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【我们收藏世界】-我收藏的pokemon卡 今年价值猛升
送交者: yy888[♀★★★★天佑世界★★★★♀] 于 2021-01-12 11:47 已读 6882 次 5 赞  


Pokemon cards 在市场上有这么大的价值也是最近炒的历害,每种charater印的卡数不一样,这样就分开了卡的价值。
拍卖pokemon卡变成了很有趣的现象,一张卡可以从几百慢慢升到几千。 6park.com

还有专门的地方给你估价你的卡,如果你有旧的卡,不再是新的没拆封的卡,寄到一定的地方,他们会对损耗等等进行等级评定,来回邮费你自己出,还要交费,不便宜的,他们会帮你单张用硬塑料包装好,这样就不会再损失了,然后你就可以在ebay里卖,或着去拍卖行卖。 6park.com

这是我从网上找来的为什么现在pokemon卡这么值钱的一段解说。我就不翻了。 6park.com

Why cards are rising in value right now 6park.com

Pokémon card sales and prices have skyrocketed this year, with some cards selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. 6park.com

On Thursday, a sealed box of Pokémon booster packs sold for a record $360,000 through Heritage Auctions, while a similar set sold for $198,000 only two months ago. According to eBay, there were 60% more Pokemon card sales on its platform in September compared to January of this year. 6park.com

YouTube stars, celebrities and investors have dropped big bucks on cards, which has contributed to the frenzy and helped push up their value. That, in turn, has encouraged others to snap up cards in hopes that they’ll be able to turn a profit. 6park.com

这是我买的另一组,也没开,这包装不一样,可以看到里面有几张卡。但还是不知道是什么卡,买pokemon的卡就是赌你能买到高价值的,但这比较难吧。 6park.com






点击听那首大家都知道的《同桌的你》。不管有没有人听,我乘机放一个,嘻嘻。 6park.com


还有一段 6park.com

It’s not just the 1st Edition Base set cards that are worth big money. Valuable Pokemon cards are released every year. There could be cards hiding in your collections that are worth thousands of dollars! 6park.com

Pack rippers like me (people buying and ripping open packs of Pokemmon cards) know the chance of getting a common or uncommon card is much greater than getting a full art Pokemon GX card… so the GX cards are worth more, fewer were printed. 6park.com

Another factor to consider is the Pokemon itself… some characters are more popular with collectors and in demand. For example, Charizard cards always seem to fetch a higher price. 6park.com

And then there are trophy or prize cards given out at tournaments and events. These cards are the most valuable because there are so few in existance.
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