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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-11 23:41 已读 3895 次  


A New Generational Divide Opens Over Cheap Stuff on Temu


拉托尼娅·穆林斯-莫伯利(LaTonya Mullins-Mobley)当初上网搜索亚利桑那红雀队(Arizona Cardinals)的装备,无意中却刷到了Temu的广告。这是一款以超低折扣着称的中国线上购物应用,上面的价格低到让她不敢相信自己的眼睛。 6park.com

LaTonya Mullins-Mobley was surfing the web for Arizona Cardinals gear when she stumbled across an ad for Temu, the Chinese online-marketplace app known for ultra-discounts. She couldn’t believe the low prices. 6park.com

现年53岁的拉托尼娅为一家移动电话运营商工作,她最近开玩笑说,她和Temu“有私情”。她在Temu上买衣服,包括给女儿买印有圣经金句的T恤。她创办了一家太阳镜公司,从Temu以3美元的价格购进太阳镜,转手以15美元左右的价格出售。 6park.com

These days, Mullins-Mobley, who is 53 and works for a cellphone carrier, jokes that she’s “having an affair” with the app. She buys clothing, including T-shirts with Bible quotes for her daughter. She started a sunglasses company, picking up pairs from Temu for $3 and selling them for around $15. 6park.com

她19岁的女儿安吉莉娜·莫伯利(Angeline Mobley)对此不以为然。 6park.com

Her 19-year-old-daughter, Angeline Mobley, isn’t impressed. 6park.com

安吉莉娜最近在TikTok上发了一则信息,恳请看到她视频的人想办法让她的母亲远离Temu,实际上是任何一位母亲,“火速。尽快。立即。”她的话引发了共鸣。“我妈妈买了57把一模一样的铲子,因为只卖0.03,”一位评论者表示同情。 6park.com

Angeline recently made a TikTok in which she begged viewers to take the Temu app away from her mother, actually, any mother, “expeditiously. ASAP. Stat.” She hit a chord. “My mom bought 57 of the same spatulas bc they were .03,” one commenter commiserated.

Latonya Mullins-Mobley戴着从Temu上买的太阳镜。

但拉托尼娅并没有打退堂鼓。她借用Temu的口号说:“你尽可以嘲笑我,但我在像亿万富翁一样购物。” 6park.com

Mullins-Mobley, the mom, isn’t fazed. “You can laugh all you want, but I am shopping like a billionaire,” she says, quoting Temu’s company tag line. 6park.com

Temu现在已是美国市场上增长最快的在线零售商之一,并推动母公司拼多多(PDD)成为中国最有价值的电商公司,这些全都要归功于Temu平台上众多令人眼花缭乱的折扣商品,从手袋到电子产品再到可折叠漏斗或三层电动蒸锅等厨房小工具,不一而足。 6park.com

Temu has made its parent, PDD, China’s most valuable e-commerce company, and it is now one of the fastest-growing online retailers among American consumers, ​​thanks to its dizzying array of discount products, from handbags to electronics to kitchen gadgets, such as collapsible funnels or a 3-tier electric food steamer. 6park.com

Temu尤其受较年长购物者青睐,这一动向正催生一种新型家庭摩擦。Z世代把自己的父母、祖父母以及叔伯辈斥为“Temu受害者”,吐槽他们从该网站购买廉价的、有时毫无用处的东西。 6park.com

The app is a particular hit with older shoppers—a development that is spawning a new genre of family friction. Gen Z’ers are roasting their moms, dads, grandmothers and uncles as “Temu victims,” saying they are buying cheap and sometimes useless stuff from the site.


自2022年进入美国市场以来,Temu的发展可谓如日中天。该公司是继全球速卖通(AliExpress)、Wish和希音(Shein)之后,又一家以低价吸引消费者的中国公司。 6park.com

Temu’s rise has been meteoric since entering the U.S. in 2022. It is the latest Chinese company to draw in shoppers with rock-bottom prices, following AliExpress, Wish and Shein. 6park.com

今年3月份,Temu上增长最快的用户群体是55至64岁的消费者。根据Earnest Analytics的数据,自去年3月以来,该年龄段的销售额增长271%。摩根大通(JPMorgan)的数据显示,Temu今年的广告支出预计将接近30亿美元。 6park.com

