihong, a professor of nutrition at China Agricultural University, said that sustaining an ideal weight is even harder than losing weight, and coping with weight loss anxiety by binging on tons of snacks is concerning. 6park.com

“Major weight fluctuations are no less harmful than being overweight,” she said. 6park.com


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