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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-27 2:43 已读 4837 次 2 赞  


Nvidia’s Stunning Ascent Has Also Made It a Giant Target



黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)喜欢说自己没有长期计划。他不戴手表,他说,因为“现在是最重要的时刻”。 6park.com

Jensen Huang likes to say he doesn’t have a long-term plan. He doesn’t wear a watch, he says, because “now is the most important time.” 6park.com

对于这位英伟达(Nvidia)首席执行官来说,现在是取得巨大成功的时刻,但同时也面临着不小的风险。 6park.com

For the Nvidia CEO, now is a moment of enormous triumph—and more than a little peril. 6park.com

在人工智能(AI)驱动的商业大潮中,英伟达的估值迈入2万亿美元行列,黄仁勋成为了科技界的王者。他成功地将自己公司的半导体设计从计算机图形学应用到AI系统的训练,使英伟达芯片成为微软(Microsoft)和特斯拉(Tesla)等科技公司的必需品。在这一过程中,黄仁勋赚取的财富估计超过680亿美元。 6park.com

After an AI-driven business bonanza that has sent Nvidia’s valuation to the $2 trillion stratosphere, Huang is the king of the tech universe. He has managed to adapt his company’s semiconductor designs from computer graphics to training artificial-intelligence systems, making his chips essential for tech companies from Microsoft to Tesla. In the process Huang has earned a fortune estimated at more than $68 billion. 6park.com

对于生于台湾、幼年时移民到美国的黄仁勋来说,这是一次惊人的飞跃。众所周知,30多年前,他在一家Denny's餐厅为自己的公司构想了发展计划。如今,他穿着标志性的黑夹克、黑牛仔裤和黑色运动鞋,与世界各国领导人亲切交谈,被钟情于英伟达芯片的亿万富豪们所簇拥,在英伟达年会上滔滔不绝地讲几个小时,阐述他对AI的看法。 6park.com

It has been a stunning ascent for the Taiwanese-born immigrant who famously mapped out plans for his company at a Denny’s restaurant more than 30 years ago. He now hobnobs with world leaders, holds court with fellow billionaires who are hooked on his chips and holds forth for hours on his AI views at Nvidia’s annual conference, wearing his signature black jacket, black jeans and black sneakers. 6park.com

这也使英伟达成为一个巨大的靶子,许多公司都想削弱它的主导地位,其中既包括竞争对手,也包括一些每年花费数十亿美元购买不可或缺的英伟达芯片的客户。 6park.com

It has also made Nvidia a giant target for a host of companies that want to diminish its dominance—including both rivals and some of the customers that are forking over billions of dollars a year for the must-have chips. 6park.com

英特尔(Intel)和Advanced Micro Devices(简称AMD)已加速推出自家AI芯片产品。英伟达AI训练芯片的大买家亚马逊(Amazon.com)、谷歌(Google)和微软(Microsoft)都已经或正在开发自主设计芯片。上周三,就在英伟达公布最新重磅季度业绩的同一天,微软和英特尔宣布了一项交易,微软将利用英特尔的制造工艺打造定制芯片。 6park.com

Intel and Advanced Micro Devices have accelerated their AI chip offerings. Amazon.com, Google and Microsoft—huge buyers of Nvidia’s AI-training chips—all have or are developing their own in-house designs. On Wednesday, the same day Nvidia unveiled its latest blockbuster quarterly results, Microsoft and Intel announced a deal for the software giant to build custom chips using Intel’s manufacturing operation.


黄仁勋在台北国际电脑展演讲期间展示的英伟达的超级芯片Grace Hopper。

尽管黄仁勋总是强调当下的重要性,但他也对如何保障英伟达的未来发展感到焦虑。他正在开发英伟达芯片在其他行业的应用,他投资初创企业,让它们围绕英伟达的技术打造业务,他还向世界各国政府推介,试图说服各国利用英伟达的技术建立AI基础设施。 6park.com

As much as Huang talks about the importance of the present, he’s also anxious about securing the company’s future. He is developing uses for Nvidia chips in other industries, investing in startups building their businesses around his technology, and pitching it to governments worldwide to build their own AI infrastructure. 6park.com

