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送交者: VSriramoju[♂☆品衔R4☆♂] 于 2024-02-18 9:25 已读 188 次  


回答: 美军在韩战中损失最多的6个师级单位排名 由 add321 于 2024-02-18 4:48

比如伤亡第一的第二步兵师,仅血伤心岭一战就造成中朝联军2万5千左右的伤亡。 6park.com

n August 1951, the division was on the offensive once again, ordered to attack a series of ridges that had been designated threats to the Eighth Army's line. These actions would devolve into the battles of Bloody Ridge and Heartbreak Ridge. The division would not receive relief until October, with its infantry regiments having suffered heavy losses. The 23rd Infantry Regiment bore the brunt of the damage, having been severely mauled on Heartbreak Ridge. The 2nd Division was withdrawn after possessing both Bloody and Heartbreak Ridges, and the damage they inflicted upon the PVA/KPA that held the ridges was estimated at 25,000 casualties. Ridge warfare was not embarked upon again as a military strategy for the remainder of the war. In January 1953 the division was transferred from IX Corps to I Corps.
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