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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-04-02 19:58 已读 1339 次 1 赞  


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/a-new-study-has-changed-the-birthplace-of-humanity/ar-AA1bxabO 6park.com

A New Study Has Changed the Birthplace of Humanity 6park.com

简言之,过去的非洲起源理论不对,和事实不符,所以又搞了一个新的,多地起源理论,但还限于非洲(什么道理?) 6park.com

这个新的"理论",当然也是胡扯的成分多,看着就是乱编一气。但是反过来说明,过去的"理论",是由多么的不靠谱。 6park.com

“Decades of study of human genome variation have suggested a predominantly tree-like model of recent population divergence from a single ancestral population in Africa,” the study says. “It has been difficult to reconcile this finding with the fossil and archaeological records of human occupation across the vast African continent.” 6park.com

To reach their conclusion, the researchers investigated the genomes of nearly 300 people across a variety of ancestral backgrounds and—even going back a million years—still weren’t able to lock in on just one distinct population set. Instead, their findings suggested that there must be at least two populations, which they dub Stem1 and Stem2. 6park.com

“We cannot rule out the possibility that more complex models involving additional stems, more complex population structure, or hybrid models including both weak structure and archaic hominin admixture, may better explain the data,” the study says.

贴主:甲骨于2024_04_02 19:58:48编辑
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