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Iran Accidentally Sinks Its Fake American Aircraft Carrier
送交者: theSpear[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-08-18 6:28 已读 607 次  


An Iranian barge modified to resemble an American aircraft carrier sank near the Strait of Hormuz.
The “carrier,” built to take abuse in propaganda videos made by the
Iranian regime, unexpectedly turned on its side near the Iranian port
city of Bandar Abbas. The fake carrier is now a hazard for local
shipping, and experts believe it will need to be towed away and

The unnamed barge was recently a star
in Iran’s “Great Prophet 14” exercises. The annual air and naval
exercises are used to showcase all the ways Iran believes it can stand
up to American military power. In last month’s exercises, Iranian forces
launched an anti-ship missile at the barge, and commandos fast-roped
onto the deck of the make-believe ship. 6park.com

The barge, which Iran previously attacked in 2015 (and subsequently
repaired), apparently sustained enough damage during that exercise to
cause it to sink. The image below was taken by an PLEIADES Earth-imaging
satellite as it passed over the Persian Gulf region. 6park.com

The barge sank in 45 feet of water and now, as Forbes points out,
is proving a more formidable opponent as when it was afloat. It's
currently near Bandar Abbas, a major Iranian port responsible for
shipping the country’s oil overseas and also one of the Islamic Republic
of Iran Navy’s largest naval bases. 6park.com

This could very well create tension between the
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy, the paramilitary force that
hammered the fake carrier during the Great Prophet Exercises, and the
more traditional Iranian Navy.

The barge is the second Iranian “warship” to sink in the area in the past three months. Back in May, an anti-ship missile accidentally targeted an Iranian Navy vessel, sinking it. The friendly fire incident killed 19 sailors and injured another 15. 6park.com


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