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送交者: oldogzhao[♂★★★声望勋衔13★★★♂] 于 2019-08-26 17:58 已读 910 次 1 赞  



March 2018. Windmill De Adriaan in Haarlem.

April 2017. Spring is the busiest time in the Netherlands. Thousands of tourists (including landscape photographers) visit the tulip fields.

May 2017. Beautiful sunset in Zaanse Schans.

October 2018. Amsterdam canals are beautiful during the night and are a must-see and must-photograph point of every weekend trip.

August 2018. Cloudy evening by Spaarne river in Haarlem.

February 2018. Basilica of Saint Nicholas in Amsterdam. One of the first views tourists get upon the arrival to Amsterdam by a train.

October 2017. Rainbow houses in Houten, near Utrecht.

May 2017. Zaanse Schans is one of the most popular photography spots in the Netherlands. To take a unique photo one needs to be lucky and get amazing weather conditions.

July 2018. 90 minutes of the movement of the stars. It is hard to take nightscapes in one of the most densely populated countries in the world. To take this photo I spent a night at the beach on Texel Island.

July 2019. While walking in Amsterdam I met one of my favorite landscape photographers - Albert Dros. I recommend visiting his website, some of the photos are mindblowing.

August 2018. Fifteen minutes break between one rain and another, and absolutely gorgeous sunset on Bloemendaal beach.

September 2018. Amsterdam canals a few minutes after sunset.

September 2017. Lighthouse in Marken, an important navigational point for sailors on Markermeer.

October 2016. One of the first photos I have taken in Amsterdam. It was taken only a few meters from the place where I lived for the first month.

August 2017. Hills covered in blooming heather.

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