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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-04-19 11:06 已读 848 次  


Russia's conditions for ceasefire in Ukraine: "Hungarians, Poles, and Romanians might not end up with anything" 6park.com

https://spotmedia.ro/en/news/news/russias-conditions-for-ceasefire-in-ukraine-hungarians-poles-and-romanians-might-not-end-up-with-anything 6park.com

"Russia is preparing to accept Ukraine's capitulation. The West has been informed to prepare as well. For the first time, the Russian leadership has officially formulated a position regarding the unconditional capitulation of Ukraine." After drawing a connection between the potential peace in Ukraine and the recent visit of President Lukashenko to Moscow, the newspaper wonders, "How will Ukraine's capitulation look?" and continues: 6park.com

- disarmament and surrender of the defeated enemy's army; 6park.com

- power will be taken over by the victorious military administration; 6park.com

- the future political structure of the defeated country will be determined by the victor; 6park.com

- the victor will organize a tribunal (to judge) the regime, leaders, and other officials; 6park.com

- the victor will establish the level of reparations owed. - the repeal of Vladimir Zelensky's decree prohibiting any negotiations with the Russian Federation; 6park.com

- acceptance of realities on the ground and those provided in the Russian Federation's Constitution, specifically recognizing the regions of Sevastopol, Crimea, DPR, LPR, Kherson, and Zaporizhia from former Ukraine as Russian territories; 6park.com

- denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, meaning the abolition of Bandera's ideology and the return of the Russian language to the status of a state language, reducing the Ukrainian Armed Forces and its armaments to certain limits to be discussed, written guarantees from the West regarding Ukraine's non-entry into NATO, as well as a revision of Ukraine's Constitution and other laws.
贴主:甲骨于2024_04_19 11:07:39编辑
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