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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-18 19:41 已读 4100 次 2 赞  


你还记得上学时,周围的女生们都扎着什么样的发型吗?以前学生间流行过齐刘海和高马尾,如今,10后开始接手校园,中学女生们的一款常见发型,这几天在互联网上有了新名字——“鲶鱼须”。 6park.com

近日有中学老师晒出班里学生的视频,镜头下大家都穿着宽大的校服趴在桌上做习题。但女生们几乎无一例外地从额头正上方垂下两绺头发,挡住半张脸。 6park.com

Recently, a middle school teacher posted a video of students in his class. The camera showed everyone in their school uniforms doing exercises. However, the girls almost invariably had "bangs", otherwise known as a fringe or "catfish whiskers".


有评论说,这种“鲶鱼头”发型简单方便,随手一扎就能成型。而且更能衬托脸型,长长的鲶鱼须可以遮盖掉脸颊两侧的“婴儿肥”,显得脸型小巧。 6park.com

There are comments that this "catfish whiskers" hairstyle is simple and convenient, and can be styled with a hair tie. Moreover, it can enhance facial features, as long "catfish whiskers" can cover the sides of the cheeks, concealing "baby fat" and making the face appear smaller. 6park.com


正值十几岁的10后中学女生,无论是扎马尾还是用鲨鱼夹,都必须在脸的两侧留出两缕碎发,长度从颧骨到下颌角不等,上课时甩一甩已经成为肌肉记忆。 6park.com

Middle school girls in their late teens must leave two strands of hair on either side of their face, whether in a ponytail or with a shark clip. The length varies from the cheekbone to the jawline, and it has become muscle memory to shake it out in class. 6park.com

而评论区的很多家长、老师一看就血压飙升: 6park.com

“这么青春的年纪,头发全都梳上去多清爽,非要拽出来两绺挡在眼前,每天油到不行。” 6park.com

“我女儿初中就开始留了,每天早上对镜子捯饬那两根‘须子’,恨不得拿卡子全给她别上去。” 6park.com

当然,也有不少网友说,初中生因为学业繁忙没有时间仔细倒腾发型,很多“鲶鱼须”发型其实只是一种“忙碌下的偶然”。 6park.com

与此同时,许多早已成年的网友,却被无意中开启了学生时代尘封的记忆。最著名的,当然是90后流行的非主流齐刘海。 6park.com

In fact, this wave of "catfish whiskers" bangs has been criticized by many parents. However, it has inadvertently triggered nostalgic memories of the student era for many adult netizens. The most famous, of course, is the non-mainstream thick bangs popular among those born in the 90s.

到00后上中学时,齐刘海渐渐过气。但这并不意味着“统一发型”的消失。下一个中学生的爆款发型——空气刘海,成为了冉冉升起的新星。 6park.com

中间留出几绺稀疏的发丝,同样的长鬓角,但更追求修饰脸型的弯度。也可以看作是90后“厚刘海”和10后“鲶鱼须”的过渡阶段。 6park.com

A few strands of hair in front of the ears are more about modifying the curvature of the face. It can also be seen as a transitional stage between the "thick bangs" of the 90s and the "catfish whiskers" of the 2010s.

每个年代都有属于自己的审美,看似一致的发型选择实际上反映了每个年代年轻人对审美和个性的独特追求。 6park.com


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