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送交者: add321[☆★★add321com★★☆] 于 2024-01-29 14:58 已读 8726 次 8 赞  


美方的资料显示长津湖战役美军陆战一师总有效兵力损失达一万多 6park.com

美方有长津湖战役资料和数据吗?当然有! 而且,通过人力是可以算出比AI可信的结论;想当然把AI当正确去纠正所谓错误的事,也只有是相当错误的事了。 6park.com

1) 美方的资料来源: 6park.com

[*](Reference): Appleman, Roy (1990), Escaping the Trap: The US Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950, 14, College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Military History Series, ISBN 978-0-89096-395-1  6park.com

2) 其中提到: 6park.com

在长津湖战役前所属美军陆战一师总有效兵力about 30,000人。 6park.com

As for the UN forces, the 1st Marine Division had an effective strength of 25,473 men at the start of the battle,[*] and it was further reinforced by the British Royal Marines unit 41 (Independent) Commando and the equivalent of two regiments from the 3rd and 7th Army Infantry Divisions.[*] The UN forces had a combined strength of about 30,000 men during the course of the battle.[*] 6park.com

3) 长津湖战役美军陆战一师总有效兵力损失 所属美军陆战一师总有效兵力about 30,000人中,步行撤致古土里的美军陆战一师有效兵力为14,229人;美陆战一师在下碣隅里空运撤退(伤员为主)人员数:3,150。但也有美陆战一师在下碣隅里接受康复--空运回来的重新投入的有效兵力--537人。 所以,步行撤致古土里的美军陆战一师有效兵力为14,229人+空运撤退(伤员为主)人员数4,000人(其中3,150为美军陆战一师人员)=18,229人。 6park.com

长津湖战役前所属美军陆战一师总有效兵力about 30,000人-撤出的有效兵力18,229人=11,771人。 6park.com

注: 1) 这里把美军用飞机撤出的“重伤”人员仍然当作美军的有效兵力;也即“重伤”人员没算成美军陆战一师的战损。 2) 这里也没有把美陆战一师在下碣隅里接受康复--空运回来的重新投入的有效兵力537人--算入美军陆战一师总有效兵力。 6park.com

所以,从美方自己给出的资料,显示长津湖战役美军陆战一师总有效兵力损失达一万多。 6park.com

另外,根据同样的资料来源(如下图显示),1950年10月8日(长津湖战役前),美军陆战一师有效兵力23,533(不包括任何其它搭配部队);1950年12月5日(长津湖战役后),美军陆战一师有效兵力19,362(不包括任何其它搭配部队);二者相差4,171 人,这个数据算成美军陆战一师直接有效兵力损失应该也是一点问题都没有。 6park.com


当然,这些资料和过程,靠AI挖掘和计算,AI的智商还差得很远,根本没法解答;所以,把AI当天然正确,那相当于人脑子进水了。 6park.com

注:关于美方的这个资料,美方认为是可靠的资料: The book "Escaping the Trap: The US Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950" by Roy E. Appleman is a part of the Texas A&M University Military History Series and was published in 19901. It is a well-researched and comprehensive  account of the US Army X Corps' campaign in Northeast Korea during the Korean War 12. The author has relied on military records, published literature, interviews, and correspondence with survivors to present an hour-by-hour account of the retreat of four US Army divisions and the Marines before a Chinese advance 3. The book has been reviewed by the Journal of American History and has been cited in other publications 13. Based on the information available, it appears that the book is a reliable source of information on the subject matter. 6park.com

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