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听几首演歌 05
送交者: take01[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-02-21 8:51 已读 3978 次 4 赞  


但她的一首,已经被视作她的代表作的川流不息,隔一段时间听一下,还是很能让心情沉淀的。 6park.com

有其他的翻唱。建议就听她的版本就好。坚强,坚定,淡然,自若。 6park.com

SongJapanese LyricsGoogle Translate
作詞 秋元 康
作曲 見岳 章
唄  美空ひばり 6park.com


I walked in without knowing it
This long and narrow road
If you look back, it's far away
I can see my hometown
bumpy roads and winding roads
I don't even have a map, that's life too
Ah, like the flow of a river
Many eras have passed slowly
Ah, like the flow of a river
The sky is endlessly dyed in twilight
To live is to travel
This endless road
Take the person you love close to you
While searching for a dream
Even on a muddy road in the rain
Someday the sun will shine again
Ah, like the flow of a river
I want to leave this body to you calmly
Ah, like the flow of a river
As the seasons change, waiting for the snow to melt
Ah, like the flow of a river
I want to leave this body to you calmly
Ah, like the flow of a river
While listening to the blue babbling forever

就是说,演歌不仅吟唱男女之恋,故乡之恋,也能励志。 6park.com

这首歌在英国发行的时候,为了好记歌名,就改名成壽喜燒(Sukiyaki)。其实歌里唱的和火锅没什么关系。 6park.com

SongJapanese LyricsGoogle Translate
作詞 永 六輔
作曲 中村八大
唄  坂本 九 6park.com

Let us walk towards the top
Don't let the tears fall
I remember a spring day
A lonely night
Let us walk towards the top
Counting the blurred stars
I remember a summer day
A lonely night
happiness is above the clouds
Happiness is up in the sky
Let us walk towards the top
Don't let the tears fall
walk while crying
A lonely night
I remember an autumn day
A lonely night
Sadness is in the shadow of the stars
Sadness is in the shadow of the moon
Let us walk towards the top
Don't let the tears fall
walk while crying
Alone night
Alone night
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