In March, Temu’s fastest-growing demographic was the 55 to 64 set. Sales attributed to that age group grew 271% since last March, according to Earnest Analytics. Temu is expected to spend nearly $3 billion on advertising this year, according to JPMorgan. 6park.com

圣路易斯市31岁的电台交通销售协调员艾什琳-史密斯(Ashlyn Smith)说,她父亲是从Facebook的一个广告中发现这个网站的,现在他每天都会给她发信息,给她发送可以下载Temu的链接,这样他就可以得到信用回扣(该应用的一项功能)了。艾什琳说,她爸喜欢给她买珠宝饰物,还喜欢给她的孩子们买玩具。 6park.com

Ashlyn Smith, a 31-year-old radio traffic sales coordinator in St. Louis, says her father found the site from a Facebook ad and he now messages her daily with a link to download Temu, so he can get a kickback of credit (an app feature). Smith says he likes to buy her jewelry, and toys for her children. 6park.com

“他真的中了邪,买了很多厨房和客厅的东西,上面都有龙,”艾什琳还称。“他甚至还买了一幅挂毯。” 6park.com

“He’s really into fantasy and got all these kitchen and living room things with dragons on them,” adds Smith. “He even got a tapestry.” 6park.com

多伦多郊外29岁的项目经理凯莉-波伊(Kelly Boyi)说,他61岁的父亲退休后通常把闲暇时间花在做饭、读书和散步上,一般连购物网站都不上。 6park.com

Kelly Boyi, 29, a project manager outside Toronto, says his retired 61-year-old father usually spends his downtime cooking, reading and taking long walks—and typically doesn’t even surf shopping sites. 6park.com

因此,当几周前他父亲急匆匆地跑到家门口接收Temu的快递时,凯莉几乎不敢相信。他的快递里有一件T恤、袜子和一个手机支架。 6park.com

So he could hardly believe it when his dad hurried to the door a few weeks ago to receive a Temu delivery. His haul included a T-shirt, socks and a phone stand. 6park.com

“我当时想,‘Temu?真的假的吗?’”凯莉说。“如果他们能影响到我爸,他们就能影响任何人。” 6park.com

“I was like, ‘Temu? Really?’” Boyi says. “If they get to my dad, they can get to anyone.” 6park.com

一位发言人表示,Temu采用常规营销策略来吸引新客户。该发言人说:“我们鼓励买家在深思熟虑后再购买,我们很高兴能提供经济实惠的选择来满足买家的不同需求。” 6park.com

A spokesperson said Temu uses common marketing strategies to appeal to new customers: “We urge customers to make informed decisions before completing a purchase, and we’re pleased to offer affordable options that meet their diverse needs.”

“ 只要98美分,而且很可爱,所以你需要它。”

宾夕法尼亚州66岁的手工艺人、Wegmans收银员凯伦-萨卡维奇(Karen Sacavage)就是一个Temu粉丝。她会出售一些定制流苏饰品,Temu上珠子、镶边和流苏穗的价格令她惊掉了下巴。她花了1.85美元就买到一个可折叠滤水篮,比她在其他家居用品商店看到的19美元价格便宜得多。 6park.com

Karen Sacavage, a 66-year-old crafter and Wegmans cashier in Pennsylvania, is a fan. She sells custom decorative tassels and found jaw-dropping prices for beads, trimming and fringe. She nabbed a collapsible colander for $1.85, much less than the $19 she saw other home goods stores selling it for. 6park.com

“我是个厨房用品爱好者,在Temu上你会疯狂买买买,”凯伦说。“如果我不喜欢,我也只花了98美分,所以也没吃什么大亏。” 6park.com

“I’m a gadget freak for kitchen stuff and you can go crazy on there,” Sacavage says. “And if I didn’t like it, I only spent 98 cents, so it wasn’t a tragedy.” 6park.com

现在,全美各地从Temu淘货的家庭越来越多。 6park.com

Tales of Temu merch taking over homes now abound across America.


