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送交者: 佛祖心中L[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-04-19 11:02 已读 4090 次 1 赞  



 I'm happy to present to you my English translation of "美丽的草原我的家". It’s a celebrated 1978 song originating from Inner Mongolia. This piece has garnered accolades from UNESCO, a testament to its global cultural significance.  6park.com

The translation was brought to life using an artificial voice. However, I believe that the essence and depth of the song would be significantly enhanced by a human voice accompanied by musical instruments.   6park.com

Grasslands, my home, a lush and verdant sight Where windswept flowers dance in sunlight Butterflies twirl, birdsong sweetly rings As clear streams mirror the glow that sunsets bring

Horses gallop like clouds across the land Sheep and cattle graze, a snow-white band ah ah ha ho yi Shepherd girl let your song soar high Its joyful melody turns the sky alight

Shepherd girl let your song soar high Its joyful melody turns the sky alight

Grasslands, the heart of my pure delight With emerald fields and waters shining bright A sea of green where yurts stand proud Like lotus blossoms, reaching for the cloud

Herdsmen’s dreams on canvas gleam In spring’s soft hold, a living dream ah ah ha ho yi Shepherd girl with voice so clear Your joyful tune for all the world to hear Shepherd girl with voice so clear Your joyful tune for all the world to hear  

贴主:佛祖心中L于2024_04_19 11:10:17编辑

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