61岁的黄仁勋是《只有偏执狂才能生存》(Only The Paranoid Survive)一书的粉丝,这本书由英特尔前传奇首席执行官格鲁夫(Andy Grove)撰写,讲述了如何将濒临失败的境地转化为持久的成功。黄仁勋在英伟达内部提倡一种类似初创公司的文化,让3万名员工在一种公司好像一个月后就要倒闭一样的氛围里工作。黄仁勋曾说过,他寻找难题,解决难题,然后努力忘记这一切有多么的困难。 6park.com

A fan of “Only The Paranoid Survive,” a book by legendary Intel CEO Andy Grove about converting near-failure into lasting success, the 61-year-old Huang encourages a startup-like culture where his 30,000 employees act as though they’re a month away from going out of business. He has said he searches for hard problems, solves them, then tries to forget how difficult it all was. 6park.com

“这一定就像是马拉松运动员经历过的感觉,”黄仁勋今年9月在加州圣克拉拉对印度的科技专业毕业生说,“我曾经用过这句话,现在用得少了,但痛苦和挫折带来的愉悦价值不可低估。” 6park.com

“It must be the feeling that marathoners go through,” he told an audience of Indian technology graduates in Santa Clara in September. “I used to use this phrase—I use it less now—but the entertainment value of pain and suffering can’t be understated.” 6park.com

英伟达在这场AI竞赛中保持领先,这让黄仁勋的许多竞争对手和诋毁者感到惊讶。英伟达最近一个财季收入是上年同期的3.5倍多。利润增长近八倍。英伟达股价在16个月内上涨了五倍。人们对英伟达的期望变得很高。 6park.com

That Nvidia has stayed ahead in the AI race has surprised many of Huang’s competitors and detractors. Nvidia’s revenue in the latest quarter was more than 3.5 times the level a year earlier. Profit rose nearly ninefold. Its stock is up sixfold in 16 months. Expectations are high.


英伟达成立30多年来,黄仁勋一直担任该公司首席执行官,这在快速发展变化的硅谷几乎是闻所未闻。黄仁勋和他的联合创始人、身为工程师的Chris Malachowsky和Curtis Priem当初是在圣何塞一家Denny's餐厅构想了创建英伟达的计划。在英伟达市值达到1万亿美元后,黄仁勋去年9月获得这家餐厅颁发的一块牌匾,而现在这块牌匾上印有的1万亿美元的形容词已成为过去时。 6park.com

Huang has been Nvidia’s chief executive since starting it more than three decades ago, a tenure almost unheard of in fast-moving Silicon Valley. He and his co-founders, fellow engineers Chris Malachowsky and Curtis Priem, formulated their plan at a Denny’s in San Jose. The booth where they talked got a plaque last September—now outdated—after Nvidia hit a $1 trillion valuation. 6park.com

英伟达的基本理念是瞄准加速计算。每台计算机的核心芯片——中央处理器(CPU)——都是能实现多任务处理的工具,能够很好地进行各种计算。加速计算的概念是,专业芯片可以更好地完成某些任务。英伟达专注于完善计算机图形技术。 6park.com

Nvidia’s foundational idea was to target so-called accelerated computing. The chips at the heart of every computer—central processing units, or CPUs—are digital jacks-of-all-trades, capable of doing a variety of calculations reasonably well. Accelerated computing was the notion that specialist chips could do better at some tasks. Nvidia focused on improving computer graphics.

去年9月,Denny's餐厅首席执行官Kelli Valade和黄仁勋在加利福尼亚州圣何塞举行的英伟达成立纪念活动上。

英伟达在成立最初的几十年里,通过销售图形处理器(GPU)赚得数十亿美元,满足了那些追求更清晰分辨率和更高屏幕刷新率的PC游戏玩家的需求。 6park.com

The company made billions of dollars selling graphics processing units, or GPUs, in its first couple of decades, catering to PC gamers who prized sharper resolution and faster-refreshing screens. 6park.com

2006年,在注意到医学研究人员开始使用英伟达显卡后,黄仁勋向所有人开放了GPU。 6park.com

In 2006, after noticing that medical researchers were starting to use Nvidia graphics cards, Huang opened up the GPUs for anyone. 6park.com

几年后,该公司外部的研究人员发现,英伟达的GPU在AI计算方面表现非常出色。构建复杂的AI系统所需数学计算与图形芯片可以同时进行大量计算的工作方式相吻合。 6park.com

