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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-07 19:26 已读 4567 次 3 赞  


以色列政府5日宣布,决定关停卡塔尔半岛电视台在以色列的分支机构,并禁止其频道在以播放。 6park.com

The Israeli cabinet unanimously approved the shutdown of the Al Jazeera channel and office in the country on Sunday. 6park.com

Under the decision, Al Jazeera Arabic and Al Jazeera English operations in Israel could be banned for an initial period of 45 days, with the possibility of indefinite renewal.


以色列政府新闻办公室当天发表声明说,根据总理内塔尼亚胡和通信部长什洛莫·卡尔希的提议,政府决定关停半岛电视台。卡尔希当天签署关停命令,即刻生效。 6park.com

在一份视频声明中卡尔希称半岛电视台为“哈马斯煽动机构”,内塔尼亚胡也在社交媒体上表示:“政府一致决定将半岛电视台在以色列的煽动频道关闭。” 6park.com

Immediately after the cabinet meeting, Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi signed decrees formalizing the ban on the Qatari-based news organization. 6park.com

"Anyone who incites against the State of Israel... will no longer broadcast from Israel here, and his equipment will be confiscated," Karhi said in a video posted on social media platform X. 6park.com

据以色列《国土报》5日报道,上述决定包括禁止半岛电视台各个频道在以播放,关闭其在以境内的办公室并没收相关设备,以及限制在以境内访问半岛电视台网站。 6park.com

以色列议会4月1日通过一项法律,授权政府以“危害国家安全”名义,临时关闭在以色列运营的外国电视台,关闭期限为45天,但可以延长。 6park.com

自去年10月7日新一轮巴以冲突爆发以来,半岛电视台持续抨击以军行动。以政府指责半岛电视台偏袒巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)并煽动针对以色列的行动。 6park.com

The move came after the Israeli parliament, or Knesset, approved a law in April granting the cabinet authority to shut down foreign broadcasts in Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deems them, based on the opinion of Israeli security services, to pose a national security threat. 6park.com

Israel has long accused Al Jazeera of having close ties with Hamas, which the channel denies, and a pro-Palestinian stance in its coverage of Israel's actions in the occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank.

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