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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-29 0:07 已读 4829 次 2 赞  


World’s Biggest Music Company Deploys the ‘Nuclear Option’ Against TikTok


格温·斯特凡尼(Gwen Stefani)希望她的新歌爆火。 6park.com

Gwen Stefani wanted her new song to have its day. 6park.com

当红歌手斯特凡尼是No Doubt乐队的女主唱,她原计划在本月早些时候发布与丈夫布莱克·谢尔顿(Blake Shelton)的对唱歌曲,并利用超级碗(Super Bowl)比赛前的表演环节进行宣传。然而,在新歌“Purple Irises”发布前一周,斯特凡尼所属唱片公司的母公司环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group)在与社交媒体平台TikTok的合同谈判陷入僵局后,采取了不同寻常的举措,将旗下所有艺人的歌曲从TikTok下架。 6park.com

The No Doubt frontwoman and star solo artist planned to release a duet with husband Blake Shelton earlier this month and promote it with a pre-Super Bowl performance. A week before the release of “Purple Irises,” however, her label’s parent company, Universal Music Group, took the unusual step of pulling all of its artists’ songs off TikTok after reaching a stalemate in contract negotiations with the social-media platform. 6park.com

此举意味着斯特凡尼的歌曲无法在TikTok上发布,也不能在该应用上发布推广这首歌的短视频。在TikTok上发布和宣传已成为新歌宣传的核心环节。 6park.com

The move meant that Stefani’s song couldn’t be released on TikTok and short videos promoting it on the app—a ritual that has become a core element of marketing new music releases—were a no-go. 6park.com

斯特凡尼和她的团队决定转变策略,由谢尔顿所属的乡村音乐唱片公司Warner Music Nashville发行这首歌,而不是环球音乐的Interscope Records。此后,斯特凡尼和谢尔顿以歌曲“Purple Irises”为背景音乐的TikTok视频获得了数百万的点击量。 6park.com

Stefani and her team decided to pivot: Shelton’s country label, Warner Music Nashville, distributed the song instead of Universal’s Interscope Records. “Purple Irises” has since racked up millions of views on several TikTok videos Stefani and Shelton made featuring the tune. 6park.com

TikTok在全球有10亿多用户,这些用户渴望将环球音乐曲库中的歌曲片段剪辑到他们的舞蹈视频、教程和表情包中。而眼下TikTok和这家全球最大的音乐公司僵持不下的一个问题是,TikTok应向环球音乐支付多少费用,才能让TikTok用户使用环球音乐的巨大曲库。 6park.com

The companies are battling over how much TikTok pays Universal—the world’s largest music company—to make the label’s vast catalog of songs available to one billion-plus social-media users worldwide, who are eager to splice snippets of that music into their dance videos, tutorials and memes. 6park.com

时代已经不同了,如今TikTok上几秒钟的歌曲片段可以和整首歌一样有价值。 6park.com

They are negotiating in a new world in which a seconds-long clip of a song on TikTok can be just as valuable as the tune in its entirety. 6park.com

本周,双方的角力升级,环球音乐提出了许多业内人士所称的“杀手锏”,要求TikTok下架任何与环球音乐发行部门签约的词曲作者参与创作的歌曲。 6park.com

The fight escalated this week, with Universal bringing on what many in the industry call “the nuclear option”—requiring TikTok to take down songs on which any songwriter signed to Universal’s publishing division has a credit. 6park.com

TikTok表示,已从周一晚间开始按照这一要求采取行动,以确保在月底之前下架所有相关歌曲。 6park.com

TikTok said it started doing that late Monday to ensure all such tracks are removed by the end of the month. 6park.com

一些估算数据显示,此举可能会影响环球音乐、华纳音乐集团(Warner Music Group)、索尼音乐(Sony Music Group)和独立唱片公司目前80%的热门歌曲。由于一首热门单曲可能涉及来自多个发行商的10多位词曲作者,因此即使一首歌曲的众多词曲作者中有一位签约了环球音乐,这首歌曲也必须下架。 6park.com

