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4:55 (Part of the Game) 吉他弹唱
送交者: 取笔名很容易[♂☆★春梦了无痕★☆♂] 于 2020-11-08 22:09 已读 1124 次 5 赞  


录了好几首, 这首比较适合半夜听.
校长曾经是其中一员. 6park.com

4:55 (Part of the Game) 6park.com

Yes I saw you at the station Long distance smiles You were leaving for the weekend Catching the four fifty-five With your new friend for the season Another sad-eyed clown Helping to the seeing that your fantasies go down 6park.com

And I have to wonder to myself Why you have to go so far Drifting with life's daydreams Trying to play the star I still remember when you said "Baby, now let's get away" And I followed you like a schoolboy I guess that's part of the game Now you call me say you're sorry Give me long distance love You say you'd like to see me Maybe just for a while 6park.com

And you'd meet me at the station There on platform nine And we'd leave for the weekend Riding the four fifty-five But I've played this scene too many times To ever feel the part again I don't really want to fake it I already know the end So bye bye, Cin-Cinderella Everything just has to change And the midnight blues are calling I guess that's part of the game 6park.com


(视频取自网络) 6park.com

(音频自己录制) 6park.com

贴主:取笔名很容易于2020_11_09 9:20:43编辑
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