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There's a kind of hush by Carpenters卡鹏特兄妹 吉他弹唱
送交者: 取笔名很容易[♂☆★春梦了无痕★☆♂] 于 2020-12-28 22:43 已读 1010 次 5 赞  


卡鹏特兄妹的一首非常著名且香艳的爱情歌曲,曲调很欢快,典型的靡靡之音, 6park.com

描写了一对青年男女在寂静的树林里约会的情景. 6park.com

我很小的时候就在FM电台里听过这首歌,感觉曲调非常的优美,歌词很有内容, 6park.com

就录下来反复听,大致听懂了,很高兴,英语听力也得到了提高. 6park.com

这首歌也在小歌本里,有的时候唱唱,但不是很熟,现在再拣起来, 6park.com

发现不难了,练习练习,就录了. 6park.com


(音频自己录制) 6park.com

There's a kind of hush
by Carpenters卡鹏特兄妹 6park.com

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world you can
Hear the sound of lovers in love
You know what I mean
Just the two of us and nobody else
In sight there's nobody else and
I'm feeling good just holding you tight
So listen very carefully
Get closer now and
You will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
I love you forever and ever 6park.com

There's a kind of hush
All over the world, tonight
All over the world, people
Just like us have fallen in love
So listen very carefully
Get closer now and
You will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
I love you forever and ever
There's a kind of hush
All over the world, tonight
All over the world,
You can hear the sounds of lovers in love 6park.com



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