Several years later, researchers outside the company discovered that Nvidia’s GPUs were excellent for AI computation. The math needed to build complex AI systems dovetails with the way graphics chips work—by doing a multitude of calculations at once. 6park.com

目前生成式AI热潮背后的AI系统,比如支持OpenAI旗下ChatGPT的语言模型尤其依赖英伟达的GPU。对这些系统进行训练需要处理海量数据,这在以往几乎没有先例。ChatGPT的构建使用了数以万计的英伟达GPU。 6park.com

The artificial-intelligence systems behind the current boom in generative AI—language models like the ones that power OpenAI’s ChatGPT—are especially dependent on Nvidia’s GPUs. Educating these systems involves crunching data on a scale with little precedent. ChatGPT was built using tens of thousands of Nvidia’s GPUs. 6park.com

OpenAI在2022年底发布的ChatGPT引发了一场科技行业“军备竞赛”。英伟达GPU供不应求。该公司上周三表示,虽然情况正在改善,但供应仍然紧张。 6park.com

OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT in late 2022 launched a tech-industry arms race. Production of Nvidia GPUs couldn’t keep up with demand. The company on Wednesday said its supply remained constrained, though the situation is improving.


突然之间,英伟达成为了科技宇宙的引力中心。科技企业领袖抱怨要买到英伟达的高阶GPU H100有多难。 6park.com

Suddenly, Nvidia became the gravitational center of the tech universe. Tech industry leaders bemoaned the difficulty finding H100s—Nvidia’s advanced GPUs. 6park.com

去年5月,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)曾这样调侃道:“现在GPU比毒品难买多了。”当时特斯拉正在开发AI功能并且马斯克正在另外组建一家名为xAI的公司。 6park.com

“GPUs at this point are considerably harder to get than drugs,” Elon Musk quipped last May, as he was developing AI capabilities at Tesla and building a separate company called xAI. 6park.com

在去年9月的一次公司会议上,商业软件巨头甲骨文(Oracle)的创始人兼董事长埃里森(Larry Ellison)回忆了他和马斯克在加州帕洛阿尔托的豪华日本餐厅Nobu与黄仁勋共进晚餐的情景。埃里森回忆说:“埃隆和我在乞求,我想用这个词来形容我们再合适不过了。”“吃了一个小时的寿司,也乞求了一个小时。” 6park.com

Larry Ellison, founder and chairman of business-software giant Oracle, at a company conference in September recounted a dinner that he and Musk had with Huang at the luxe Japanese restaurant Nobu in Palo Alto, Calif. “Elon and I were begging, I guess is the best way to describe it,” Ellison recalled. “An hour of sushi and begging.”



Meta Platforms首席执行官扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)上个月谈起今年打算再投入数十亿美元资金发展其愈发雄心勃勃的AI计划。他说:“到今年年底,我们将拥有35万片英伟达H100。” 6park.com

Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg last month talked up plans to spend what will amount to billions more dollars this year for his growing AI ambitions. “By the end of this year, we’re going to have 350,000 Nvidia H100s,” he said. 6park.com

英伟达芯片的短缺令黄仁勋拥有巨大影响力。英伟达如何分配有限的供应量,可能会左右这场AI竞赛的胜负。该公司甚少谈及如何决定其供应分配。上周三,当一位分析师问及如何分配芯片供应时,黄仁勋说,英伟达努力做到公平分配,但会避免把芯片卖给那些短期内用不到它们的客户。 6park.com

The shortage of Nvidia’s chips has given Huang immense power. How Nvidia allocates its limited supplies could influence who wins or loses in the AI race. Nvidia has said little about how it decides. Asked by an analyst on Wednesday about how he does that, Huang said the company tries to allocate fairly but avoids selling chips to people who won’t immediately use them. 6park.com

黄仁勋还说,英伟达经常为云计算公司带来客户,并协调芯片供应以支持它们。黄仁勋认为这些举措有利于云计算公司。 6park.com

Huang added that Nvidia often brings customers to cloud-computing companies and ties in an allocation of chips to support them. Huang cast those moves as beneficial for the cloud companies. 6park.com

AI热潮兴起一年多之际,据估计英伟达已占据AI芯片市场80%以上的份额。 6park.com

More than a year into the AI craze, Nvidia is estimated to account for more than 80% of the market for AI chips. 6park.com

