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美国政府内外有90名律师签名, 说以色列在加沙的行为违反了美国及国际法
送交者: 卢火[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-04-29 19:54 已读 878 次 1 赞  


Attorneys inside and outside the administration urge Biden to cut off arms to Israel
So far more than 90 lawyers have signed on to a legal letter alleging Israel’s conduct in Gaza violates U.S. and international law. 6park.com

 JOSEPH GEDEON 6park.com

04/29/2024 03:30 PM EDT 6park.com

A coalition of lawyers domestic and abroad — including at least 20 that work in the Biden administration — are calling on President Joe Biden to halt military aid to Israel, arguing that its actions in Gaza do not comply with U.S. and international humanitarian law. 6park.com

They plan to send a letter arguing their case to Attorney General Merrick Garland and general counsels across the administration in the coming days. In the letter, obtained by POLITICO, the lawyers contend that Israel likely violated U.S. statutes including the Arms Export Control Act and Leahy Laws as well as the Geneva Conventions prohibiting disproportionate attacks on civilian populations.
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