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In Memory of Xin Hua Yin
送交者: mmax[☆一毛神帝☆] 于 2022-03-26 12:49 已读 2371 次  


北美朋友! 请帮这些失去父母的孩子!

A few words from Carrie


Hello! My name is Ms. DeSanto and I am here today with Carrie writing a small passage for the Du family. I have had the pleasure of working at school with Ms. Yin's oldest daughter Carrie Du for the past few years. On March 21st, Ms. Yin passed away after years of battling two different types cancer and left behind three wonderful children: Carrie, Laura, and Marco. Two years ago, Carrie, Laura, and Marco's father Mr. Du also passed away due to complications of cancer. I wanted to start this fundraiser to help Carrie, Laura, and Marco with memorial costs as well as to help them save some money to use for clothes, food, and school supplies. Carrie and Laura are still students in high school, and young Marco is currently in junior high school. The Du children have experienced so much loss in their lives and we would be so appreciative of any donation you can make to help them during this very difficult and tragic time. Carrie, Laura, and Marco thank you for anything that you can contribute at this time. 6park.com

Sincerely, 6park.com

Ms. DeSanto, Carrie, Laura, and Marco
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