宾夕法尼亚州19岁的大学新生阿尼娅-刘易斯(Aniya Lewis)称她的妈妈是个“Temu魔法师”。今年2月,阿尼娅从学校回家,发现妈妈用从Temu上买来的东西重新装修了她的房间,里面铺着配套的粉红色床单,挂着粉红色的窗帘,上面写着“hello gorgeous”(你好,美女),还印有眼睫毛。她浴室的浴帘、马桶盖和地毯也采用了同样的设计。阿尼娅说,当她看到这些用Temu商品进行的改造时,她尖叫了起来。 6park.com

Aniya Lewis, a 19-year-old college freshman in Pennsylvania, describes her mom as a “Temu warlock.” When Lewis came home from college in February, she discovered her mom had redecorated her room using Temu, covering the space with matching pink linens and curtains that say “hello gorgeous” and feature eyelashes. Her bathroom’s shower curtain, toilet seat cover and carpet have the same design. Lewis says she screamed when she saw the Temu makeover. 6park.com

她谈到Temu时说:“我妈妈喜欢贵的东西,所以我真不知道这(指Temu)有什么好的。”她说:“妈妈参加过一次游轮旅行,当时所有的衣服都是在Temu上买的。” 6park.com

“My mom likes expensive things, so I don’t really even know what the allure is,” she says of Temu. “She went on a cruise and got all her clothing off Temu,” Lewis adds. 6park.com

穆罕默德-阿尔-安萨里(Muhammad Al-Ansari)说,他56岁的母亲玛丽亚(Maria)平时很少购物,却在Temu上买了一大堆斋月装饰品和家居装饰,最近,她在WhatsApp家庭群里说,她还想给每个人都买同款戒指,这让他感到非常惊讶。 6park.com

Muhammad Al-Ansari says he was surprised when his 56-year-old mother, Maria—who rarely shops—went all out on Temu for Ramadan decorations, home decor, and was recently posting in the family WhatsApp group that she wanted to buy everyone matching rings too.

Maria Al-Ansari在Temu上买了一大堆斋月装饰品。

现年29岁的穆罕默德-阿尔-安萨里是佛罗里达州坦帕市的一名服务员和乐师。他说:“这么说吧,我妈妈用的是已经停产的Bath & Body Works乳液,却在Temu上大买特买。” 6park.com

“This is someone who has, like, that one discontinued lotion from Bath & Body Works, and yet here she is, browsing Temu,” says Al-Ansari, a 29-year-old server and musician in Tampa, Fla. 6park.com


和多数买便宜货的人心态一样,Temu的常客们说,吸引他们的部分原因是偶然碰上对自己或任何人来说并不是必需的东西。 6park.com

As in most bargain shopping, Temu regulars say part of the appeal is stumbling across items they—or anyone—could probably do just fine without. 6park.com

弗吉尼亚州纽波特纽斯市44岁的船厂油漆工夏恩达-汤普森(Chaunda Thompson)说:“你家里一直没有意大利面勺托,但当你看到它时,你会想,‘哇,真是天才,而且只要98美分,还很可爱’,所以你需要它。” 6park.com

“You’ve lived your life without that pasta spoon rest, but then you see it and you’re like, ‘Wow, that’s genius and it’s only 98 cents, and it’s cute,’ so you need it,” says Chaunda Thompson, a 44-year-old marine shipyard painter in Newport News, Va. 6park.com

夏恩达说,她在Temu上淘到过物美价廉的服装、鞋子和外套以及美容小工具和厨房小工具。她说,Temu的奖励制度吸引了她的注意力,经常上Temu、发评论或介绍朋友的用户会获得积分。 6park.com

Thompson says she finds good deals on Temu clothing, shoes and outerwear, as well as little beauty tools and kitchen gadgets. She says Temu grabs her attention with its rewards system, where the app gives credit to users who open Temu often, leave reviews or refer friends. 6park.com

夏恩达说:“我每隔一天,甚至每天都会上Temu,老实说,这让我有些不好意思。”她还说,她的儿子曾指责她“上瘾”,但这也没什么。 6park.com

“I check Temu every day, if not every two days, and I have to be honest, it’s embarrassing,” Thompson says. Her son, she adds, has accused her of being “addicted”— but so be it. 6park.com

“他取笑我并不会让我感到烦恼。”她说。“让我更烦恼的是又要花钱了。” 6park.com

“It doesn’t bother me that he teases me,” she says. “It bothers me more to pay more money.”

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