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送交者: 佛祖心中L[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-12-29 22:00 已读 4384 次 1 赞  


 A song I translated from “金风吹来的时候”into English. This is a 1970’s song that has often been used in beginning music education in China. The song is sung by an artificial voice. I am sure human voice plus instruments will produce a much better result.  Here’s the complete translation:

When golden breezes blow, carrying the songs they know, sweet melodies of home, ‘neath autumn’s golden glow

Laurel blossoms fall, amid bamboo walls they call, rice wine’s ripples, through windows, aromas sprawl

Ai ~~~, Ai ~~~, Ai ~~~

Ask of the time, my town shines in its prime, the golden breezes flow, in a rhythm so sublime

When golden breezes blow, carrying the songs they know, sweet melodies of home, ‘neath autumn’s golden glow

Girls weave songs so fine, as bamboo sway in time, townsfolk drink rice wine, their laughter bright as sunshine

Ai ~~~, Ai ~~~, Ai ~~~

Ask of the time, my town shines in its prime, the golden breezes flow, in a rhythm so sublime

Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai



贴主:佛祖心中L于2023_12_30 10:43:20编辑 6park.com

贴主:佛祖心中L于2023_12_30 10:43:33编辑 6park.com

贴主:佛祖心中L于2023_12_30 14:05:19编辑 6park.com

贴主:佛祖心中L于2023_12_30 14:29:25编辑 6park.com

贴主:佛祖心中L于2023_12_30 14:48:44编辑

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