The move could affect 80% of the current hits across Universal, Warner Music Group, Sony Music Group and independent labels, by some estimates. Since a top hit can have more than 10 songwriters involved from multiple publishers, even if one songwriter of many on a track is signed to Universal, it will have to come down. 6park.com

TikTok估计的受影响歌曲比例较低,该公司称TikTok上使用的流行歌曲中将有20%至30%下架,具体取决于市场。据知情人士透露,TikTok最近几天向环球音乐提出了一个方案,但后者认为这个提议并没有切实解决其在补偿、平台安全或AI保护方面的担忧,双方的谈判没有取得进展。 6park.com

TikTok estimated a lower percentage would be affected, saying 20% to 30% of popular songs used on TikTok would be silenced, depending on the market. TikTok reached out to Universal in recent days with a proposal the music company felt didn’t meaningfully address its concerns on compensation, platform safety or artificial-intelligence protections, according to people close to the negotiations, and discussions haven’t progressed. 6park.com

环球音乐与TikTok之间的这场争端令全球各大音乐公司都卷入其中。虽然此举短期内会限制大量歌曲的传播,但如果环球音乐能从TikTok那里获得更大经济利益,那么其他音乐公司在下一次与TikTok重新谈判时就可以要求改进条款。 6park.com

The broader takedowns rope every major music company in the world into Universal’s conflict with TikTok. While the move will limit the reach of millions of songs in the near term, if Universal is able to elicit more favorable economics from TikTok, rivals could press for improvements to their terms the next time they renegotiate their deals with the social-media platform. 6park.com

这场对决正在考验哪家公司在流媒体时代拥有更大影响力:是在几乎所有Z世代和千禧一代手机上都装有其应用的中国企业拥有的社交媒体巨头TikTok,还是泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)、德雷克(Drake)和比莉·艾利什(Billie Eilish)背后的这家唱片公司。经过多年为TikTok提供折扣条件之后,环球音乐希望TikTok能像Meta旗下Instagram和谷歌(Google)旗下YouTube等其他以视频为中心的成熟应用那样,开始以长期协议的方式支付版权费。 6park.com

The showdown is putting to the test which company has more leverage in the streaming era: a Chinese-owned social-media giant with an app on nearly every Gen Z and millennial phone, or the label behind Taylor Swift, Drake and Billie Eilish. After years of offering TikTok discounted terms, Universal wants TikTok to start paying royalties in a longer-term deal, the way other established video-centric apps including Meta’s Instagram and Google’s YouTube do. 6park.com

作为全球最大的音乐推广平台之一,TikTok与环球音乐之间持续不断的争执正在社交媒体和唱片行业产生深远影响,迫使一些艺人重新考虑他们发布歌曲的方式,也导致一些TikTok用户改变他们使用该平台的方式。 6park.com

The ongoing feud between one of the world’s biggest music promotion platforms and Universal is reverberating across social media and the recording industry, forcing artists to rethink how they release songs and some TikTok users to change how they engage with the platform. 6park.com


雪城大学(Syracuse University) Bandier音乐商业项目主任Bill Werde表示,无论发生什么,都将极大地影响全球音乐市场未来几年的收入。 6park.com

“Whatever happens here is going to dramatically affect the next several years of global music revenue,” said Bill Werde, director of the Bandier music business program at Syracuse University.



