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送交者: 诚聘板主[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-03-27 8:47 已读 226 次  


回答: 你写英文吧,我们看得懂。说了汉语,写了汉字,你不晚上抽自己嘴巴子? 由 张旺教授 于 2024-03-27 8:13

Many Chinese think they are discriminated against in foreign countries. Why? 6park.com


The Chinese are a fictional nation created by Liang Qichao 123 years ago, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being discriminated against. 6park.com

If countries around the world discriminate against CHINESE, in fact they are discriminating against Chinese people, because in English translation CHINESE = Chinese people. But many Fujianese, Cantonese, Teochew, and Hainanese who immigrated to Malaysia also regard themselves as CHINESE = Chinese. In the end, you were tied up and took the blame for the Chinese. 6park.com

So please, if you are from Fujian, say you are from Fujian, if you are from Hong Kong, say you are from Hong Kong, if you are from Cantonese, say you are from Cantonese, and if you are from Chaozhou, say you are from Chaozhou. People, if they are Taiwanese, just say they are Taiwanese. Don't say you are Chinese = CHINESE = Chinese. This is a bound noun. 6park.com


Is it that difficult to cut? 6park.com

>>> The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the dispute between Wang Xiaofei and Barbie Hsu: I hope the parties involved will have a good time together 6park.com


Barbie Hsu is not a sacred and inseparable part of you. Be more generous. The earth will still move without anyone in this world. Don't waste your time and life getting entangled in things that are not destined. 6park.com


The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the dispute between Wang Xiaofei and Barbie Hsu: I hope the parties involved can get together and break up well. 6park.com


Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei have recently been involved in another dispute. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China commented that "cross-strait people are one family, and those who intermarry are the same family." However, for "a very small number of failed marriages", it hopes that the parties involved "get together well." Scattered, one separate and two wide." 6park.com

According to the Global Times client report, a Taiwan CTV reporter said at a regular press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday (March 27) morning that Wang Xiaofei’s words and deeds at Barbie Hsu’s residence in Taipei a few days ago attracted the attention of netizens, and some mainland netizens criticized He said that this might maliciously intensify cross-strait conflicts and hoped that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council would take action to take care of it. 6park.com

In response to this, Chen Binhua said that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are like one family, and those on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are related to each other through intermarriage. He added, "I wish all cross-Strait marriages, and hope that the destined people can grow old together. For the very few failed marriages, I also hope that the parties involved can get together and part ways, part ways, and be well." 6park.com

Related topics were also trending on Weibo on the same day. Some netizens commented that they were puzzled by "what does the marriage of these two people have to do with the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council", while others ridiculed "the marriage failed to be certified by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council." 6park.com

Wang Xiaofei and Barbie Hsu have been frequently searched on the Chinese Internet due to their ongoing divorce disputes. After Big S broke the news on the 20th that Wang Xiaofei had an affair, domestic violence, and non-payment of money during marriage, Wang Xiaofei was drunk on the night of the 22nd and went straight to Barbie Hsu's Taipei home to cause trouble, and was eventually evicted by the police. However, four hours after the eviction, Wang Xiaofei went to the police station and shouted to report Barbie Hsu's long-term drug abuse, hallucinations, and illegal detention. 6park.com


This video tells you how much chance you have of being held back by Chinese idiots if you are proud to be CHINESE. 6park.com

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