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双语资讯速览 | 三位科技业大佬大笔抛售自家股票;英国发起“国家
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-25 18:53 已读 3535 次 1 赞  


努力”加强核威慑。 6park.com



A Moscow court has ordered the detention of four suspects in the largest attack on Russian soil in more than a decade as the country held a day of mourning over the assault, which killed at least 137 people and injured 180. 6park.com

莫斯科法院下令拘留四名嫌疑人,这是俄罗斯境内十多年来最大的袭击事件,当天全国举行哀悼,这次袭击造成至少137人死亡,180人受伤。 6park.com

The men, who are accused of storming a Moscow music venue on Friday evening, shooting concertgoers and setting the building on fire, appeared before the court late on Sunday. Their identities were confirmed for the first time and they were placed in custody pending trial. 6park.com

这四名男子被指控于上周五晚间冲进莫斯科一处音乐场所,向音乐会观众开枪并放火焚烧建筑物,他们于上周日晚些时候出庭受审。他们的身份首次得到确认,并被羁押候审。 6park.com

Three of the men were officially identified as citizens of Tajikistan, the Tass state news agency said, citing its reporter in the courtroom. The fourth suspect is also believed to come from the country. Several of the men asked for translators as they could not speak Russian. 6park.com

塔斯社(Tass)援引其法庭记者的报道,其中三人被正式确认为塔吉克斯坦公民。第四名嫌疑人据信也来自塔吉克斯坦。其中几人要求翻译,因为他们不会说俄语。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月25日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Suspects appear in court as Russia mourns concert attack dead



The UK government will launch a “national endeavour” to reinforce the country’s nuclear deterrent, including a promise to invest more than £760mn with industry over the next six years into critical skills and infrastructure. 6park.com

英国政府将发起一项“国家努力”,以加强该国的核威慑力量,包括承诺在未来6年向核工业投资逾7.6亿英镑,用于关键技能和基础设施建设。 6park.com

Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, will on Monday also announce a separate £200mn investment into a “transformation fund” for Barrow-in-Furness, the Cumbrian town where Britain’s nuclear submarines are built by BAE Systems for the Royal Navy. Barrow has suffered from health inequalities, poor housing and some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in the country despite multiple attempts at lasting regeneration.  6park.com

英国首相里希•苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)周一还将宣布另向坎布里亚郡城镇巴罗因弗内斯(Barrow-in-Furness)的一个“转型基金”投资2亿英镑。贝宜系统(BAE Systems)正在巴罗因弗内斯为英国皇家海军(Royal Navy)建造核潜艇。尽管政府多次尝试重振该地区,但巴罗仍面临卫生不平等、住房条件差和该国一些最贫困社区的问题。 6park.com

The investments come as the government prepares to set out how it plans to sustain and modernise the UK’s nuclear deterrent in a new Defence Command Paper. It follows concerns that ageing infrastructure and a lack of investment were undermining the effectiveness of the deterrent, a cornerstone of Britain’s defence posture. 6park.com

宣布投资之际,英国政府正准备在一份新的《国防敕令书》(Defence Command Paper)中阐述如何维持英国核威慑力量并使其现代化的计划。此前有人担心,老化的基础设施和缺乏投资正在削弱作为英国防御姿态基石的核威慑的有效性。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月25日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为UK launches ‘national endeavour’ to reinforce nuclear deterrent



Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are leading a parade of corporate insiders who have sold hundreds of millions of dollars of their companies’ shares this quarter, in a signal that recent stock market exuberance could be peaking. 6park.com

彼得•蒂尔、杰夫•贝索斯和马克•扎克伯格领导了一批公司内部人士,在本季度出售了价值数亿美元的公司股票,这一迹象表明,最近的股市繁荣可能已经达到顶峰。 6park.com

As markets hit record highs, the ratio of corporate insider selling to insider buying is at the highest level since the first quarter of 2021, according to Verity LLC, which tracks insider trading disclosures. 6park.com

根据跟踪内幕交易披露的Verity LLC公司的数据,随着市场屡创新高,企业内部人士卖出与买入的比例已达到自2021年第一季度以来的最高水平。 6park.com

Stock sales at the beginning of a calendar year are normal, with pent up demand in early 2024 being exacerbated by shareholders avoiding sales last year because of depressed company valuations. 6park.com

在每年年初出售股票是正常的,由于去年公司估值低迷,股东们避免了出售,这使得2024年初的需求积压加剧。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月24日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Thiel, Bezos and Zuckerberg join parade of insiders selling tech stocks



Many one-product companies run out of road. Small plastic bricks have supported Denmark’s Lego for more than 70 years. A clear focus can pay off. But, amid a debate over the health of public markets, its success also demonstrates the benefits of its distinctive corporate structure. 6park.com

许多只生产一种产品的公司走到了尽头。小塑料积木支撑了丹麦的乐高(Lego)公司超过70年。明确的专注可以带来回报。然而,在公众市场健康状况的争论中,乐高的成功也展示了其独特的公司结构所带来的好处。 6park.com

The toymaker’s sales growth of 2 per cent last year was dragged down by a weak performance in China. But it was respectable enough given a seven per cent decline in toy industry sales. Lego’s sales are not much less than the combined total of its quoted US rivals Mattel and Hasbro.  6park.com

受中国市场表现不佳的影响,玩具制造商乐高去年的销售增长率为2%。然而,考虑到整个玩具行业销售额下降了7%,这个增长率还算可观。乐高的销售额几乎与其美国竞争对手美泰(Mattel)和娱乐集团孩之宝(Hasbro)的总和相当。 6park.com

Inflation, one cause of the industry’s woes, is subsiding. Low birth rates, another problem, will persist. That is partly offset by adult fans of Lego. This group — known as Afols — creates a market for costly, complicated kits like the Titanic or Eiffel Tower. This “Icons” line made some of the biggest gains of any toy property globally in 2023, according to Circana. 6park.com

通货膨胀,作为该行业困境的一个原因,正逐渐消退。低出生率,另一持续性问题,仍将存在。这在一定程度上得到了乐高成年粉丝(adult fans of Lego)的部分抵消。这一群体——亦即所谓的Afols——为诸如泰坦尼克号或埃菲尔铁塔等昂贵复杂套装开辟了市场。根据Circana的报告,这一“Icons”系列在2023年成为全球玩具领域增长最快的产品线之一。 6park.com

——本文2024年3月24日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Lego’s corporate model is key to its brick-by-brick success

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