音乐已成为TikTok的命脉。根据内容识别技术和数据公司Pex的数据,去年TikTok上85%的视频包含音乐,而且这一比例呈上升趋势。 6park.com

Music has become the lifeblood of TikTok. Last year, 85% of videos on the platform contained music, according to content identification technology and data firm Pex, and it’s trending upward. 6park.com

TikTok短视频中使用的最长不超过60秒的音频片段往往有助于视频走红,于是带动在Spotify和Apple Music等服务应用上的完整版歌曲的流媒体播放量急剧上升,进而给唱片公司和艺人带来更多收入。 6park.com

The snippets of sound—up to 60 seconds in length—that enliven TikToks often help videos go viral, leading to a sharp uptick in streaming full versions of the song on services such as Spotify and Apple Music, driving more revenue to a label and artist. 6park.com

今年2月1日,由于环球音乐与TikTok之间有关音乐使用的谈判陷入僵局,在环球拥有的音乐版权到期当天,环球旗下艺人的歌曲在TikTok视频中就被静音了。 6park.com

TikTok videos featuring music by Universal artists went silent on Feb. 1, the day the label’s license expired amid the negotiating stalemate. 6park.com

在环球旗下备受瞩目的明星中,爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)最近才发布了她与玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)合作的新歌“yes, and? ”,并于本月早些时候在TikTok上发视频宣传推广这首歌曲。 6park.com

Among Universal’s high-profile stars, Ariana Grande recently released a remix of her new song “yes, and?” with Mariah Carey and posted a TikTok earlier this month to promote it. 6park.com

视频中似乎是格兰德和凯莉在唱歌,但播放的不是歌曲,而是AI生成的声音说:“我们不能把这首歌放在这里播放。所以请观看这段视频,并试着想象一下它的声音。” 6park.com

The video appears to show Grande and Carey singing, but instead of the song playing, the audio is an AI-generated voice saying: “We’re not allowed to put the song here. So watch this video and try to imagine what it sounds like.” 6park.com

格兰德与身为索尼音乐旗下艺人的凯莉都没有回应置评请求。 6park.com

Carey, who is a Sony Music artist, and Grande didn’t respond to requests for comment. 6park.com

金·彼特拉斯(Kim Petras)是环球音乐旗下另一位明星,她最新专辑中的歌曲此前在TikTok上爆红,然后就被下架了。她说,她支持环球音乐的举措,觉得自己受到了公司的保护。 6park.com

Kim Petras, another Universal star whose songs from her latest album were blowing up on TikTok before the takedown, said she supported the move and felt protected by her label. 6park.com

彼特拉斯说:“当然,现在我们环球音乐的所有艺人都面临着挑战,但你必须为团队承担责任。”她表示,“这一举措的初衷是崇高的,旨在确保音乐人的艺术作品获得公平的付费。这不仅适用于排行榜上的顶尖艺人,也适用于那些在幕后不懈努力的词曲作者和个人。” 6park.com

“Of course, right now, all of us Universal artists are facing challenges, but you’ve gotta take one for the team,” she said. “The intentions behind this initiative are noble, aiming to ensure that musicians are fairly compensated for their art. This extends not only to the chart topping performers but also to the songwriters and individuals working tirelessly behind the scenes.” 6park.com

几十年来,某种程度上而言,唱片业一直对那些向顾客推销音乐的巨头俯首帖耳。在CD销售的鼎盛时期,Tower Records和沃尔玛(Walmart)等实体店巨头控制着订单量和货架空间。 6park.com

The record industry has for decades been somewhat beholden to behemoths that purvey its music to customers. In the heyday of CD sales, bricks-and-mortar giants such as Tower Records and Walmart controlled order volume and shelf space. 6park.com

随着iTunes和数字下载的出现,苹果公司(Apple)对专辑进行了去捆绑化,歌迷只需支付99美分就能拥有某一首特定歌曲,而不必在iTunes上花10美元购买整张专辑,而CD的价格甚至还要更高。 6park.com

With the advent of iTunes and digital downloads, Apple de-bundled the album, allowing fans to pay 99 cents to own a specific song, instead of $10 for the whole collection on iTunes and even more on CDs. 6park.com

后来,Spotify颠覆了拥有音乐的概念,让消费者采用订阅模式,实质上就是租用收听世界上所有音乐的权利。Spotify等流媒体服务在一首歌曲被收听30秒后,就会向唱片公司支付版权费。 6park.com

