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7 Years(My True Story)
送交者: PowerDDV[♂☆品衔R4☆♂] 于 2019-09-01 22:41 已读 1514 次 7 赞  



7 Years 《《 7 年》》 6park.com

Baby, I know right now isn't right, like going down from 1000 floors to the ground, yo'll think I'm crazy but I'm not, cause I'm isn't jump down, use stairway from the top! We was love each other I understood, I hope you are agree too because that is true! I want find the girl like "perfect " saying, but why you give yourself the "love yourself " training? I saw the time can change everything, but you frozen yourself nothing change. I swear to the god is not your fault , because my dream become like you, That is i know! Trust is important you should know, but you drop off that sh*t for many years ago. Every time you with me champion always yours! you should know I'm not the loser just want chills. 6park.com

《《宝儿,我知道现在这种情况是不对的,就像是从摩天大楼掉落到地面一样。你们所有人都认为我疯了对吗?其实我没有,因为这一切并不是我纵身跳下来!而是台阶跟着台阶慢慢走下来的。我们之前深爱这对方,我明白这一点。我也希望你能同意我这个说法,因为我说的是真的!我想要找个就像“perfect”歌里面说的那样的女孩子,但是你却一直锻炼自己成为像“love Yourself"歌里说的那样。我一直认为在不懈的努力下时间可以改变一切,但是你却像是被封印一样冰冻起来。我像老天发誓其实你没有错,因为我知道,我的梦想一直都想成为你一样性格的人。信任是最重要一点我想你应该知道,但是在多年多年以前你已经不再有任何信任了,每一次我们两个人在一起的时候,你总是冠军,但是你应该知道我这个一直的失败者其实是故意的。》》 6park.com

You love B&P(*Bella and Paula*)that is pretty sure,they are your everthing you locked in your drawer. Oh My god! I think you are forgot, Big B(*Bella*) is my precious I can't just let you lock. You love B&P(*Bella and Paula*) that is pretty sure,they are your everything you locked in your drawer. Oh my god ! I think you are forgot, Big B(*Bella*) is my precious I can't just let you lock. 6park.com

Little angel supposed be let them flying ,but you leave them alone, don't care, let them drying ! Thank you god, isn't too late! only my personality can help them breathe! I'm not saying you are not right, you want "love yourself " that's all right. now yo'll think personality is trash,but yo'll don't understand that is really turning to fight! You may think the life just like that, but It will hurting myself up to the die. Well, you talking about I'm wolf now, let me tell you something, if I am, definitely I will go to hell have no chance.You have your religious, you have your idea,you have your dreams,you have your respect. I alway stay with you give best I can! 6park.com

《《我们可爱的小天使应该无忧无虑,但是在我每天回到家的时候看到的小天使总是头发像疯草,脚丫像煤炭,没有喝一杯水,谢谢老天爷!还不能算太晚,我觉得只要我的性格还可以把孩子照顾好!我并没有说你有任何的错,你的性格是应该跟着你的喜爱去支配,你要怎么做我无法制止。现在你突然告诉我说,性格不性格的跟两个人感情没有关系。但是我认为你们难道真的不明白,性格的不一样会导致种种痛苦的争吵?现在你们都说我是一匹狼,一匹忘恩负义的狼。那么我告诉你,如果真的我像你们说的那样,我绝对100%下地狱。你有你的宗教信仰,你有你的思想,你有你的梦想,你有你所有值得尊敬的人,而我呢?一直再陪同在你的身边,把我可以做的任何事情都尽可能的做到最好》》 6park.com

You love B&P(*Bella and Paula*) that is pretty sure,they are your everything you locked in your drawer. Oh my god, I think you are forgot, Big B(*Bella*) is my precious I can't just let you lock.You love B&P(*Bella and Paula*) that is pretty sure,they are your everything you locked in your drawer. Oh my god, I think you are forgot, Big B(*Bella*) is my precious I can't just let you lock. 6park.com

i know what did you give to me, that's why I respected just not leave. You give me the citizen, give me the children, give me the family, whatever you give to me.but please understand I'm not robot, I'm human being ! I can not follow exactly what you need! I got brain ,I got feeling,I have to sleep! That is least human need! I think this is time should let you know, otherwise you never understand that is disrespectful. We got so many things going on, how can you blame my dad that only his fault. I believe so you saying everything is right, but my dad is not me, can not do everything you like?! Also I talked you 7 years before, my parents is my bottom line, please do not cross! 6park.com

《《我当然明白你给予我了什么,这也就是我为什么我一直都有亏欠感,你给予我身份,给予我孩子,给予我家庭,给予我了你所有认为给予我的东西,但是我请求你能明白一点,我不是一个机器人,我也一样有血有肉,我不可能像机器人一样你输入程序我就照做。我有大脑思想,我也需要关心呵护,我也像正常人那样需要睡觉。这是最起码人所需要的,思想,关心,跟睡觉。我想是时候让你知道跟明白了,你没有权利剥夺我的思想,对我的关心,跟不让我睡觉。我们之间有着许许多多永远都解决不了的死疙瘩,你怎么可以把所有的问题都推向了我的父亲,你所说的所有的一切我都相信你说的是对的,我父亲的性格跟你一样,那个人是我的父亲,他不可能像我一样对你俯首帖耳。而且在7年前我就给你说过了,你怎么对我都可以,但是我的底线就是我的父母,请你千万越过。》》 6park.com

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《《但是最后你还是践踏了我唯一镇守的土地》》 6park.com

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You love B&P(*Bella and Paula*) that is pretty sure,they are your everything you locked in your drawer. Oh my god, I think you are forgot, Big B(*Bella*) is my precious I can't just let you lock.You love B&P(*Bella and Paula*) that is pretty sure,they are your everything you locked in your drawer. Oh my god, I think you are forgot, Big B(*Bella*) is my precious I can't just let you lock. 6park.com


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