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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-02 17:58 已读 4252 次 1 赞  



有英国儿童行为学家称,这部动画片可能存在一些问题,因为它展示的部分语言和情节是不友善和不礼貌的。而一些美国的家长也认为,《小猪佩奇》强化了一些刻板印象,并且不适合年幼的孩子观看。 6park.com

US parents say Peppa Pig is turning their children into brats as British child behavioural expert insists the hit cartoon reinforces "unhelpful stereotypes" with "questionable messages" about gender equality.



❶ 被指不礼貌、没教养 6park.com

有家长指出,在这部动画片中,佩奇说“请”和“谢谢”的次数,一只手都数得过来。 6park.com

A mother cited the lack of manners shown in the program, saying she could "count on one hand" the number of times Peppa says "please" or "thank you".  

还有美国的家长直接给佩奇贴上了“顽童”(brat)的标签,说佩奇粗鲁、专横、爱打小报告等等。他们甚至直言称,这部动画片里有太多言语攻击的内容,孩子看完后,经常和他们顶嘴。 6park.com

It comes as American parents criticize the show for turning their children into "brats" who learn that rudeness and cheekiness is "OK".

❷ 被指责宣扬性别刻板印象 6park.com

除了佩奇的态度外,动画片中其他角色的人设被很多家长质疑是典型的性别刻板印象:一个无知的妈妈和一个没用的爸爸,后者因为太胖被挑剔。 6park.com

Aside from Peppa's attitude, the characters are caricatures: a perceptively unintelligent mother and a useless father (who gets picked on for his size).

在其中一集里,佩奇的父亲在洗衣服时,不小心将衬衫染成了粉红色,随后沮丧地说粉色不适合足球衫。 有人指出这一情节也是在宣扬刻板印象。 6park.com

In another episode, Peppa's father becomes discouraged when his shirt is dyed pink in the wash. His character then says pink "isn't a good color for a football shirt."

❸ 被指责不利于亲子关系 6park.com

英媒称,不少家长都说《小猪佩奇》的部分情节很不利于亲子关系。在某一集的情节中,佩奇和乔治的父母敲响了他们树屋的门,佩奇说:“Say the secret word(快说暗号)”,佩奇的妈妈则说:“Daddy's big tummy(爸爸的大肚子),然后家里每个人都开始嘲笑佩奇的爸爸。 6park.com

In the episode, Peppa and George's parents knock on the door of their tree house as Peppa says: "Say the secret word!" 6park.com

"Daddy's big tummy," her mother says.  6park.com

Peppa then starts to laugh as their father grabs his belly and said: "I think those are silly secret words," as everyone in the family laughs at him. 

❹ 美国家长怕把孩子带“英化” 6park.com

一些美国家长指出,《小猪佩奇》正在潜移默化地影响着他们的孩子,其中就包括,孩子们的语言习惯也逐渐“英化”了,比如,孩子们会说“petrol station”而不是“gas station”,会说“biscuits”而不是“cookies”。 6park.com

Parents have reported their children have started to use words and accents like Peppa, as some American kids have been heard saying "petrol stations" and referring to "cookies" as "biscuits".  


在对《小猪佩奇》的一众讨伐声中,也有人站出来为佩奇“撑腰”。有人认为,不能将儿童的不当行为归咎于像《小猪佩奇》这样的动画片,作为成年人或父母,需要自己来为孩子树立榜样。 6park.com

还有英媒表示,孩子们并不像一些观众所说的那样愚蠢,孩子是非常挑剔的观众,他们爱佩奇,因为他们在佩奇的身上看到了自己。 6park.com

Kids aren't "dumb", as an American might say. They are highly discerning viewers. They love Peppa because they see themselves in her.

甚至还有人站出来说,对《小猪佩奇》的抵制从某种程度上,也是一种性别歧视。因为自从儿童作品存在以来,就一直有像《淘气小威廉》(Just William,讲述了不守规矩的男生威廉·布朗的冒险经历)这样的角色,但也没人说什么。但佩奇(女生)却被贴上了“顽童(brat)”的标签。 6park.com

For as long as children's literature has existed we have had catapult-clutching characters like Just William and Dennis the Menace, hardly paragons of upstanding behavior. But Peppa is branded a "brat".

而观众们的反对,也受到了《小猪佩奇》所属公司Hasbro的注意。该公司称他们已经了解到针对这部动画片的反对声音,他们会尝试在剧情设计上做出调整,让佩奇的爸爸成为一个了不起的父亲。 6park.com

Hasbro, the company that owns Peppa Pig said that they know of the backlash that the show has received and they have tried to "evolve" the series and have Daddy Pig transform into a "fantastic father".

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