Spotify then upended the idea of owning music at all, shifting consumers to a subscription model by which they essentially rent access to all of the world’s music. Streaming services such as Spotify pay labels a royalty after 30 seconds of a song has been listened to. 6park.com

现在,TikTok实际上分解了歌曲,让用户无法听到最动听的部分。在这款社交媒体应用上滚动浏览视频是一种有声体验,人们可以完全免费听到世界上最流行的音乐。 6park.com

TikTok has now effectively broken down songs, letting users isolate their catchiest parts. Scrolling through videos on the social-media app is a sound-on experience that offers younger generations access to the most popular music in the world, entirely free. 6park.com

据数据追踪机构MidiaResearch的信息,绝大多数16岁至19岁的年轻人每周都会使用TikTok,这个年龄段的人每周在社交视频平台上观看视频的平均时间为14小时,而花在流媒体音乐上的平均时间为12.4小时。 6park.com

The vast majority of young people ages 16 to 19 use TikTok weekly, according to data tracker Midia Research, and the average person in that age range spends 14 hours weekly watching videos on social video platforms, compared with 12.4 hours streaming music. 6park.com

唱片公司高管和艺人团队一直很难衡量TikTok到底能带来多少真金白银,因为一首歌曲流行与否具有偶然性,而且爆火本身并不能推动艺人的职业生涯,也不会让粉丝数量增加。有音乐行业高管表示,很少有喜欢TikTok上某首歌曲的听众会继续听这名艺人以往的作品。 6park.com

Record executives and artists’ teams have struggled to measure the true dollars-and-cents value of TikTok because of the serendipitous nature of a song taking off or not, and the fact that virality in itself doesn’t build an artist’s career and fan base. Few listeners that love a portion of a song on TikTok go on to listen to the artist’s prior work, music executives said. 6park.com

TikTok母公司字节跳动(Bytedance)在2017年斥资10亿美元收购了短视频平台Musical.ly,并于次年将其与TikTok合并,通过此次收购,字节跳动继承了友好的音乐授权协议。唱片公司通常会为规模较小的初创企业提供折扣价,使其能够成长为有生存能力的企业。这些初创企业预计,随着TikTok的用户增多,它们与TikTok的协议也会演变。 6park.com

TikTok parent ByteDance inherited friendly music licensing agreements via its $1 billion acquisition in 2017 of short-form video platform Musical.ly, which it merged with TikTok the following year. Labels typically offer smaller startup companies discounted rates to allow them to grow into viable businesses. The companies have said they expected their deals with TikTok to evolve as the platform gained users. 6park.com

环球音乐称,现在是时候改变自身与TikTok的协议了。据来自eMarketer的信息,自两者的上一份协议以来,TikTok的广告收入已增长了三倍。该社交媒体平台一直通常与唱片公司达成涉及一次性付清的保底给付的短期协议,而环球音乐想要转向一种新的长期协议模式,基于使用量收取版税。 6park.com

Universal said it is time for its arrangement with TikTok—whose advertising revenue has quadrupled since their last agreement, according to eMarketer—to change. Instead of the short-term deals the social-media platform has typically forged with labels that include lump-sum minimum guaranteed payments, Universal wants to shift to a new longer-term model with royalties based on usage. 6park.com

该唱片公司已大大受益于TikTok上的音乐发现功能,具体表现在其艺人的作品触及新粉丝以及那些在别处在线完整收听歌曲的听众。但业内高管表示,环球音乐需要从TikTok那里争取到更好的经济条款,以确保未来的收入增长,尤其是在音乐流媒体领域增长开始趋于平缓的情况下。 6park.com

The label has benefited handsomely from music discovery on TikTok in the form of its artists’ work reaching new fans and those listeners streaming songs in their entirety elsewhere. But it needs to extract better economic terms from TikTok to ensure future revenue growth, especially as growth in music streaming begins to plateau, industry executives say. 6park.com

