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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-26 0:06 已读 4334 次 2 赞  


EV Startups Struggled to Build Cars. Now They Struggle to Sell Them.


Rivian 表示,计划今年生产的车辆数量与去年产量大致持平。

电动汽车初创企业曾表示,它们面临的最大挑战是如何足够快速地生产汽车。而现在事实证明,销售这些汽车很困难。 6park.com

Electric-vehicle startups once said their greatest challenge was building cars fast enough; now selling them is proving difficult. 6park.com

Rivian Automotive和Lucid Group上周对今年生产业务的展望令人失望,称高利率和经济不确定性打击了电动汽车需求。 6park.com

Rivian Automotive and Lucid Group last week offered disappointing production outlooks for this year, saying EV demand is being hit by high interest rates and economic uncertainty. 6park.com

电动皮卡生产商Rivian计划今年生产5.7万辆汽车,与去年产量大致持平。Lucid力争今年生产9,000辆汽车,较去年产量略有增加。两家公司都表示正在集中精力寻找客户。 6park.com

The electric-pickup maker Rivian plans to produce 57,000 vehicles this year, roughly the same number as last year. Lucid said it aims to produce 9,000 vehicles, a slight increase from last year’s figure. Both say they are concentrating on finding customers. 6park.com

Rivian首席执行官RJ Scaringe在上周三与分析师的电话会议上说:“我们的重中之重是增加需求,以实现2024年的交付目标。” 6park.com

“Our key focus is on increasing demand to achieve our 2024 delivery targets,” Rivian Chief Executive Officer RJ Scaringe said on a call with analysts Wednesday.

Rivian、Lucid等一些电动车企的IPO获得踊跃认购,投资者当时认为这些初创公司的经营策略灵活且具有创新意识,有望在电动汽车销售竞赛中击败老牌汽车厂商。这些初创公司投入了数以十亿计美元用于建厂和设计高性能豪华汽车,也由此出现了严重亏损。它们难以掌握大规模生产汽车的基本要素,但这些公司曾表示,它们拥有非常受欢迎的产品,客户在排队购买。 6park.com

Investors piled into the public debuts of Rivian, Lucid and others, believing they were nimble, innovative companies that could beat established automakers in the race to sell EVs. The young companies racked up steep losses as they plowed billions of dollars into building factories and designing luxurious, high-performance vehicles. They struggled to master the nuts and bolts of mass-producing automobiles, but the companies said they had highly desirable products that customers were lining up to buy. 6park.com

就在这些公司克服生产困境之际,开始有迹象表明,愿意购买汽车的人并没有预期的那么多。 6park.com

Just as the companies were overcoming their production woes, signs started to appear that the pool of willing buyers wasn’t as deep as expected. 6park.com


就在去年夏天,Rivian还表示正在集中精力提高产量,并且拥有大量待完成订单,很多客户都在等待。Scaringe当时说:“我们相当看好对本公司产品的持续强劲需求。” 6park.com

As recently as this past summer, Rivian said it was focused on stepping up production volume and had a strong backlog of waiting customers. “We’re quite bullish on the continued strong demand we have for our products,” Scaringe said at the time. 6park.com

他上周三表示,Rivian的待完成订单数量已“明显减少”,原因之一是利率上升使得客户的月还款额比最初下订单时更高。Edmunds的数据显示,1月份新车贷款的平均利率约为7%,而2021年底Rivian和Lucid开始生产汽车时,新车贷款的平均利率约为4%。 6park.com

On Wednesday, he said the company’s backlog of orders had been “notably reduced,” in part because of higher interest rates that made monthly payments pricier than when the orders were first placed. According to Edmunds data, the average interest rate on a new-car loan was around 7% in January, compared with roughly 4% in late 2021, when Rivian and Lucid started producing vehicles. 6park.com

Lucid也表示,正在努力提高销量,包括向其他汽车公司授权电池和电机技术。Lucid首席执行官Peter Rawlinson说:“重要的是要认识到我们在生产方面并不受制约,受到制约的是销售和交付。” 6park.com

Lucid has also said it is working to boost sales, including by licensing its battery and motor technology to other car companies. “What’s important to recognize here is we are not production-constrained; it is sales and deliveries,” said Lucid CEO Peter Rawlinson.

