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送交者: xanfan[♂☆★★★声望勋衔16★★★☆♂] 于 2016-11-28 17:37 已读 586 次 1 赞  



The school leavers wear overalls for the duration of their Russ festival The young people are expected to go to school at the same time as they party  Huge celebrations are held in the streets with the merry school leavers These girls appear to be enjoying their time partying through the three weeks of Russ The teens also buy busses which they deck out as party vehicles - a group of teenagers are pictured here lying in the sun One of the common Russ tasks is to go swimming before the start of the warm season The school leavers post their pictures online and are proud of their partying which is seen as a right of passage Track and field exercises appear to be on the list of things to do for these two friends Drinks and takeaway food as well as iconic red solo cups made it to this celebration The overalls and red hat are symbolic of the country's wild celebration These young girls appear to be having dun posing during their celebration These girls scream through the street with various things written on their faces in black These school leavers appear very comfortable with each other as they pose for photos These students are pictured cleaning up a mess - and don't look at all enthusiastic about it


一名曾在挪威教书的英国老师费雪(Aled-Dilwyn Fisher)表示,学生大部分的挑战都很幽默,虽然有些愚蠢恶心,但不会伤到别人;他就曾看过有人将两条卫生棉塞入口中,并大口喝下500毫升啤酒,画面非常吊诡。


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