客户自研AI芯片如果取得成功,可能会危及英伟达数以十亿美元计的收入。谷歌和亚马逊正在改进多年前开始生产的自主设计AI芯片。微软和Meta最近也加入了这一行列。 6park.com

Customers’ efforts to develop their own chips for AI could endanger billions of dollars of Nvidia’s revenue if they’re successful. Google and Amazon are improving in-house AI chips that they started making years ago. Microsoft and Meta have more recently entered the fray. 6park.com

英伟达非常依赖其芯片的主要买家。在上一财年,仅其中一个主要买家就为英伟达贡献了逾110亿美元销售额,占该公司总销售额的近五分之一。英伟达没有说明该买家名称。 6park.com

Nvidia is hugely dependent on the biggest buyers of its chips. Just one of them, which it didn’t name, accounted for nearly a fifth of its sales in its last fiscal year, or more than $11 billion. 6park.com

仅最近一个季度,英伟达就从谷歌、微软和亚马逊等云计算公司获得了逾92亿美元的销售额,超过这三家公司同期约350亿美元资本支出的四分之一。 6park.com

Nvidia had sales of more than $9.2 billion from cloud-computing companies like Google, Microsoft and Amazon in its latest quarter alone—more than a quarter of those three companies’ roughly $35 billion in capital spending in the same period. 6park.com

微软在一份声明中表示,其定制芯片是对英伟达芯片的补充,而不是替代,让客户能够选择最优的价格和性能。据一位了解谷歌芯片战略的人士称,谷歌在提供英伟达芯片的同时也提供自研芯片,以便客户根据自身预算和技术需求可以有多种芯片选择。亚马逊在开发自研芯片的同时,也指出了它与英伟达的长期合作关系,并表示在其云服务中提供了种类最多的英伟达芯片。亚马逊与英伟达去年扩大了合作关系。 6park.com

Microsoft said in a statement that its custom chips were complementary to Nvidia’s, not replacements, and allow customers to choose the optimal price and performance. Google offers its own chips alongside Nvidia’s to give customers a wide menu of chips based on their budget and technical needs, according to a person familiar with the company’s chip strategy. Even as it develops homegrown options, Amazon pointed to its long-term partnership with Nvidia, expanded last year, and said it offered the widest array of the company’s chips in its cloud service. 6park.com

此外,英伟达上周三表示,该公司当前季度的毛利率预计将达到76%左右。这对客户和竞争对手来说是一个诱人的目标。Raymond James分析师Srini Pajjuri估计,英伟达先进制程H100芯片的单位生产成本略高于3,000美元,而售价则高达25,000美元左右。 6park.com

Nvidia’s gross profit margins, meanwhile, are expected to be about 76% in its current quarter, the company said Wednesday—what amounts to a juicy target for customers and competitors. Analyst Srini Pajjuri of Raymond James estimated that it costs Nvidia just over $3,000 to make one of its advanced H100 chips, which sells for about $25,000.


Advanced Micro Devices已在销售旨在与英伟达竞争的芯片。英国芯片设计公司Arm Holdings和英特尔也在兜售自己的AI芯片,而市场的变化可能会对这些公司有利。虽然英伟达芯片在训练AI模型方面无人能比,但英特尔、AMD和一系列AI芯片初创公司的其他芯片在某些情况下也同样擅长部署经过训练的AI系统。 6park.com

Advanced Micro Devices is already selling chips that aim to compete with Nvidia. British chip designer Arm Holdings and Intel also are touting their chips for AI, and shifts in the market could play to their strengths. While Nvidia’s chips are unmatched at training AI models, other chips from Intel, AMD and a raft of AI chip startups are in some cases equally adept for deploying AI systems after they are trained.


为了拓展未来的业务,黄仁勋最近一直在争取潜在的政府客户。他在本月于迪拜举行的一次政府会议上呼吁世界各地的官员将他们的数据和计算基础设施保留在本地,而不是将AI开发外包给外部人,按他的说法就是要打造“主权AI”。 6park.com

To build future business, Huang has recently been courting potential government customers. He has urged officials around the world to keep their data and computing infrastructure local, instead of farming out AI development to outsiders—to build “sovereign AI,” as he called it at a government conference in Dubai this month. 6park.com

