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送交者: flinstone[♂★★VIP中屁★★♂] 于 2021-05-11 23:51 已读 1413 次 4 赞  


今天本来想试试 高音的。结果被打击了,My eyes Adore you! 太不好唱,唱得出来,但很不好听。回头。。。可能就不回头了!哈哈! 6park.com

笔版,你又来逗人了,我先上 合肥方言阿!嘿嘿,大家音量调节小一点阿!! 6park.com


竟然说我 侵权!?哈,我唱成这样还能侵权!??改了文件名都不行!AI这么厉害!! 6park.com

看样子以后只能这样上传拉!哈哈! 6park.com

史东上 6park.com

歌词还是贴一下,有始有终! 6park.com

When we were young, we pledged allegiance every morning of our lives 6park.com

The classroom rang with children's voices under teacher's watchful eye 6park.com

We learned about the world around us at our desks and at dinnertime 6park.com

Reminded of the starving children, we cleaned our plates with guilty minds 6park.com


And the stones in the road shone like diamonds in the dust 6park.com

And then a voice called to us to make our way back home 6park.com

When I was ten, my father held me on his shoulders above the crowd 6park.com

To see a train draped in mourning pass slowly through our town 6park.com


His widow kneeled with all their children at the sacred burial ground 6park.com

And the TV glowed that long hot summer with all the cities burning down 6park.com

And the stones in the road flew out beneath our bicycle tires 6park.com

Worlds removed from all those fires as we raced each other home 6park.com


And now we drink our coffee on the run, we climb that ladder rung by rung 6park.com

We are the daughters and the sons, and here's the line that's missing 6park.com

The starving children have been replaced by souls out on the street 6park.com

We give a dollar when we pass, and hope our eyes don't meet 6park.com

We pencil in, we cancel out, we crave the corner suite 6park.com

We kiss your ass, we make you hold, we doctor the receipt 6park.com


And the stones in the road fly out from beneath our wheels 6park.com

Another day, another deal, before we get back home 6park.com

And the stones in the road leave a mark from whence they came 6park.com

A thousand points of light or shame 6park.com

Baby, I don't know 6park.com

贴主:flinstone于2021_05_11 23:57:52编辑 6park.com

贴主:flinstone于2021_05_11 23:58:29编辑 6park.com

贴主:flinstone于2021_05_11 23:59:15编辑

评分完成:已经给 flinstone 加上 150 银元!

贴主:flinstone于2021_05_12 0:10:09编辑
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