他们说,随着其他社交媒体平台的协议期满待续、新竞争者进入市场,如果不这样做,对环球音乐来说可能是开创一个有害的先例。 6park.com

Not doing so could set a harmful precedent for Universal as other social-media platforms’ deals come up for renewal and new entrants come to the market, they said. 6park.com

TikTok是免费服务,大部分收入来自平台上的广告,在TikTok已在寻找新的收入来源之际,若达成新协议可能会使该平台背负更高的内容成本。 6park.com

TikTok, a free service, makes most of its money from running ads on the platform, and new deals could shackle it with higher content costs at a time when it is already looking for new revenue streams. 6park.com

环球出版目录歌曲下架揭示了音乐版权界的混乱与复杂。第一批被下架的曲目是环球唱片公司签约艺人录制的作品。下一批涉及与环球出版部门签约的词曲作者和制作人;该部门负责管理音乐词曲作品的版权。 6park.com

The removal of Universal’s publishing catalog is shedding light on the messy and complicated world of music copyright. The first tranche of tracks removed were recordings produced by artists signed to Universal’s labels. This next tranche involves the songwriters and producers signed to Universal’s publishing division, which manages the copyrights behind the composition—the music and lyrics—of a track. 6park.com

这意味着包括索尼和华纳在内的环球唱片公司竞争对手发布的任何曲目,只要有环球的歌曲作者,都将不再获得完全授权,必须从TikTok下架。 6park.com

That means that any tracks released by Universal’s label competitors, including Sony and Warner, that include a Universal songwriter will no longer be fully licensed and must be removed by TikTok. 6park.com

本周一,索尼旗下艺人碧昂丝(Beyonce)的新乡村音乐单曲“Texas Hold 'Em”荣登公告牌百强单曲榜(Billboard Hot 100)榜首。对于这首歌的制作人之一Hit-Boy的经纪人Nima Nasseri来说,这是一个值得庆祝的时刻。 6park.com

On Monday, “Texas Hold ’Em,” the new country music single by Beyoncé, a Sony artist, topped the Billboard Hot 100. It was a celebratory moment for Nima Nasseri, manager for one of the song’s producers, Hit-Boy. 6park.com

Nasseri曾是环球负责TikTok病毒式营销的团队成员之一,他热切地关注这首歌曲的兴起,过去一周,以这首歌曲为主题的舞蹈视频大量涌现,推动这首歌曲在排行榜上不断攀升。本周二,他得知TikTok已开始下架那些以环球签约作者(如Hit-Boy)为加分项的歌曲,这意味着“Texas Hold 'Em”即将下架。 6park.com

Nasseri, formerly part of a team at Universal that ran viral TikTok campaigns, had eagerly watched the song’s rise as dance videos featuring the tune mushroomed over the past week, propelling it up the chart. On Tuesday, he woke up to the news that TikTok had begun removing songs that count Universal-signed writers such as Hit-Boy among their credits, which meant “Texas Hold ’Em” would soon come down. 6park.com

Nasseri说,TikTok付的版权费用并不高,但“那无所谓,重要的是让歌曲火起来”。 6park.com

TikTok doesn’t pay well, Nasseri said, but “that’s not the business—the business is discovery.”



知情人士描述了TikTok与环球音乐之间的谈判进程,据他们说,去年春天在TikTok和环球音乐举行的一次高级别会议上,两家公司的高管一致认为,是时候达成一项与之前不同的协议了。在2023年的大部分时间里,TikTok和环球音乐都在为达成一项更长期的新协议而努力。随着现有版权协议在2023年12月到期,两家公司达成了为期一个月的延期协议,以解决剩余问题。TikTok和环球音乐几乎每天都在就协议内容进行沟通。 6park.com

At a high-level meeting between TikTok and Universal last spring, executives for both companies agreed that it was time to forge a different type of deal, according to the people close to the negotiations, who described how the talks rolled out. The companies spent much of 2023 working toward a new, longer-term agreement. With their existing deal up in December, the companies struck a one-month extension to hammer out the remaining issues. TikTok and Universal exchanged term sheets almost daily. 6park.com