不过,黄仁勋必须处理好有关英伟达芯片的地缘政治担忧,尤其是与中国有关的担忧。过去两年间,美国政府对英伟达等一些公司的AI芯片运往中国实施了限制,理由是担心中国军方可能利用这些公司的AI芯片制造先进武器和进行网络战。英伟达报告称,上一季度来自中国的营收急剧下降。 6park.com

Huang must navigate geopolitical concerns about Nvidia’s chips, though, especially related to China. U.S. authorities in the past two years have placed restrictions on shipments to China of AI chips from Nvidia and others out of concern that the Chinese military could use them to make advanced weapons and conduct cyberwarfare. Nvidia reported a sharp falloff in its revenue from China in its last quarter. 6park.com

鉴于英伟达在市场上的主导地位,中国、英国、法国和欧盟的竞争监管机构都对英伟达的商业行为展开了调查,但都没有导致针对该公司的制裁。 6park.com

With Nvidia’s dominant market position, competition regulators in China, the U.K., France and the European Union have launched probes into Nvidia’s business practices, although none of them have resulted in sanctions against the company. 6park.com

随着英伟达声名鹊起,黄仁勋大力投资于初创企业,重点关注围绕英伟达芯片开发技术的生成式AI、机器人、自动化和医疗保健公司。上一财年,英伟达在其他公司的持股价值增长了四倍多,截至1月末达到约15.5亿美元。Dealogic的数据显示,英伟达在2023年总共投资了30多家初创公司,比前一年增加了两倍多。 6park.com

Huang has feverishly invested in startups as the company rises to prominence, focusing on generative AI, robotics, automation and healthcare companies developing technology around Nvidia’s chips. The company grew the value of its holdings in other companies more than fivefold in its last fiscal year, to about $1.55 billion at the end of January. In all, it invested in some three dozen startups in 2023, according to Dealogic figures, more than tripling its activity from the previous year. 6park.com

与黄仁勋相识数十年的风投公司Thomvest Ventures董事总经理Umesh Padval说,英伟达的投资策略符合其联合创始人倾向于根据未来10年的愿景进行投资的理念。去年,Thomvest与英伟达一起参与了加拿大AI公司Cohere的一轮融资。 6park.com

Umesh Padval, a managing director at venture-capital firm Thomvest Ventures who has known Huang for decades, said the Nvidia investment strategy fits with its co-founder’s tendency to make bets based on a vision 10 years into the future. Thomvest participated with Nvidia in a funding round last year for Cohere, a Canadian AI company. 6park.com

“他开始积极地说,你看,我需要做些什么来建立生态系统,这样我就能卖出更多的芯片和系统?”Padval说。 6park.com

“He started aggressively saying, look, what do I need to do to get the ecosystem built such that I can sell more of my chips and systems?” he said. 6park.com

英伟达还投资了一家名为CoreWeave的云计算公司。CoreWeave运营着装满英伟达AI芯片的大型数据中心,并出租其运算能力,与亚马逊和微软等巨头开展竞争。 6park.com

Another Nvidia investment was in a cloud-computing company called CoreWeave. It operates large data centers filled with Nvidia’s AI chips and rents out their computing power, putting it in competition with giants like Amazon and Microsoft. 6park.com

不同于那些规模较大的竞争对手,CoreWeave并不致力于开发自己的芯片,而是购买了一大批英伟达最先进的芯片。这些芯片价值很高,CoreWeave去年在一笔23亿美元的融资交易中把它们当作抵押品。 6park.com

CoreWeave, unlike its larger rivals, isn’t working to develop its own chips and has acquired a large fleet of Nvidia’s most advanced chips. Those chips are such a valuable asset that CoreWeave used them as collateral in a $2.3 billion financing deal last year.


黄仁勋还倚仗了英伟达软件CUDA的用户粘性,该软件是使用英伟达GPU的数字门户,也已深深卷入AI热潮。多年来,CUDA架构下已编写了数百万行代码,这使得使用英伟达芯片开发新AI应用变得更加容易。竞争对手们开发了自己的AI软件,试图取代英伟达的软件,但尚未获得广泛认可。 6park.com

Huang is also relying on the stickiness of Nvidia’s software, called CUDA, a digital doorway for using its GPUs that also has become deeply enmeshed in the AI boom. Millions of lines of code have been written over the years for CUDA that have made developing new AI applications easier when using Nvidia’s chips. Competitors have developed their own AI software in an attempt to dislodge Nvidia, but have yet to gain wide traction. 6park.com


