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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-19 15:36 已读 1837 次 3 赞  


Nostalgic Blues 6park.com

词 : 剑波, 江南 (Lyrics : Jianbo, Jiangnan) 曲 : 王艺歌 (Music : Wang Yige) 唱 : 张其萍 (Singer : Zhang Qiping) 谱 : •http://www.jianpu.cn/pu/23/233335.htm 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

星空灿烂 , 月满挂枝头 Night sky starry, full moon hangs by the tree, 6park.com

风儿轻轻 , 云儿淡淡走 So light the breeze, thin clouds float idly. 6park.com

唱一曲乡愁几多忧 Sing a nostalgia tinged with sadness, 6park.com

遥寄那乡思在心头 Send in from afar my homesickness. 6park.com

•————[ Stanzas 2, 5 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

千里未行 , 牵挂早就有 Home thoughts grow before my long journey, 6park.com

雨儿飘飘 , 雾漫轻柔柔 So soft the mist, drizzle drifts gently. 6park.com

弹一段心情春水流 Strum the feeling of spring river, 6park.com

淡看那功名于身后 All that glam and fame, no more bother. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 3, 6, 8 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

举杯对月饮不够 In blues, I drink to the moon, 6park.com

耳边常有乡音留 When I hear my home accent croon. 6park.com

畅饮不醉不还休 Down the bottle to feel high, 6park.com

心驾轻舟 渺渺星河游 My soul sail in the vast starry sky. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 4, 7, 9 ] (Rhyme : abbc)———• 6park.com

乡思如雨细如绸 Nostalgia rains like fine silk, 6park.com

深情却是浓似秋 Sentiment thick as autumn hues. 6park.com

东来西往高朋坐 Come and go, good friends rendezvous, 6park.com

只盼相逢不在梦里头 Hope to meet again, but not in the dream. . . . Translated by ck 2021-12-10 •==================================• 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

星空灿烂 ,- 月满挂枝头 (9) Night sky starry, - full moon hangs by the tree, (10) 6park.com

风儿轻轻 ,- 云儿淡淡走 (9) So light the breeze, - thin clouds float idly. (9) 6park.com

唱一曲乡愁 - 几多忧 (8) Sing a nostalgia - tinged with sadness, (9) 6park.com

遥寄那乡思 - 在心头 (8) Send in from afar - my homesickness. (9) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 2, 5 ]————————• 6park.com

千里未行 ,- 牵挂早就有 (9) Home thoughts grow be - fore my long journey, (9) 6park.com

雨儿飘飘 ,- 雾漫轻柔柔 (9) So soft the mist, - drizzle drifts gently. (9) 6park.com

弹一段心情 - 春水流 (8) Strum the feeling of - spring river, (8) 6park.com

淡看那功名 - 于身后 (8) All that glam and fame, - no more bother. (9) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 6, 8 ]———————• 6park.com

举杯对月 - 饮不够 (7) In blues, I drink - to the moon, (7) 6park.com

耳边常有 - 乡音留 (7) When I hear my - home accent croon. (8) 6park.com

畅饮不醉 - 不还休 (7) Down the bottle - to feel high, (7) 6park.com

心驾轻舟 - 渺渺 - 星河游 (9) My soul sail in - the vast - starry sky. (9) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 4, 7, 9 ]———————• 6park.com

乡思如雨 - 细如绸 (7) Nostalgia rains - like fine silk, (7) 6park.com

深情却是 - 浓似秋 (7) Sentiment thick - as autumn hues. (8) 6park.com

东来 - 西往 - 高朋坐 (7) Come and go, - good friends - rendezvous, (8) 6park.com

只盼相逢 - 不在 - 梦里头 (9) Hope to meet again, - but not - in the dream. (10) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2023_02_19 15:39:54编辑

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