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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-17 3:38 已读 4536 次 4 赞  


U.S., China to Cooperate in the Fight Against Dirty Money



美国和中国政府已开始合作打击两国金融体系中的洗钱活动,在两国地缘政治和经济关系日益紧张之际找到了一些共同点。 6park.com

The U.S. and Chinese governments have started working together to fight money laundering in their financial systems, finding some common ground amid increasing geopolitical and economic tensions between the two countries. 6park.com

美国财政部长耶伦(Janet Yellen)最近访问中国期间达成的一项新协议将允许美国财政部官员和中国央行的对等官员定期会晤。两国计划分享最佳做法,并提供各自正在采取的执法行动的信息,目的是堵住金融体系的漏洞。 6park.com

A new agreement, established during U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s recent trip to China, will allow Treasury Department officials and their counterparts at the People’s Bank of China, the country’s central bank, to meet regularly. The countries plan to share best practices and provide information on enforcement actions each is taking, with the goal of closing financial system loopholes. 6park.com

美国财政部一位高级官员告诉《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal),官员们计划讨论各自国家在加密货币、金融技术监管和执法方面的做法,以及在房地产购买活动中发现洗钱行为的方法。双方还将就如何提高反洗钱执法行动的有效性以及在执法方面开展潜在合作进行磋商。 6park.com

Officials plan to discuss their nations’ approach to cryptocurrency, financial technology regulation and enforcement, and ways to detect money laundering in real-estate purchases, a senior Treasury official told The Wall Street Journal. The two sides will also confer about ways to improve the effectiveness of anti-money-laundering enforcement actions and to potentially collaborate on their enforcement. 6park.com

据美国财政部称,耶伦将于周二在华盛顿与中国官员根据新的美国财政部-中国人民银行反洗钱合作与交流(Joint Treasury- PBOC Cooperation and Exchange on Anti-Money Laundering)协议召开首次会议。上述官员表示,相关计划是大约每季度举行一次面对面会议,其间举行虚拟会议。 6park.com

The first meeting under the new Joint Treasury-PBOC Cooperation and Exchange on Anti-Money Laundering agreement is being convened by Yellen with Chinese officials on Tuesday in Washington, according to the Treasury Department. The group aims to meet in person roughly every quarter with virtual meetings held in between, the official said. 6park.com


这位财政部高级官员说,举行这些会议的时机及其对反洗钱的关注非常重要,拜登政府和中国政府在过去一年中通过讨论与金融稳定、监管和可持续金融相关的问题,对彼此的工作和管辖范围建立了更多的信任和了解。这位官员说,过去的这些讨论使他们现在能够“深入到具体事务中”,并改进彼此的系统。 6park.com

The timing of these meetings, and their focus on combating money laundering, is important, the senior Treasury official said, as the Biden administration and Chinese governments have built more trust and familiarity with each other’s work and jurisdictions over the past year through discussions on issues related to financial stability, regulation and sustainable finance. These past discussions now enable them to “drill into specific things” and to improve each other’s systems, the official said. 6park.com

“我们正在走出一个时期,这个时期包含了疫情那几年,期间与中国的国际接触要有限得多。我认为这正是美国财政部长(耶伦)和(中国)国务院副总理 (何立峰)努力寻找我们可以合作的领域的意义所在,这也与实际上由美国总统(拜登)派遣的任务相一致,”这位官员说。“鉴于美国财政部与中国央行之间的合作关系,这似乎是一个非常明确的合作领域,他们在反洗钱工作和监管方面处于特别有利的地位。” 6park.com

“We’re coming out of a period also where there was much more limited international engagement with China during the Covid years. I think that’s the sense in which the secretary [Yellen] and [Chinese] vice premier [He Lifeng], consistent with the tasking essentially from the president [Biden], of trying to find areas where we can work together,” the official said. “This seemed like a very clear one given the partnership between Treasury and PBOC, where they’re particularly well situated in terms of their anti-money-laundering efforts and regulations.” 6park.com

中国央行代表暂未回复置评请求。 6park.com

Representatives for the People’s Bank of China didn’t respond to a request for comment. 6park.com

这位官员说,在美国方面,会议将由财政部金融犯罪执法网络(Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)的负责人主持,讨论的议题包括金融犯罪执法网络在美国实施一个企业受益所有权数据库,以及解决房地产白手套的问题。 6park.com

The meetings will be led by the director of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network on the U.S. side to discuss topics including FinCEN’s implementation of a corporate beneficial ownership database in the U.S. and efforts to tackle secrecy in real estate, the official said. 6park.com

中美采取这些联合行动之际,犯罪集团和个人仍在识别并利用中美两国金融体系的漏洞来推进其非法活动。 6park.com

These joint efforts come as criminal groups and individuals continue to identify and exploit loopholes across the U.S. and Chinese financial systems to advance their illicit activities. 6park.com

4月6日,耶伦在广州与中国国务院副总理何立峰会谈后举行的新闻发布会上公布了这些举措,耶伦表示:“隐秘方式使犯罪分子得以猖獗,因此我们的合作努力是向前迈出的关键一步,将促进美国人民的安全,保护全球最大的两个金融体系的完整性。” 6park.com

“Since it is secrecy that enables criminals to flourish, our collaborative effort is a key step forward to advancing the security of Americans and protecting the integrity of two of the largest financial systems in the world,” Yellen said at a press conference April 6 unveiling the initiatives after a meeting with China’s He in Guangzhou, China. 6park.com

据前述美国财政部高官称,美中双方就非法融资威胁定期举行会晤的这一协议,是在耶伦去年7月访华期间美国财政部与中国央行成立的金融工作组的框架下达成的。 6park.com

The agreement for the two sides to meet regularly on the illicit finance threat was formed under the framework of a financial working group between the Treasury Department and the PBOC established during Yellen’s trip to China last July, according to the senior U.S. Treasury official. 6park.com

在政策观察家看来,反洗钱合作可能对美中两国都有利。 6park.com

To policy observers, cooperation on combating money laundering could be beneficial for both the U.S. and China. 6park.com

“与经济制裁和投资审查等美国财政部监管的其他问题相比,反洗钱合作的风险相对较低,而且没有争议,”前财政部官员、金融科技和风险咨询公司Capitol Peak Strategies的创始人Alex Zerden表示。“美中反洗钱合作可以作为建立互信的基石,随着时间的推移,这种互信或许可以让两国就更敏感的话题进行接触。” 6park.com

“Anti-money-laundering cooperation is relatively low stakes and noncontroversial relative to other issues overseen by the Treasury Department like economic sanctions and investment review,” said Alex Zerden, a former Treasury official and founder of fintech and risk advisory firm Capitol Peak Strategies. “U.S.-China [anti-money-laundering] cooperation could serve as a building block to establish trust that may allow for engagement on more sensitive topics over time.”

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