Rivian股价上周下跌38%,创下10.06美元的历史新低。Lucid股价上周下跌19%,上周五收于3.02美元。 6park.com

Rivian shares ended the week down 38% and hit an all-time low of $10.06. Lucid shares declined 19% for the week, closing Friday at $3.02. 6park.com

在美国电动汽车需求低于预期的情况下,包括特斯拉(Tesla)和福特汽车(Ford Motor)在内的一些车企都沉潜下来。电动汽车销量持续增长,有行业高管表示将继续致力于这项技术,但许多汽车制造商已经在降价和打折促销。一些车企在推迟电动汽车投资或削减电动车型的产量。 6park.com

Car companies from Tesla to Ford Motor are hunkering down in the midst of weaker than expected demand for battery-powered vehicles in the U.S. EV sales continue to grow, and executives say they remain committed to the technology, but many automakers have been slashing prices and discounting vehicles to bolster sales. Some are delaying EV investments or cutting production of electric models. 6park.com

与老牌汽车制造商相比,初创企业更易受到电动汽车需求突然降温的影响,因为它们没有盈利的业务来度过销售增长疲软期。 6park.com

Startups are more exposed than legacy carmakers to the sudden cool-down in EV demand because they don’t have a profitable business to help them weather a period of weak sales growth. 6park.com

去年的电动汽车销售低迷也令老牌车企措手不及。但福特汽车、通用汽车(General Motors)等一些车企都针对今年发布了强劲的利润预测,这些车企依靠盈利的汽油车业务来支持电池动力投资。 6park.com

Established car companies were also caught off guard by sluggish EV sales last year. But Ford, General Motors and others have issued strong profit forecasts for this year as they lean on profitable gas-vehicle businesses to support their battery-power investments. 6park.com

去年油电混合动力汽车销量激增之后,其中许多汽车制造商也在扩大混合动力汽车的生产计划。 6park.com

Many of these automakers are also ramping up production plans for hybrid vehicles, which run a combination of electric and gas power, after sales of these vehicles surged last year. 6park.com


电动汽车先驱特斯拉已经降价,并在上个月表示,预计今年增长速度将放缓。特斯拉去年第四季度营业利润率下降近一半,至8.2%,部分原因是平均销售价格下降。该公司已表示,健康的利润率使公司能够消化价格下降带来的影响。 6park.com

The EV pioneer Tesla has cut prices and said last month that it expects slower growth this year. Tesla’s fourth-quarter operating margin fell by nearly half to 8.2%, in part because of lower average selling prices. The company has said its healthy profit margins allow it to absorb the impact of lower prices. 6park.com

特斯拉首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk)最近在X上发表了一系列文章,矛头直指Rivian和Lucid。 6park.com

Tesla CEO Elon Musk took aim at Rivian and Lucid in a recent series of posts on X. 6park.com

马斯克在谈到Rivian时写道:“他们的产品设计不错,但经营一家汽车公司,真正困难的是在现金流为正的情况下实现量产。” 6park.com

“Their product design isn’t bad, but the actual hard part of making a car company work is achieving volume production with positive cash flow,” Musk wrote about Rivian. 6park.com

多家电动汽车公司表示,它们已在减少支出以保存现金,并降价促销。Rivian上周三称将裁员10%,以削减成本。 6park.com

EV companies say they have been reducing spending to conserve cash and lowering prices to boost sales. On Wednesday, Rivian said it would lay off 10% of its salaried workforce to cut costs. 6park.com

投资者担忧的是,如果这些目前尚未盈利的初创企业继续降价以赶上竞争对手,它们就有可能更快地耗尽现金。截至去年12月底,Rivian的现金储备从上年同期的116亿美元降至79亿美元。 6park.com

The concern, according to investors, is if these currently unprofitable startups continue to cut prices to match competitors, they risk burning through their cash faster. Rivian’s cash reserves fell to $7.9 billion at the end of December, from $11.6 billion a year earlier. 6park.com

Lucid的现金及现金等价物去年减少了3.65亿美元,降至近14亿美元,尽管该公司在此期间也筹集了30亿美元。其中大部分资金来自沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金(Public Investment Fund),该基金拥有Lucid 60%的股份。 6park.com

Lucid’s cash and cash equivalents declined by $365 million last year to nearly $1.4 billion, though the company also raised $3 billion during that time. Most of those funds came from Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, which owns a 60% stake in the carmaker. 6park.com

Rivian和Lucid均表示手头现金足以支撑到2025年。 6park.com

Rivian and Lucid said they have sufficient cash to last through 2025.


