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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-16 18:59 已读 3779 次 1 赞  


3月15日晚8点,一年一度的“3·15”晚会开始了。 6park.com


近年来,预制菜销售火爆,“梅菜扣肉”成“顶流”。安徽省阜阳市是梅菜扣肉预制菜的主要产区之一。 6park.com

Recently, there has been a notable surge in the sales of pre-packaged meals, with "braised pork with preserved mustard greens" emerging as a top favorite. Fuyang city in Anhui province has become a major production hub for this dish. 6park.com

记者接到举报,当地有个别企业用未经严格处理的槽头肉制作梅菜扣肉预制菜。 6park.com

槽头肉,是指猪头与躯干连接部位的肉,由于槽头肉上淋巴较多,在日常生活中也被称为淋巴肉。因为含有大量淋巴结、脂肪瘤和甲状腺,属于猪肉中必须进行严格“整修”的部分,是猪肉中公认品质差、价格低的部位。 6park.com


During the influential annual 315 Gala held by China Central Television to mark World Consumer Rights Day on March 15, it was reported that workers at a pork wholesale market in Fuyang had been using meat from pig neck— an area containing glands, lipoma, and thyroid— to make a traditional Chinese dish consisting of pork belly and preserved mustard greens, all in an effort to expand profit margins. 6park.com

The report stated that the wholesale price for pork belly is about 24 yuan ($3.34) per kilogram, which is four times that of meat from pig neck. CCTV added that the use of meat from a pig's neck violates Chinese regulations, yet it is being discovered in Fuyang's extensive semi-prepared food industry. 6park.com


记者在多个预制菜生产企业看到,车间内摆满了用槽头肉做好的熟肉制品。在安徽厨先生食品有限公司的院子里,露天摆放着大量的冷冻槽头肉。有的甚至丢掉了外包装,肉完全暴露在了室外。室内,有工人将加工好的劣质槽头肉进行切片,有工人用槽头肉和梅菜进行装碗封装。 6park.com

Footage displayed at the gala showed that workers at a local food business stacked frozen pork in open air, some without packaging. Inside the workshop, workers put sliced pork and preserved mustard greens into cans to be sealed and shipped to market.



在调查过程中,这些梅菜扣肉预制菜企业的负责人表示,随着预制菜销售的持续火爆,他们的生意成了香饽饽,产销两旺,一年到头,从早到晚忙不停。 6park.com

A person in charge said their business has flourished due to growing appetite for semi-marinated food, which is ready for consumption after simple cooking. 6park.com




《梅菜扣肉里的“糟心肉”》案例,引发了公众和市场对肉类产品等领域食品安全问题的高度关注。 6park.com

The use of low-quality meat as an ingredient in braised pork with preserved mustard greens has sparked public and market concern regarding food safety issues in the meat products industry and related fields. 6park.com




随后,安徽省市场监管局也发布情况通报称,第一时间派出工作组,赶赴阜阳市现场指导处置工作。 6park.com

通报还称,将在全省范围内开展“严厉打击肉类产品违法犯罪专项整治行动”。 6park.com

Police in Fuyang, Anhui province, said they had moved to detain those who allegedly used pork filled with lymphoid tissues to produce semi-prepared food shortly after a media exposure late on Friday. 6park.com

The three companies involved were shut down with their products confiscated, authorities said.

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