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送交者: 劳右春[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2022-06-08 16:47 已读 2045 次 1 赞  



加拿大CBC的一个前线记者最近写了篇关于乌冬前线的报道。他采访了在防守一个重要交通枢纽 Bakhmut乌克兰士兵。看来这个城市的驻军,士气,装备都有不少问题。他们对于司机政府非常不满。 这里是一下原文: ..... "Nikita has been fighting in this region for more than a month now, pushing back against a Russian assault that broke through Ukrainian lines in mid-May and continues to close in on Bakhmut. His colleague, Mikhail, had also fought in 2014, against the initial Russian invasion of Ukraine. This time, he says, is different. 6park.com

"[In 2014], I could fight well enough with my rifle," said Mikhail. "Now, I can't. They hit us with planes, helicopters, mortars,

tanks, GRADs [rocket artillery]."

"In this war, the ordinary infantryman is nothing," said Nikita. "Now it's all artillery and heavy weapons. The average soldier, he can't do anything."

"We are just cannon fodder," Mikhail interjects. 6park.com

...... 6park.com

Despite the thousands of pieces of Western military aid delivered to Ukraine, Nikita said he and his men have seen nothing of them.

"We have just our rifles. Maybe an RPG [launcher] or two. Against a tank or an armoured vehicle? What am I supposed to do?" he said rhetorically. In his view, the leadership in Kyiv cares little for those fighting out here. 6park.com

"[Kyiv] has not sent us any new weapons — and they're not going to," said Nikita.  "Everything new and fancy has been reserved for those other places:  Kyiv, Kharkiv, the big cities. Headquarters thinks, 'Well, you [in the east] have been fighting the Russians for eight years already. You'll be fine.'" 6park.com

Nikita shakes his head, before turning to even harsher words for his superiors. "You have to understand that there are two castes in this country," he said. "There's the upper caste, and then there's us: the lower caste. We are just pawns. Nothing more. The upper caste gets the money, and we get the command: 'Forward!'  6park.com

"That's how it's always worked here [in Ukraine]," he said, before emphasizing that he doesn't expect anyone to believe him. "No one here wants to hear the truth," said Nikita. "They just want the beautiful story of how Ukraine is united. But here, we're f--ked." 6park.com


贴主:劳右春于2022_06_08 16:50:12编辑
贴主:劳右春于2022_06_08 16:50:21编辑
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