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送交者: 神采[★★★声望勋衔13★★★] 于 2023-06-28 12:02 已读 1076 次 4 赞  


美国对韩战是否做过“四错误”的论述? 6-28-23 韩战期间,美方是否说过“在错误的时间,地点,跟错误的敌手,打一场错误的战争”,一直有争论,但这是个真实的陈述。发言者是参谋长联席会议主席奥马尔.布莱德利上将。发言的场合,是5/15/1951的美国参议院外交关系和武装力量委员会举行的听证会。讨论的主题是美国是否应该将战火延烧到中国境内。布莱德利反对把战争扩大到中国。认为这是“在错误的时间,错误的地点,跟错误的敌手,打一场错误的战争”。 6park.com

5/15/1951日,抗美援朝的五次战役已经打完了四次,第五次正在进行之中,美军已经见识了共军的实际战力,麦克阿瑟因战败几乎陷入疯狂,力主使用核武扩大战争,而在4/11日被解职。他的上司,参谋长联席会议主席布莱德利将军在这次听证会发言,认为扩大战争将迫使美国“危险地在非关键的地点投入过多的力量”。为啥非得“投入过多的力量”?为啥大投入“危险”?当然因为对手太强。所以,他的发言,是在双方反复较量之后,对共军实力的承认。他说北韩和中国是“非关键地点”,不过是为了说服参院不要扩大战争,并且给美军遮一下面子找出的说辞。 6park.com

中国当然是“关键地点”。别说中国了,中国岛屿台湾就构成美国的战略支点,所以多年来一直把着不放。问题是见识过共军的实力后,美军知道那时已经不是派几条炮舰,几千兵,就能长驱直入打到北京的时代了,跟共军打得付出无法承受的代价。 6park.com


General of the Army Omar N. Bradley in 5/15/1950: 6park.com

I am under no illusion that our present strategy of using means short of total war to achieve our ends and oppose communism is a guarantee that a world war will not be thrust upon us. But a policy of patience and determination without provoking a world war, while we improve our military power, is one which we believe we must continue to follow…. 6park.com

Under present circumstances, we have recommended against enlarging the war from Korea to also include Red China. The course of action often described as a limited war with Red China would increase the risk we are taking by engaging too much of our power in an area that is not the critical strategic prize. 6park.com

Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world. Frankly, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.

— From testimony before the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations, May 15, 1951.—Military Situation in the Far East, hearings, 82d Congress, 1st session, part 2, p. 732 (1951).

贴主:神采于2023_06_28 12:07:18编辑

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