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送交者: wenlonguk[♂☆★★★招财进宝★★★☆♂] 于 2020-04-24 7:08 已读 82 次  


回答: 哈哈,这罪名安得好! 由 学习不是很好 于 2020-04-24 7:04

The World Health Organization (WHO) says only two groups of people should wear protective masks, those who are:
sick and showing symptoms
caring for people suspected to have coronavirus
It says medical masks should be reserved for healthcare workers.
Masks are not recommended for the general public because:
they can be contaminated by other people's coughs and sneezes, or when putting them on or removing them
frequent hand-washing and social distancing are more effective
they might offer a false sense of security
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control agrees that medical face masks should be prioritised for healthcare workers. But it says non-surgical face masks might help stop the spread of coronavirus by people who are contagious but have no symptoms.
This might be particularly useful in busy spaces, such as grocery stores, shopping centres, and on public transport, it says.
Coronavirus is spread by droplets that can spray into the air when those infected talk, cough and sneeze. These can enter the body through the eyes, nose and mouth, either directly or after touching a contaminated object.
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