但环球音乐担心谈判团队之间的分歧仍然很大,于是在假期期间制定了一个应急计划,并开始起草一封致艺人的信。 6park.com

But Universal worried that the deal teams were still far apart, and over the holiday break, formulated a contingency plan and began drafting a letter to artists. 6park.com

到了今年1月份,双方的谈判团队在应向环球音乐支付多少费用等一些关键问题上发生了争执,争论的问题包括AI的培训和使用,以及在措辞上如何定义环球音乐向艺人支付的版税费用。 6park.com

By January, deal teams were butting heads on what the label should be paid and other key issues, including the training and use of AI and the language defining the royalty pool from which Universal’s artists are paid. 6park.com

环球音乐希望版税资金只用于支付给真人艺人,而TikTok则表示,这笔资金还应该付给那些通过TikTok平台上的工具、使用AI创作自己音乐的粉丝。音乐界和科技界的高管都预计,在不远的将来,粉丝们将使用AI工具轻松制作原创音乐和他们自己改编的热门曲目。 6park.com

Universal wanted the royalty money to be used to pay only human artists, while TikTok said the funds should also be distributed to fans who use AI to create their own music via tools on its platform. Music and tech executives alike anticipate a not-far-off future in which fans will use AI tools to easily make both original music and their own iterations of hit tunes. 6park.com

环球音乐警告TikTok的高层,如果不能达成协议,将把其艺人的作品从TikTok下架。 6park.com

Universal warned TikTok’s top executives it would take down artists’ work if a deal wasn’t reached. 6park.com

环球音乐将TikTok视为诸如Instagram Reels、Snapchat Spotlight和YouTube Shorts这样的众多短视频服务之一。过去五年里,环球音乐与科技巨头Meta、Snap和谷歌达成协议,这家唱片公司认为这些协议对各种用户生成内容产品中使用其音乐给予了公平的补偿。有鉴于此,环球音乐称,版权许可费的收取有先例可循。 6park.com

Universal sees TikTok as one of many short-form video services, such as Instagram Reels, Snapchat Spotlight and YouTube Shorts. Having forged deals with tech giants Meta, Snap and Google over the past half decade that Universal feels fairly compensate it for the use of its music across a wide range of user-generated content products, the label has said there is a precedent for how licensing fees should work. 6park.com

据环球音乐计算,同类短视频平台支付的版权许可费大约是TikTok的五倍。 6park.com

By Universal’s math, comparable short-form video platforms pay out at about five times the rate of TikTok. 6park.com

TikTok认为自己与Reels和Shorts不同。高管们认为,TikTok的产品具有独特性,协议还应考虑到其提供的歌曲推广和发现功能。 6park.com

TikTok doesn’t see itself as the same as Reels and Shorts. Executives believe its product is unique and that the song promotion and discovery TikTok provides should be accounted for in the deal. 6park.com

格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)颁奖典礼的那一周,音乐界人士纷纷来到洛杉矶。1月30日,即颁奖典礼前的周二,TikTok音乐授权团队的一些重要成员被安排在环球音乐圣莫尼卡办事处与其高管会面。 6park.com

On Jan. 30—the Tuesday before the Grammy Awards, a week when the music business had descended on Los Angeles—some key members of TikTok’s music licensing team were scheduled to meet with Universal executives at the label company’s Santa Monica offices. 6park.com

环球音乐在整个谈判过程中通常都会准时作出回应,但那一天,TikTok在前一天发出的一份总结其最新立场的条款书却没有得到回复。事情有些不对劲。 6park.com

In a sign that something was amiss, Universal—generally punctual in its responses throughout negotiations—hadn’t returned a term sheet that TikTok sent the previous day summarizing its latest position. 6park.com

