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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-04-30 10:04 已读 995 次  


French Navy orders placed for next generation aircraft carrier 6park.com

France is set to begin the construction of a new-generation aircraft carrier, aimed at replacing the aging Charles de Gaulle carrier. Preliminary studies for this ambitious project, known as the Porte-Avions de Nouvelle Génération (PANG), commenced in October 2018. As of 2024, the project has reached the detailed pre-project phase, with a launch and implementation dossier expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

The propulsion system will feature a new model of nuclear reactors, K-22, developed by Framatome Défense in collaboration with TechnicAtome, designed to deliver 220 to 230 megawatts, enabling the carrier to reach speeds of 30 knots and to operate advanced systems like electromagnetic catapults (EMALS) and directed energy weapons. 6park.com

The new carrier is expected to implement the CATOBAR system (Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery), which has been a standard in French carriers since the 1960s. 6park.com

The integration of electromagnetic catapults, which are significantly lighter than traditional steam catapults, will enhance operational flexibility and enable the launch of a wide range of aircraft, from drones to the new generation fighter jets. 6park.com

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