一方面要削减成本和提振销售,另一方面需要投资于价格更实惠的新车系,Rivian等一些电动汽车初创企业正平衡这两者的关系,这些公司认为更实惠的新车型将会更吸引客户。 6park.com

Rivian and other young EV makers are balancing their efforts to cut costs and boost sales with the need to invest in a new lineup of more-affordable vehicles, which the companies say will broaden their appeal to customers. 6park.com


鉴于老牌车企计划在未来几年推出较低价车型,初创企业面临的压力可能会加剧。Lucid、Rivian和其他初创公司销售的许多汽车都是高价位的豪华车型。Rivian汽车去年的平均售价为8.8万美元。J.D. Power的数据显示,在整个美国电动汽车业中,1月份电动汽车的平均售价为50,369美元。 6park.com

The pressure on startups could worsen as established automakers launch their own lower-price models in the next few years. Many vehicles sold by Lucid, Rivian and other startups are high-price, luxury models. Rivian vehicles sold for an average $88,000 last year. Across the industry, car buyers paid an average $50,369 for an EV in January, according to J.D. Power data. 6park.com

Rivian销售R1T皮卡、R1S SUV和一款电动厢式货车。 该公司计划在3月初推出一款价格更低的新车型,属于其下一代R2系列。该车型预计要到2026年才能上市销售。 6park.com

Rivian sells the R1T pickup, the R1S SUV and an electric delivery van. In early March the company plans to unveil a new, lower-price model, part of its next-generation R2 series. The vehicle isn’t expected to go on sale until 2026. 6park.com


Lucid只销售Air轿车这一款车,最便宜的车型售价不到7万美元,电池一次充电预计可续航410英里。Lucid计划临近今年年底时在市场上推出一款售价8万美元、名为Gravity的SUV,该公司表示这将扩大潜在的客户基础。Lucid计划在2026年上市一款价格更实惠的车型。 6park.com

Lucid sells a single vehicle, the Air sedan, the cheapest version of which is just under $70,000 and travels an estimated 410 miles on a single battery charge. The company plans to sell near the end of this year an $80,000 SUV, called Gravity, which it says will appeal to a wider base of potential customers. Lucid plans to sell a more affordably priced model in 2026. 6park.com

并非所有电动汽车初创公司都对今年的业绩发出了严峻警告,也有些公司尚未公布去年第四季度业绩。 6park.com

Not all EV startups gave dire warnings for this year, and some have yet to report their fourth-quarter results. 6park.com


越南初创企业VinFast Auto表示,计划今年交付10万辆电动轿车和SUV,而去年的交付量只有接近3.5万辆。VinFast董事长Thuy Le表示,今年计划交付量中的约1.5万至2万辆将卖给北美客户。Fisker和极星(Polestar Automotive)定于周四公布财报。 6park.com

The Vietnamese startup VinFast Auto said it plans to deliver 100,000 electric cars and SUVs this year, up from nearly 35,000 last year. Around 15,000 to 20,000 of those sales will be to North American customers, said VinFast Chairwoman Thuy Le. Fisker and Polestar Automotive are scheduled to report financial results Thursday. 6park.com

Rivian曾表示,目标是在今年年底前实现毛利润。投资者担心,在公司销售额预计不会增长的情况下,降价压力将使实现利润目标面临挑战。 6park.com

Rivian has said it aims to turn a gross profit by the end of this year. Investors worry that pressure to cut prices when the company’s sales aren’t expected to grow will make it challenging to achieve the profit goal. 6park.com


CFRA分析师Garrett Nelson说:“这是一家成长型公司;它们应该大幅提高销量。”而Rivian却表示,将大幅削减成本并裁员。 6park.com

“This is a growth company; they are supposed to be increasing volumes significantly,” said Garrett Nelson, a CFRA analyst. Instead, Rivian said it was sharply cutting costs and laying off workers. 6park.com

Nelson说:“这为艰难的一年埋下了伏笔。” 6park.com

“It sets the stage for a tough year,” Nelson said.

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