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For Myself (三部曲最后一部 )(原创)
送交者: PowerDDV[♂☆品衔R4☆♂] 于 2020-01-19 17:18 已读 976 次 2 赞  


第三部曲 For Myself


for myself.
Yeah, motherfuckers what you got to say.? when hard life comes to you, even you didn't pick it. what are you going to do with the hardest life? Don't know what to do fuck up everything? Don't give many excuses to cover your ass, Shut your fucking mouth! That not going pass. don't be shy, don't be the cry. No more bullshit waste my time. Don't tell me that you have a lot of pain, look around you that's nothing. close your eyes clear your mind find out a solution that's the only way. Don't tell me you can't go through, don't lie to yourself shut up bitch! You got enemy but you have Energy, don't be afraid then stand up a little bit. Fuck that motherfucker even they Laughing, fight for yourself that's you need. I know is tough! don't give a fuck. That is your life Control your parts. Yeah, motherfucker what you want be? Stand up bro like IMG. I Promise you will stand on the top. Yeah! you are the motherfucking superstar! yeah! 6park.com

What you have to say? 6park.com

Stand up a little bit! 6park.com

Jump up a little bit! 6park.com

a stronger little bit! 6park.com

Keep moving! 6park.com

Yeah! 6park.com

What you got to be? 6park.com

Stand up a little bit! 6park.com

Jump up a little bit! 6park.com

a stronger little bit! 6park.com

Keep moving! 6park.com

Yeah! 6park.com

What did you get to do? 6park.com

Stand up a little bit! 6park.com

Jump up a little bit! 6park.com

a stronger little bit! 6park.com

Keep moving! 6park.com

Yeah! 6park.com

Life is a beautiful need to do a lot of things, it never like that, you have to use your brain. Hard life not about how hard you hit. It is all about How much you can take. tell me how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward then you get it. Yeah! Motherfucker, you know what is it, Definitely, that shit is not easy. Whatever the fuck, got to do your job. keep moving forward don't fucking stop. It doesn't matter dark skin or white skin bros, I'm Chinese yellow skin what's up to you‘ll. I know we are Though from a different land, but still, our goal is the fucking same. We all need set it up keep it up. yes! One opportunity that's what we got! yeah, motherfucker, you know what I'm saying? Don't miss up when the opportunity comes to you. If you Losing that shit from the god gave you, absolutely you fuck up. Let me tell you something you already know. it never comes back to you, fucking fool! So don't let it go by your side. show all the motherfuckers that! say what's up! 6park.com

All right. calm down! we all need to calm down! Sit back relax and let me show you some. One side is an angel. another side is evil. you sitting in the middle. you scare in the shadow. I mean in the Real life is like that. But all Successful people will take that fight. Sounds like a crazy but that is True. No pains, no gains. You should know that too! Time flies, time is money, That's life, This's not joking! Let's get it real no time for the game. don't ask me why to cause no time to play. I could be right. maybe could be wrong. you can make a left or keep walking around. The final decision is up to you! your life your game and your control. my friend if you really followed then you know what I'm talking about. You know It's easier said than done. So never give up Hang in there bro! take my word for it, it's all true, it could be done because I believe too. Thanks for spending the time to Listen to me, so let me get outta here, one day let me hear something about you.

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