在会面开始之前,环球音乐在其网站上发表了一封信,称TikTok不同意就该平台使用艺人音乐向艺人提供公平补偿的条款。 6park.com

Before the meeting could start, Universal published a letter on its website saying TikTok wouldn’t agree to terms to fairly compensate artists for use of their music on the service. 6park.com

这封信让TikTok感到意外,一些高管从X得知环球音乐将从TikTok撤下其歌曲目录。TikTok高管没有参加此次会议。 6park.com

The letter arrived as a surprise to TikTok, with some executives learning from X that Universal was pulling its catalog from TikTok. The TikTok executives didn’t go to the meeting. 6park.com

鉴于TikTok首席执行官于1月31日在国会作证,环球音乐选在此时断供让TikTok尤其感觉受到了轻视。 6park.com

TikTok felt especially slighted by the timing, given its chief executive was slated to testify in front of Congress on Jan. 31.


自从环球音乐的歌曲被下架后,TikTok鼓励创作者发布更多的图片内容,暗示他们这样做会获得更多的点赞和评论。2月12日发给创作者的一则通知中写道,图片帖子获得的点赞和评论平均分别是视频的1.9倍和2.9倍。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)看到了这份通知。 6park.com

Since Universal’s music was taken down, TikTok has encouraged creators to post more photo content by suggesting they will get more likes and comments if they do. “Photo posts get 1.9x more likes and 2.9x more comments on average than videos,” said one notification sent to creators Feb. 12 and viewed by The Wall Street Journal. 6park.com

TikTok周一表示,自从环球音乐撤下其歌曲目录后,该平台的参与度没有下降,用户也没有流失。 6park.com

TikTok said Monday it hasn’t seen a decline in engagement or lost users since Universal removed its catalog. 6park.com

2月份头三周,也就是环球音乐刚从TikTok撤下歌曲目录后的那段时间,环球音乐旗下艺人歌曲的全球流媒体播放量与之前三周相比略有增加。 6park.com

Streaming of Universal artists’ music globally increased slightly in the first three weeks of February—the period post-takedown on TikTok—versus the three weeks prior. 6park.com

该唱片公司试图表明自己并不需要TikTok,正在转向其他社交媒体平台。在撤下这些目录之后,环球音乐将几个宣传活动转移到了Instagram Reels上,包括一次为凯西·马斯格雷夫斯(Kacey Musgraves)举办的宣传活动。环球音乐艺人泰勒·斯威夫特和奥利维亚·罗德里戈(Olivia Rodrigo)最近几周的宣传活动都是在Snapchat上开展。 6park.com

The label has tried to show that it doesn’t need TikTok and is turning to other social-media platforms instead. After pulling its catalog, Universal transferred several promotional campaigns to Instagram Reels, including one for Kacey Musgraves. Universal artists Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo both ran promotional campaigns on Snapchat in recent weeks. 6park.com

一些新晋艺人已表示,他们在努力突破、寻找受众的过程中错失了一个重要的推广渠道。 6park.com

Some emerging artists have said they are missing out on a critical promotion avenue as they try to break through and find an audience. 6park.com

康涅狄格州新兴独立乐队Similar Kind的主唱Julia Breen说,她的视频被消音令她大吃一惊。该乐队的音乐通过环球音乐发行。她表示,由于环球音乐的举动,该乐队无法在TikTok上宣传即将发行的专辑,也无法像往常一样开展有助于在专辑发行前造势的预售活动,这让她忿忿不平。 6park.com

Julia Breen, the lead singer of an emerging Connecticut-based indie band called Similar Kind, whose music is distributed through Universal, said she was surprised when her videos went silent. She said she is frustrated that the band won’t be able to promote its coming album on the app because of Universal’s move, or run its usual presale campaign, which helps create buzz ahead of release. 6park.com

“在这一点上,它对我们的伤害大于帮助,”她说。 6park.com

“At this point, it’s hurting us more than it’s helping us,” she said.

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