获得英伟达芯片的机会是如此难得,以至于一些客户担心会因为与该公司的竞争对手打交道而受到惩罚。芯片初创公司Groq的首席执行官Jonathan Ross说,在那些希望有替代品但又害怕触怒这头猛兽的客户中,这种恐惧显而易见。 6park.com

So valuable is access to Nvidia’s chips that some customers are fearful of being punished for dealing with the company’s competitors. Jonathan Ross, CEO of chip-startup Groq, said that fear was palpable among customers who wanted alternatives but were wary of poking the beast. 6park.com

“我们接触的很多人都说,即便英伟达听说了我们在接触,他们也不会承认的,”Ross说。“问题是,你必须提前一年向英伟达支付费用,你可能在一年内拿到硬件,也可能要等更长时间,也就是说,‘唉,你从别人那里买的,我猜你需要等更长的时间’。” 6park.com

“A lot of people that we meet with say that if Nvidia were to hear that we were meeting, they would disavow it,” he said. “The problem is you have to pay Nvidia a year in advance, and you may get your hardware in a year or it may take longer, and it’s, ‘Aw shucks, you’re buying from someone else and I guess it’s going to take a little longer.’”


随着英伟达发展壮大,黄仁勋的生活也发生了变化。他的座驾是一辆黑色奔驰EQS电动汽车。他说,出于安全考虑,他不再自己开车了。 6park.com

Huang’s life has changed along with Nvidia’s growth. He is driven around in a black Mercedes EQS electric car—he doesn’t drive himself any more, he says, for security reasons. 6park.com

对于AI领域之外的芯片应用,黄仁勋的一个长期关注点是希望英伟达芯片可以有助于药物研发和计算生物学。当被问到他对未来最感兴趣的领域时,黄仁勋通常会提到这一点。英伟达也在这方面进行了投资,比如去年以5,000万美元入股药物开发初创公司Recursion。 6park.com

One of his long-term focuses outside of AI is the notion that his chips could help in drug discovery and computational biology. He usually brings it up when asked what he’s most excited about in the future. Nvidia has invested in it, too, including a $50 million stake in drug-discovery startup Recursion last year. 6park.com

在与黄仁勋打过交道的许多芯片行业人士眼里,AI带给他们的感受依然像十年前一样:目前还是遥不可及且市场有限,黄仁勋把这种情形称作“零亿美元市场”,AI就是其中之一。 6park.com

To many of the chip-industry people he interacts with, it’s much like AI might have been a decade ago: a far-off possibility with a limited market for now, one of what Huang dubs his “zero-billion dollar markets.” 6park.com

今年1月,黄仁勋在摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的一次医疗健康会议上与Recursion董事长进行了一次讨论,在谈话中他谈到了冷冻电镜、X射线晶体学和结构预测,所有这些都是一般人难以理解的行业术语。 6park.com

In January, he had a discussion at a J.P. Morgan healthcare conference with the chairman of Recursion in which he discussed cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography and structure prediction—all arcane industry terms. 6park.com

“我无意炫耀,但还有哪个芯片公司的首席执行官会这样讲话呢?”黄仁勋说,“在药物和医学研发的这条路径上,从头到尾我们可以提供算法,我们有数学能力,我们有专业知识,我们可以成为你们的合作伙伴,所以请同我们进行合作。” 6park.com

“I don’t mean to show off, but what other chip CEO would talk like that?” he said. “Along the entire pipeline of the discovery of drugs and medicine, we have algorithms and we have mathematics and we have expertise that we can be a partner to you, so please do reach out to us.” 6park.com

黄仁勋说,尽早进入AI等新行业,可以让他有更多时间来解决复杂的问题。 6park.com

Getting into new industries like AI early on, Huang says, gives him more time to figure out complex problems. 6park.com

“我的速度不是很快,但我非常执着,”黄仁勋最近对一个中国半导体专业人士团体说,“我做一件事会花很长时间。因此,如果我选择的问题和我们公司选择的问题都很难解决,我们就用很长的时间来解决它们。” 6park.com

“I’m not very fast, but I’m very persistent,” he told a Chinese semiconductor professionals group recently. “I work on something for a very long time. So it allows me, if I choose problems and our company chooses problems that are very hard to do, we have a long time to work on them.”

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