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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-06 18:56 已读 3648 次 2 赞  




今年八十三岁高龄的宫崎骏老爷爷,又为中国影迷带来了他的“告别之作”—— 《你想活出怎样的人生》。从4月3日上映至今,短短四天,已斩获4.45亿元票房,足见中国影迷们对他的喜爱之情。

The Tomb-Sweeping holiday has emerged as a new box office season in recent years, and has been dominated by the latest work of Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron, also known as How Do You Live. 6park.com

Although Miyazaki has announced his retirement seven times without fully stepping away from filmmaking, this inconsistency has delighted his fans. So far, the new film has grossed nearly 400 million yuan ($55.3 million) at the box office, underscoring his enduring popularity among Chinese fans. 6park.com

这部新作,也标志着2003年的《千与千寻》之后,宫崎骏再次捧得奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖的小金人。 6park.com

有不少影评认为,《你想活出怎样的人生》可能是宫崎骏迄今为止最“私人化”、也最难以看懂的一部作品。 6park.com

Many film critics describe the new movie as Miyazaki’s most “personal” and, also, most difficult-to-understand work to date. 6park.com


1944年,时值二战后期,年仅3岁的宫崎骏随家人离开东京,搬到乡下。他的父亲在一家战斗机工厂工作,而宫崎骏的母亲因为生病,也多年卧床不起。在《你想活出怎样的人生》的开篇里,真人早早就失去母亲,父亲带着他从东京搬到乡下,父亲忙于自己的工厂事务。种种细节,与宫崎骏的童年多有重叠之处,让这部影片从一开始,就充满了浓郁的半自传色彩。 6park.com

In the year 1944, during the later stages of World War II, the 3-year-old Miyazaki left Tokyo with his family and moved to the countryside. His father worked at a fighter plane factory, while Miyazaki’s mother was bedridden for many years due to illness. In the opening of the new movie, the protagonist loses his mother, and his father moves him from Tokyo to the countryside, where the father is preoccupied with his factory duties. All such details overlap with Miyazaki’s on childhood, imbuing the movie with a strong semi-autobiographical essence from the very beginning.

在这部充满瑰丽想象又奇奇怪怪的电影里,再次勾勒出独属于宫崎骏的“异世界”——在一只会说话、长着牙齿的苍鹭的引领下,真人来到仿佛冥界的异世界里,去寻找自己的母亲和搜救失踪的继母。他遇到了一群吞食亡灵的鹈鹕,一支傲慢的鹦鹉军团,一个能驱动火焰的少女,一个白发苍苍寻找继承人的塔主。 6park.com

In this movie filled with magnificent imagination and peculiarities, it once again showcases the uniquely Miyazaki-esque “otherworld”. Guided by a talking, toothy heron, the protagonist enters a world resembling the underworld to search for his mother and rescue his missing stepmother. He encounters a group of cormorants that devour spirits, a proud legion of parrots, a girl who can control flames, and a tower’s master with white hair seeking an heir.


这本书对宫崎骏童年影响深远,他曾表示:“这本书传达出这样的信念——无论时代如何困难、残酷,都要活得像一个真正的人。” 6park.com


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