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听几首演歌 02
送交者: take01[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-02-15 8:14 已读 4604 次 3 赞  


她也有自己的代表作,但今天先来听听她演唱的这两首森進一原唱的歌曲。 6park.com

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作詞 吉川静夫
作曲 猪俣公章
原唱 森 進一
本版 八代亜紀 6park.com

Only one person in vast Tokyo
You're crying, the night is coming
I wrap my hands around the glass too
A sweet image that floats
What to drink in Ginza at night
For some reason, I feel it in my heart. 6park.com

A love that ended in a lie
I want to throw it away and forget it
A man's will and thoughts
Let the heartless neon river flow
What to drink in Ginza at night
For some reason, I feel it in my heart. 6park.com

Even in a dark bar in Tokyo
I'm getting drunk because I have a dream
I feel so lonely tonight
That girl said softly
What to drink in Ginza at night
For some reason, I feel it in my heart.

作詞 深津武志
作曲 猪俣公章
原唱 森 進一
本版 八代亜紀 6park.com

Stretch your back and look at the strait
The train whistle goes away again today
Give me back the night I gave you
Port, port Hakodate Street rain 6park.com

The sake I drink with the tears I shed
It tastes like a man who cheated on me
While dragging your shadow
Port, Miyako Kamaishi Kesennuma 6park.com

Departing ship Entering ship Farewell ship
A return boat that won't take you
The back view also resembles someone else’s sky
Port, Misaki Yaizu Omaezaki 6park.com

If we part, I'll be waiting for March
The laziness of a woman's heart
I don't need tomorrow, I want tonight
Port, Kochi Takamatsu Yawatahama 6park.com

The name of the person you call but can't reach
Write with spilled alcohol and fingers
Tears in the sea, ah, all I complain about
Port, Beppu Nagasaki Makurazaki 6park.com

The embers of a woman's heart burn and slow down Sakurajima
This is Kagoshima, the end of the journey?
Port, port town blues


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